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python-3.x - 使用 mayavi 绘制 3D 网络时删除节点

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 15:25:17 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我有一个使用 Networkx 创建并使用 Mayavi 绘制的图形网络。

创建图后,我使用 G.remove_nodes_from() 删除度 < 2 的节点。删除节点后,连接到这些节点的边也会被删除,但节点仍会出现在最终输出中(下图)。

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mayavi import mlab
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

pos = [[0.1, 2, 0.3], [40, 0.5, -10],
[0.1, -40, 0.3], [-49, 0.1, 2],
[10.3, 0.3, 0.4], [-109, 0.3, 0.4]]
pos = pd.DataFrame(pos, columns=['x', 'y', 'z'])

ed_ls = [(x, y) for x, y in zip(range(0, 5), range(1, 6))]

G = nx.Graph()
remove = [node for node, degree in dict( if degree < 2]
pos.drop(pos.index[remove], inplace=True)



mlab.figure(1, bgcolor=bgcolor)

for i, e in enumerate(G.edges()):

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# the x,y, and z co-ordinates are here
pts = mlab.points3d(pos['x'], pos['y'], pos['z'],
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
pts.mlab_source.dataset.lines = np.array(G.edges())
tube =, tube_radius=edge_size)

mlab.pipeline.surface(tube, color=edge_color) # interactive window

enter image description here


其次,我想知道如何交互地删除节点和连接到这些节点的边。例如,如果我想删除连接到度数 < 2 的节点的节点和边,首先我想显示一个交互式图形,其中突出显示所有度数 < 2 的节点。用户可以通过交互方式选择需要删除的节点。通过单击突出显示的节点,可以删除节点和连接边。

编辑:我试图通过在完整代码中更新 pos.drop(pos.index[remove], inplace=True) 从数据帧 pos 中删除已删除节点的位置贴在上面。


enter image description here


这里有一个在Mayavi中交互式移除网络节点和边的解决方案(我认为 matplotlib 可能已经足够并且更容易了,但无论如何......)。

该解决方案的灵感来自 this Mayavi example .然而,这个例子不能直接转移,因为一个字形(用于可视化节点)由许多点组成,并且在绘制时每个字形/节点本身,point_id 不能用于识别字形/节点。此外,它不包括选项隐藏/删除对象。为了避免这些问题,我使用了四个想法:

  1. 每个节点/边都绘制为一个单独的对象,因此更容易调整它的(可见性)属性。

  2. 不是删除节点/边,而是在单击时隐藏它们。此外,单击两次会使节点再次可见(这不适用于以下代码的边缘,但如果需要,您可以实现它,只需要跟踪可见节点)。可见节点可以在最后收集(见下面的代码)。

  3. 如示例中所示,鼠标位置是使用选取器回调捕获的。但不是使用最近点的 point_id,而是直接使用它的坐标。

  4. 要删除/隐藏的节点是通过计算鼠标位置与所有节点之间的最小欧氏距离找到的。

PS:在您的原始代码中,for 循环非常多余,因为它多次绘制所有节点和边缘。


enter image description here

# import modules
from mayavi import mlab
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx

# set number of nodes
number = 6

# create random node positions
pos = 100*np.random.rand(6, 3)
pos = pd.DataFrame(pos, columns=['x', 'y', 'z'])

# create chain graph links
links = [(x, y) for x, y in zip(range(0, number-1), range(1, number))]

# create graph (not strictly needed, link list above would be enough)
graph = nx.Graph()

# setup mayavi figure
figure = mlab.gcf()

# add nodes as individual glyphs
# store glyphs in dictionary to allow interactive adjustments of visibility
color = (0.5, 0.0, 0.5)
nodes = dict()
texts = dict()
for ni, n in enumerate(graph.nodes()):
xyz = pos.loc[n]
n = mlab.points3d(xyz['x'], xyz['y'], xyz['z'], scale_factor=5, color=color)
label = 'node %s' % ni
t = mlab.text3d(xyz['x'], xyz['y'], xyz['z']+5, label, scale=(5, 5, 5))
# each glyph consists of many points
# arr = n.glyph.glyph_source.glyph_source.output.points.to_array()
nodes[ni] = n
texts[ni] = t

# add edges as individual tubes
edges = dict()
for ei, e in enumerate(graph.edges()):
xyz = pos.loc[np.array(e)]
edges[ei] = mlab.plot3d(xyz['x'], xyz['y'], xyz['z'], tube_radius=1, color=color)

# define picker callback for figure interaction
def picker_callback(picker):
# get coordinates of mouse click position
cen = picker.pick_position
# compute Euclidean distance btween mouse position and all nodes
dist = np.linalg.norm(pos-cen, axis=1)
# get closest node
ni = np.argmin(dist)
# hide/show node and text
n = nodes[ni]
n.visible = not n.visible
t = texts[ni]
t.visible = not t.visible
# hide/show edges
# must be adjusted if double-clicking should hide/show both nodes and edges in a reasonable way
for ei, edge in enumerate(graph.edges()):
if ni in edge:
e = edges[ei]
e.visible = not e.visible

# add picker callback
picker = figure.on_mouse_pick(picker_callback)
picker.tolerance = 0.01

# show interactive window

# collect visibility/deletion status of nodes, e.g.
# [(0, True), (1, False), (2, True), (3, True), (4, True), (5, True)]
[(key, node.visible) for key, node in nodes.items()]

关于python-3.x - 使用 mayavi 绘制 3D 网络时删除节点,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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