gpt4 book ai didi

haskell - 用于构建测试数据的monad

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 14:42:55 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


runBuildM :: [i] -> BuildM i o x -> [o]
-- Given a list of i, build a list of o.

source :: BuildM i o i
-- Fetch unique i.

yield :: o -> BuildM i o ()
-- Return a new o to the caller.

gather :: BuildM i o x -> BuildM i o o
-- Fetch every possible o from sub-computation.

local :: BuildM i o x -> BuildM i o x
-- Isolate any source invocations from the rest of the code.

build_tests depth = do
local $ do
v <- source
yield v
yield (map toLower v)
yield "[]"
yield "()"
when (depth > 2) $ do
t1 <- gather $ build_tests (depth-1)
yield $ "(" ++ t1 ++ ")"
yield $ "[" ++ t1 ++ "]"
t2 <- gather $ build_tests (depth-1)
yield $ "(" ++ t1 ++ "," ++ t2 ++ ")"


问题似乎归结为 local函数的行为不正确。目的是使子计算中的任何 source调用在其外部均无效。 (即,从 source块外部对 local的后续调用再次获得了第一个 token 。)但是,我对 local的实现实际上所做的是为所有内容(即,包括子计算的内容)重置了下一个 token 。这显然是不正确的,但我一生都无法专心于如何使其正常工作。


["A", "a", "[]", "()", "(A)", "(a)", "[A]", "[a]", "(A, B)", "(A, b)", "(a, B)", "(a, b)"]

结果按此顺序出现并不是 super 关键。我希望单个案例出现在复合案例之前,但是我不太在意这些案例出现的顺序。规则是,同一变量在任何单个表达式中都不会出现两次。

"((A))", "([A])", "[(A)]", "((A, B), C)", "(A, (B, C))"


newtype BuildM i o x = BuildM ([i] -> SEQ.Seq ([i], SEQ.Seq o, x))

instance Functor (BuildM i o) where
fmap uf (BuildM sf) =
BuildM $ \ is0 -> do
(is1, os, x) <- sf is0
return (is1, os, uf x)

instance Applicative (BuildM i o) where
pure x = BuildM $ \ is0 -> return (is0, SEQ.empty, x)

BuildM sf1 <*> BuildM sf2 =
BuildM $ \ is1 -> do
(is2, os2, f) <- sf1 is1
(is3, os3, x) <- sf2 is2
return (is3, os2 >< os3, f x)

instance Monad (BuildM i o) where
return = pure

BuildM sf1 >>= uf =
BuildM $ \ is1 -> do
(is2, os2, x) <- sf1 is1
let BuildM sf2 = uf x
(is3, os3, y) <- sf2 is2
return (is3, os2 >< os3, y)

runBuildM :: [i] -> BuildM i o x -> [o]
runBuildM is0 (BuildM sf) =
toList $ do
(is, os, x) <- sf is0

source :: BuildM i o i
source =
BuildM $ \ is ->
if null is
then error "AHC.Tests.TestBuilder.source: end of input"
else return (tail is, SEQ.empty, head is)

yield :: o -> BuildM i o ()
yield o = BuildM $ \ is -> return (is, SEQ.singleton o, () )

gather :: BuildM i o x -> BuildM i o' o
gather (BuildM sf1) =
BuildM $ \ is1 -> do
(is2, os2, _) <- sf1 is1
o <- os2
return (is2, SEQ.empty, o)

local :: BuildM i o x -> BuildM i o ()
local (BuildM sf1) =
BuildM $ \ is1 ->
let os = do (is2, os2, x) <- sf1 is1; os2
in return (is1, os, () )


您正在尝试重塑pipes和一些nice syntax for building lists。这个问题比您的特征要简单得多。字符串的来源可以与构建结构完全分开。


import Data.Char

import Data.Functor.Identity

import Pipes.Core
import Pipes ((>->))
import qualified Pipes as P
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P

build_structures :: Int -> [Pipe String String Identity ()]
build_structures depth = gather $ do
yield $ P.take 1
yield $ (map toLower) >-> P.take 1
when (depth > 2) $ do
t1 <- lift $ build_structures (depth - 1)
yield $ P.yield "(" >> t1 >> P.yield ")"
yield $ P.yield "[" >> t1 >> P.yield "]"
t2 <- lift $ build_structures (depth - 1)
yield $ P.yield "(" >> t1 >> P.yield "," >> t2 >> P.yield ")"

这段代码使用了接续答案中的 ContT yield trick

run :: Pipe String String Identity () -> String
run p = concat . P.toList $ P.each symbols >-> p

-- an infinite source of unique symbols
symbols :: [String]
symbols = drop 1 symbols'
symbols' = [""] ++ do
tail <- symbols'
first <- ['A'..'Z']
return (first : tail)

这些示例将生成所需的字符串。作为练习,我将剩下的两个特殊情况 "[]""()"都以递归形式出现。
import Data.Functor

main = do
putStrLn "Depth 2"
print $ run <$> build_structures 2
putStrLn "Depth 3"
print $ run <$> build_structures 3
putStrLn "Depth 4"
print $ run <$> build_structures 4

Depth 2
Depth 3
Depth 4

关于haskell - 用于构建测试数据的monad,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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