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mercurial - 您使用 Mercurial 协调 Pivotal Tracker 的工作流程是什么?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 14:20:16 25 4
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我想用Pivotal Tracker对于一个新项目,但我不知道如何将它与 Mercurial 一起使用,以便轻松地从一种工具转到另一种工具。

您使用什么工作流程将 Pivotal Tracker 中的用户故事/功能与您的 DVCS (Mercurial/Git) 联系起来?



如果有人仍在寻找答案,那么存在一项服务,它允许 mercurial 用户在其提交消息中使用类似 [#story_id finished] 的语法连接到关键跟踪器。 Bitbucket 也允许这种集成。


Note from Pivotal Tracker on the format:

The minimum commit message string that will allow Tracker to associate a source_commits POST with a story and create a comment is a single story ID enclosed in square brackets: '[#12345678]'. A more typical message, indicating that one commit completes two stories (which need not be in the same Tracker project), might look like this: 'finally [finished #12345678 #12345779], fixes client/server integration glitch'

If an included story was not already started (it was in the "not started" state), an update to that story from /source_commits that doesn't contain any other state-change information will automatically start the story.

To automatically finish a story by using a commit message, include "fixed", "completed", or "finished" in the square brackets in addition to the story ID. You may use different cases or forms of these verbs, such as "Fix" or "FIXES", and they may appear before or after the story ID. Note: For features, use of one of these keywords will put the story in the finished state. For chores, it will put the story in the accepted state.

In some environments, code that is committed is automatically deployed. For this situation, use the keyword "delivers" and feature stories will be put in the delivered state.

关于mercurial - 您使用 Mercurial 协调 Pivotal Tracker 的工作流程是什么?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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