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NPM sonarqube-scanner 失败,显示 401 Unauthorized

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 13:54:19 24 4
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我们使用 npm 包 sonarqube-scanner 版本 2.1.1 来分析我们的 angular/typescript 项目。但是从昨天开始,在从网站下载 Sonar 扫描仪时, Sonar 分析失败并显示 401。

我检查了 url 和确实需要身份验证。有谁知道原因或有解决方法吗?

09-Oct-2018 13:24:08    [11:24:08] Starting SonarQube analysis...
09-Oct-2018 13:24:08 [11:24:08] Checking if executable exists: /root/.sonar/native-sonar-scanner/sonar-scanner-
09-Oct-2018 13:24:08 [11:24:08] Could not find executable in "/root/.sonar/native-sonar-scanner".
09-Oct-2018 13:24:08 [11:24:08] Proceed with download of the platform binaries for SonarQube Scanner...
09-Oct-2018 13:24:08 [11:24:08] Creating /root/.sonar/native-sonar-scanner
09-Oct-2018 13:24:08 [11:24:08] Downloading from
09-Oct-2018 13:24:08 [11:24:08] (executable will be saved in cache folder: /root/.sonar/native-sonar-scanner)
09-Oct-2018 13:24:09 [11:24:09] ERROR: impossible to download and extract binary: Response code 401 (Unauthorized)
09-Oct-2018 13:24:09 [11:24:09] SonarQube Scanner binaries probably don't exist for your OS (linux).
09-Oct-2018 13:24:09 [11:24:09] In such situation, the best solution is to install the standard SonarQube Scanner (requires a JVM).
09-Oct-2018 13:24:09 [11:24:09] Check it out at
09-Oct-2018 13:24:09


看起来他们更改了二进制下载的 url。如果你使用 npm 包你需要安装 2.1.2

关于NPM sonarqube-scanner 失败,显示 401 Unauthorized,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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