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lua - 从纯Lua创建新的空用户数据

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 13:50:22 24 4
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我想我在Lua的某个地方看到了可以返回新用户数据的 native 函数。是否存在?是否可以从普通的Lua脚本创建自定义用户数据?



newproxy is an unsupported and undocumented function in the Lua base library. From Lua code, the setmetatable function may only be used on objects of table type. The newproxy function circumvents that limitation by creating a zero-size userdata and setting either a new, empty metatable on it or using the metatable of another newproxy instance. We are then free to modify the metatable from Lua. This is the only way to create a proxy object from Lua which honors certain metamethods, such as __len.

对于 __gc元方法,它也很有用,因为当 newproxy实例变为免费时,它会获得回调。

该功能在Lua 5.1中存在,但在5.2中已删除。在Lua 5.2中,可以在大小为零的表上设置 __gc元方法,因此 newproxy的主要动力就消失了。

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