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namespaces - Squeak 是否支持命名空间?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 13:30:09 33 4
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因此,我正在考虑将 Smalltalk/Squeak 用于几个业余爱好/学术兴趣项目,并且在尝试阅读该语言时我遇到了这个 nice article .然而,这一段让我有点傻眼:

"Unfortunately, there is a complete lack of standardization for providing or dealing with modules/packages in Smalltalk. Some dialects provide very strong, comprehensive support for modules/packages (including versioning and distributed access by programming teams,) and other dialects provide little or nothing in this regard. Some dialects provide a robust implementation of multiple, shareable namespaces, others don't. The only commonality is that, when either modules/packages or namespaces are provided, they are implemented as reified objects, in the same way that classes and methods are implemented as reified objects."

所以,我尝试在谷歌上搜索它,这显示在 Squeak wiki 上: .有谁知道这(或类似的东西)现在是否是标准发行版的一部分?


正如 Mue 所说,这在 Squeak 社区中并不是一个大问题。前缀是“足够好”。前阵子我努力做得更好,仍然保持Smalltalk的独特感觉:

...但即使很多人认为它很好,它也没有流行起来。代码或多或少是有效的,但还有其他几种方法 - 不幸的是,它们中的大多数只是从较小的语言中复制一些愚蠢的方法,从而破坏了 Smalltalk 的感觉。

关于namespaces - Squeak 是否支持命名空间?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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