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r - 车辆从 A 到 B,然后沿着路线从 B 到 A 的动画(在 B 有一些等待时间)

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 13:07:03 25 4
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下面是动画车辆从 A 移动到 B 的示例。[由@mrhellmann 解决 here , 也有解决方案]

我想制作从 A 到 B 的车辆动画,然后在 B 等待一段时间,然后返回 A。下面是包含这两个行程(A-B 和 B-A)的动画的代码。

  1. 我们如何合并 osroute_sampled_1osroute_sampled_2 以创建单个动画?

  2. 此外,我们如何增加等待时间(让车辆在 B 处静止几秒钟?

注意 - 车辆可能不会返回 A,它可能会去 C。因此通过 B 创建使用相同起点和目的地 (A) 的单一路线可能行不通

# load packages

# 1. One World Trade Center, NYC
# 2. Madison Square Park, NYC
adresses <- c("285 Fulton St, New York, NY 10007",
"11 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10010")

# geocode the two addresses & transform to {sf} data structure
data <- tidygeocoder::geo(adresses, method = "osm") %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("long", "lat"), crs = 4326)

# route from One World Trade Center to Madison Square
osroute_1 <- osrm::osrmRoute(loc = data,
returnclass = "sf")
# route from Madison Square to One World Trade Center
osroute_2 <- osrm::osrmRoute(loc = data %>% arrange(-row_number()),
returnclass = "sf")


# sample osroute 50 times regularly, cast to POINT, return sf (not sfc) object
osroute_sampled_1 <- st_sample(osroute_1, type = 'regular', size = 50) %>%
st_cast('POINT') %>%

# sample osroute 50 times regularly, cast to POINT, return sf (not sfc) object
osroute_sampled_2 <- st_sample(osroute_2, type = 'regular', size = 50) %>%
st_cast('POINT') %>%

# use lapply to crate animation maps. taken from reference page:
m1 <- lapply(seq_along(1:nrow(osroute_sampled_1)), function(point){
x <- osroute_sampled_1[point,] ## bracketted subsetting to get only 1 point
tm_shape(osroute_1) + ## full route
tm_sf() +
tm_shape(data) + ## markers for start/end points
tm_markers() +
tm_shape(x) + ## single point
tm_sf(col = 'red', size = 3)

# Render the animation
tmap_animation(m1, width = 300, height = 600, delay = 10)

# use lapply to crate animation maps. taken from reference page:
m2 <- lapply(seq_along(1:nrow(osroute_sampled_2)), function(point){
x <- osroute_sampled_2[point,] ## bracketted subsetting to get only 1 point
tm_shape(osroute_2) + ## full route
tm_sf() +
tm_shape(data) + ## markers for start/end points
tm_markers() +
tm_shape(x) + ## single point
tm_sf(col = 'red', size = 3)

# Render the animation
tmap_animation(m2, width = 300, height = 600, delay = 10)



  1. 创建一个 sf 对象,其中包含与您的行程一样多的行和恒定坐标(最好是 cornder 中的那个,可以通过 st_bbox 找到)。
  2. 将信息文本作为列添加到此 sf
  3. 在你的循环中添加另一个层与这个计时 sf 并使用 tm_text 来显示时间戳:
timings <- st_sf(geometry  = st_sfc(, 
timestamp = seq(Sys.time(), by = "min", ## add whatever you want
length.out = nrow(osroute_sampled_total)),
crs = st_crs(osroute_sampled_total))
m1 <- lapply(seq_along(1:nrow(osroute_sampled_total)), function(point){
x <- osroute_sampled_total[point,] ## bracketted subsetting to get only 1 point
tm_shape(osroute_total) + ## full route
tm_sf() +
tm_shape(data) + ## markers for start/end points
tm_markers() +
tm_shape(x) + ## single point
tm_sf(col = 'red', size = 3) +
tm_shape(timings[point, ]) +
tm_text("timestamp", just = "right")

Animated Route with Timestamp

关于r - 车辆从 A 到 B,然后沿着路线从 B 到 A 的动画(在 B 有一些等待时间),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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