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doxygen - 如何解决 doxygen 错误 : problems running PlantUML?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 12:50:34 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我已经成功使用 doxygen 一段时间了。我也使用 graphviz 中的 DOT。现在我正在尝试集成 PlantUML。我安装了java并下载了plantuml.jar。我在我的 doxygen 注释块之一中添加了一个简单的示例

\brief get the server's response to our upload
\returns a \ref ServerResponse
\startuml{getServerUploadResponse.png} "getting the server response"
device -> server: test1
server --> device: test2

HAVE_DOT               = YES
PLANTUML_JAR_PATH = "Z:\Kane\softwareDev\tools\plantuml.jar"

但是 doxygen 给了我一个错误;这是我的控制台输出(我在 win7 上使用 mingw)
$ doxygen doxyconfig
error: Problems running PlantUML. Verify that the command 'java -jar "Z:/Kane/softwareDev/tools\plantuml.jar" -h' works from the command line. Exit code: 1

$ java -jar "Z:/Kane/softwareDev/tools\plantuml.jar" -h
Usage: java -jar plantuml.jar [options] -gui
(to execute the GUI)
or java -jar plantuml.jar [options] [file/dir] [file/dir] [file/dir]
(to process files or directories)

You can use the following wildcards in files/dirs:
* means any characters but '\'
? one and only one character but '\'
** means any characters (used to recurse through directories)

where options include:
-gui To run the graphical user interface
-tpng To generate images using PNG format (default)
-tsvg To generate images using SVG format
-teps To generate images using EPS format
-tpdf To generate images using PDF format
-tvdx To generate images using VDX format
-txmi To generate XMI file for class diagram
-thtml To generate HTML files for class diagram
-ttxt To generate images with ASCII art
-tutxt To generate images with ASCII art using Unicode characters
-o[utput] "dir" To generate images in the specified directory
-DVAR1=value To set a preprocessing variable as if '!define VAR1 value' were used
-Sparam1=value To set a skin parameter as if 'skinparam param1 value' were used
-r[ecurse] recurse through directories
-config "file" To read the provided config file before each diagram
-charset xxx To use a specific charset (default is windows-1252)
-e[x]clude pattern To exclude files that match the provided pattern
-metadata To retrieve PlantUML sources from PNG images
-version To display information about PlantUML and Java versions
-checkversion To check if a newer version is available for download
-v[erbose] To have log information
-quiet To NOT print error message into the console
-keepfiles To NOT delete temporary files after process
-h[elp] To display this help message
-testdot To test the installation of graphviz
-graphvizdot "exe" To specify dot executable
-p[ipe] To use stdin for PlantUML source and stdout for PNG/SVG/EPS generation
-encodesprite 4|8|16[z] "file" To encode a sprite at gray level (z for compression) from an image
-computeurl|-encodeurl To compute the encoded URL of a PlantUML source file
-decodeurl To retrieve the PlantUML source from an encoded URL
-syntax To report any syntax error from standard input without generating images
-language To print the list of PlantUML keywords
-nosuggestengine To disable the suggest engine when errors in diagrams
-checkonly To check the syntax of files without generating images
-failfast To stop processing as soon as a syntax error in diagram occurs
-failfast2 To do a first syntax check before processing files, to fail even faster
-pattern To print the list of Regular Expression used by PlantUML
-duration To print the duration of complete diagrams processing
-nbthread N To use (N) threads for processing
-nbthread auto To use 2 threads for processing
-author[s] To print information about PlantUML authors
-overwrite To allow to overwrite read only files
-printfonts To print fonts available on your system

If needed, you can setup the environment variable GRAPHVIZ_DOT.

$ echo $?

$ java -jar "Z:/Kane/softwareDev/tools\plantuml.jar" -version
PlantUML version 8026 (Sun Jun 07 04:19:09 CDT 2015)
(GPL source distribution)
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
Windows 7

The environment variable GRAPHVIZ_DOT has not been set
Dot executable is c:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin\dot.exe
Dot version: dot - graphviz version 2.38.0 (20140413.2041)
Installation seems OK. File generation OK

$ doxygen --version

$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_45"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_45-b15)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.45-b02, mixed mode)

$ doxygen doxyconfig
error: Problems running PlantUML. Verify that the command 'java -jar "Z:/Kane/softwareDev/tools\plantuml.jar" -h' works from the command line. Exit code: 1



您可能在 PATH 中包含一个名为 Java 的文件夹的条目。这个从命令提示符运行的命令会让你知道在哪里:FOR /F %F IN ("java") DO ECHO %~$PATH:F .如果是这种情况,请在 PATH 中的该条目之前插入 Java 路径。我发现这个是因为我在一台机器上遇到了这个问题,而不是另一台。

除了符号链接(symbolic link)问题( doxywizard can't run PlantUML )之外,这似乎是 ShellExecuteEx() 的另一个错误。除了添加 .exe 扩展名使其与 java 文件夹不匹配之外,我无法弄清楚如何修复它。而且我还发现当前工作目录中的 Java 文件夹也会出现同样的问题。在这种情况下,ShellExecuteEx() 似乎在查看 PATH 之前使用了 Java 文件夹。所以修改 PATH 没有帮助。

如果 Windows 上没有扩展名,则将“.exe”附加到 SHELLEXECUTEINFO 的成员 lpFile 或从不依赖于正确设置的 PATH 可能是另一个很好的理由。

关于doxygen - 如何解决 doxygen 错误 : problems running PlantUML?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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