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使用 Extjs 4.2
包含联系人、项目、人员等的主菜单,应用程序首先加载以显示静态非数据驱动,然后单击联系人,显示带有联系人列表的网格。然后用户单击联系人行并显示弹出编辑 View 。
在contacteditview 中,联系人被加载到表单中,此外该表单还有一个组合框来加载ContactTypes 存储。 ContactType 应设置为该联系人记录的 contacttype 值。
考虑到这是一个大型应用程序,我只想在需要时加载数据,即显示 View ,这样做的常用方法是什么。
手动获取商店.这工作正常,但是使用 Controller 的商店和模型数组属性的目的是什么。我在调试器中看到,如果我不使用存储/模型属性,则会对这些 js 文件发出 get 请求。App Code
enabled: true,
paths: {
'Ext.ux': "lib/extux",
'Wakanda': "lib/extux/wakanda"
name: 'SimplyFundraising',
autoCreateViewport: true,
requires: ['Ext.ux.Router', // Require the UX
controllers: ['Contacts'],
Contacts Controller
Ext.define('SimplyFundraising.controller.Contacts', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
views: ['contacts.List', 'contacts.Edit'],
init: function() {
'contactslist': {
itemdblclick: this.editContact,
removeitem: this.removeContact
'contactslist > toolbar > button[action=create]': {
click: this.onCreateContact
// 'contactsadd button[action=save]': {
// click: this.doCreateContact
// },
'contactsedit button[action=save]': {
click: this.updateContact
list: function() {
var mystore = this.getStore('Contacts')
// mystore.proxy.extraParams = { $expand: 'ContactType'};
// var User = this.getContactModel();
// User.load(258, {
// success: function (user) {
// console.log("Loaded user 258: " + user.get('lastName'));
// }
// });
editContact: function(grid, record) {
var view = Ext.widget('contactsedit');
this.addnew = false
removeContact: function(Contact) {
Ext.Msg.confirm('Remove Contact ' + Contact.data.lastName, 'Are you sure?', function(button) {
if (button == 'yes') {
}, this);
onCreateContact: function() {
var view = Ext.widget('contactsedit');
this.addnew = true
// doCreateContact: function (button) {
// var win = button.up('window'),
// form = win.down('form'),
// values = form.getValues(),
// store = this.getContactsStore();
// if (form.getForm().isValid()) {
// store.add(values);
// win.close();
// }
// },
updateContact: function(button) {
var win = button.up('window'),
form = win.down('form'),
record = form.getRecord(),
values = form.getValues(),
store = this.getContactsStore();
if (form.getForm().isValid()) {
if (this.addnew == true) {
} else {
Contacts view list
Ext.define('SimplyFundraising.view.contacts.List', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
xtype: 'contactslist',
title: 'All Contacts',
store: 'Contacts',
autoHeight: true,
autoScroll: true,
viewConfig: {
loadMask: true
initComponent: function() {
this.tbar = [{
text: 'Create Contact',
action: 'create'
this.columns = [{
header: 'Id',
dataIndex: '__KEY',
width: 50
}, {
header: 'First Name',
dataIndex: 'firstName',
flex: 1
}, {
header: 'Middle Name',
dataIndex: 'middleName',
flex: 1
}, {
header: 'Last Name',
dataIndex: 'lastName',
flex: 1
header: 'Type',
dataIndex: 'ContactType.name',
flex: 1
this.actions = {
removeitem: Ext.create('Ext.Action', {
text: 'Remove Contact',
handler: function() {
this.fireEvent('removeitem', this.getSelected())
scope: this
var contextMenu = Ext.create('Ext.menu.Menu', {
items: [this.actions.removeitem]
itemcontextmenu: function(view, rec, node, index, e) {
return false;
getSelected: function() {
var sm = this.getSelectionModel();
var rs = sm.getSelection();
if (rs.length) {
return rs[0];
return null;
Contacts view edit
Ext.define('SimplyFundraising.view.contacts.Edit', {
extend: 'Ext.window.Window',
xtype: 'contactsedit',
title: 'Edit Contacts',
layout: 'fit',
autoShow: true,
initComponent: function() {
this.items = [{
xtype: 'form',
bodyStyle: {
background: 'none',
padding: '10px',
border: '0'
items: [{
xtype: 'textfield',
name: 'firstName',
allowBlank: false,
fieldLabel: 'Name'
}, {
xtype: 'textfield',
name: 'lastName',
allowBlank: false,
fieldLabel: 'Last Name'
}, {
xtype: 'combobox',
fieldLabel: 'Contact Type',
name: 'contactType',
store: 'ContactTypes',
displayField: 'name',
typeAhead: true,
queryMode: 'local',
emptyText: 'Select a type...'
this.buttons = [{
text: 'Save',
action: 'save'
}, {
text: 'Cancel',
scope: this,
handler: this.close
不要错过 ExtJs。我知道,这可能会很痛苦......
我有一个列出意大利自治市的网格。我想按国家、地区和省进行过滤,所以我在停靠的容器上放置了三个组合框。在 Controller 中,我有:
,init : function (application) {
,"#municipalitiesGrid": { afterrender: this.onMunicipalitiesGridAfterRender }
,onMunicipalitiesGridAfterRender: function(grid, opts) {
var store = grid.getStore(),
comboCountriesMunicipalities = this.getComboCountriesMunicipalities(),
storeCountries = comboCountriesMunicipalities.getStore(),
comboRegionsMunicipalities = this.getComboRegionsMunicipalities(),
storeRegions = comboRegionsMunicipalities.getStore(),
comboProvincesMunicipalities = this.getComboProvincesMunicipalities(),
storeProvinces = comboProvincesMunicipalities.getStore();
storeRegions.filter("idCountry", 114); // 114 = Italia
storeProvinces.filter("idRegion",8); // 8 = Emilia Romagna
store.filter("idProvince", 37); // 37 = Bologna
scope: this,
callback: function(records, operation, success) {
scope: this,
callback: function(records, operation, success) {
scope: this,
callback: function(records, operation, success) {
scope: this,
callback: function(records, operation, success) {
comboCountriesMunicipalities.setValue(114); // 114 = Italia
comboRegionsMunicipalities.setValue(8); // 8 = Emilia Romagna
comboProvincesMunicipalities.setValue(37); // 37 = Bologna
Ext.define('GVD.store.Municipalities', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Store'
,constructor: function(cfg) {
var me = this;
cfg = cfg || {};
autoLoad: false
,autoSync: true
,model: 'GVD.model.Municipalities'
,pageSize: 20
}, cfg)]);
Ext.define('GVD.model.Municipalities', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
fields: [
{ name: 'id', type: 'int' },
{ name: 'idIstat', type: 'int' },
{ name: 'idCountry', type: 'int' },
{ name: 'idRegion', type: 'int' },
{ name: 'idProvince', type: 'int' },
{ name: 'name', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'chief_town', type: 'boolean' },
{ name: 'altitude_zone', type: 'int' },
{ name: 'altitude', type: 'int' },
{ name: 'coastal', type: 'int' },
{ name: 'mountain', type: 'int' },
{ name: 'surface', type: 'double' },
{ name: 'residents', type: 'int' },
{ name: 'icon', type: 'string' }
,proxy: {
api: {
create: 'Municipalities.create'
,destroy: 'Municipalities.destroy'
,read: 'Municipalities.read'
,update: 'Municipalities.update'
,reader: {
root: 'data'
,totalProperty: 'totalCount'
,type: 'json'
,type: 'direct'
Ext.define('GVD.view.system.geo.ListMunicipalities', {
autoScroll: true
,constrain: true
,dockedItems: [{
xtype: 'topBar'
items: [{
allowBlank: true
,fieldLabel: 'Nazione'
,flex: 1
,id: 'comboCountriesMunicipalities'
,labelAlign: 'right'
,labelWidth: 50
,listConfig: {
getInnerTpl: function() {
return '<img src="resources/images/countries/16/{icon}16.gif" align="left"> {italianName}';
,store: Ext.create('GVD.store.Countries', {pageSize: 999})
,xtype: 'comboCountries'
allowBlank: true
,fieldLabel: 'Regione'
,flex: 1
,id: 'comboRegionsMunicipalities'
,labelAlign: 'right'
,labelWidth: 50
,listConfig: {
getInnerTpl: function() {
return '<img src="resources/images/regions/16/{icon}16.gif" align="left"> {name}';
,store: Ext.create('GVD.store.Regions', {pageSize: 999})
,xtype: 'comboRegions'
allowBlank: true
,fieldLabel: 'Provincia'
,flex: 1
,id: 'comboProvincesMunicipalities'
,labelAlign: 'right'
,labelWidth: 50
,listConfig: {
getInnerTpl: function() {
return '<img src="resources/images/provinces/16/{icon}16.gif" align="left"> {name}';
,store: Ext.create('GVD.store.Provinces', {pageSize: 999})
,xtype: 'comboProvinces'
,layout: 'hbox'
,xtype: 'container'
}, {
dock: 'bottom'
,itemId: 'municipalitiesPagingToolbar'
,store: 'Municipalities'
,xtype: 'pagingToolBar'
,extend: 'Ext.window.Window'
,height: 400
,icon: 'resources/images/GVD/municipalities16.png'
,id: 'listMunicipalities'
,items: [{
columns: [{
xtype: 'rownumberer'
align: 'right'
,dataIndex: 'id'
,format: '000'
,renderer: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store, view) {
return '<img src="resources/images/municipalities/16/'+record.data.icon+'16.gif" align="left"> '+record.data.id;
,text: 'Id'
,width: 70
,xtype: 'numbercolumn'
align: 'right'
,dataIndex: 'idIstat'
,editor: { allowBlank: false, selectOnFocus: true }
,filter: { type: 'numeric' }
,format: '000000000'
,text: 'Istat'
,width: 80
,xtype: 'numbercolumn'
dataIndex: 'name'
,editor: { allowBlank: false, selectOnFocus: true }
,filter: { type: 'string' }
,flex: 1
,text: 'Denominazione'
,xtype: 'gridcolumn'
dataIndex: 'chief_town'
,editor: { allowBlank: false, selectOnFocus: true }
,filter: { type: 'numeric' }
,text: 'Capoluogo'
,width: 40
,xtype: 'numbercolumn'
dataIndex: 'altitude_zone'
,editor: { allowBlank: false, selectOnFocus: true }
,filter: { type: 'numeric' }
,format: '0'
,text: 'Zona alt.'
,width: 40
,xtype: 'numbercolumn'
align: 'right'
,dataIndex: 'altitude'
,editor: { allowBlank: false, selectOnFocus: true }
,filter: { type: 'numeric' }
,format: '0000'
,text: 'Altitudine'
,width: 40
,xtype: 'numbercolumn'
dataIndex: 'coastal'
,editor: { allowBlank: false, selectOnFocus: true }
,filter: { type: 'numeric' }
,format: '0'
,text: 'Costiero'
,width: 40
,xtype: 'numbercolumn'
dataIndex: 'mountain'
,editor: { allowBlank: false, selectOnFocus: true }
,filter: { type: 'numeric' }
,format: '0'
,text: 'Montano'
,width: 40
,xtype: 'numbercolumn'
align: 'right'
,dataIndex: 'surface'
,editor: { allowBlank: false, selectOnFocus: true }
,filter: { type: 'numeric' }
,format: '000,000.00'
,text: 'Superficie'
,xtype: 'numbercolumn'
align: 'right'
,dataIndex: 'residents'
,editor: { allowBlank: false, selectOnFocus: true }
,filter: { type: 'numeric' }
,format: '0,000,000'
,text: 'residenti'
,xtype: 'numbercolumn'
dataIndex: 'icon'
,editor: { allowBlank: false, selectOnFocus: true }
,filter: { type: 'string' }
,flex: 1
,text: 'Icona'
,xtype: 'gridcolumn'
,columnLines: true
,emptyText: '<font color="red"><b>Nessun comune in archivio</b></font>'
,features: [
Ext.create('GVD.ux.grid.FiltersFeature', {
encode: true,
ftype: 'filters',
local: false,
menuFilterText: 'Filtro'
,id: 'municipalitiesGrid'
,plugins: [ Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing', { ptype: 'rowediting' }) ]
,selModel: { selType: 'checkboxmodel', mode: 'MULTI' },store: 'Provinces'
,store: 'Municipalities'
,viewConfig: {
loadingText: 'Caricamento dati'
,stripeRows: true
,trackOver: true
,xtype: 'grid'
,layout: {
align: 'stretch'
,type: 'vbox'
,margin: '0 0 2 0'
,maximizable: true
,minimizable: true
,requires: [
,singleWindow: true
,title: 'Elenco comuni'
,tools: [
{ xtype: 'printButton', title: 'Elenco Comuni', tooltip: 'Stampa elenco' }
,{ type: 'help', xtype: 'tool', tooltip: 'Guida sulla funzione' }
,width: 760
关于extjs - 了解如何在 Extjs 4.2 MVC 模式中引用/加载/实例化商店模型,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16508978/
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 关闭 10 年前。 Possible Duplicate: template pass by value or const reference or…? 以下对于将函数
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谁能解释一下下面“&”的作用: class TEST { } $abc =& new TEST(); 我知道这是引用。但是有人可以说明我为什么以及什么时候需要这样的东西吗?或者给我指向一个对此有很好解
引用变量是一个别名,也就是说,它是某个已存在变量的另一个名字。一旦把引用初始化为某个变量,就可以使用该引用名称或变量名称来指向变量。 C++ 引用 vs 指针 引用很容易与指针混淆,它们之间有三
目录 引言 背景 结论 引言 我选择写C++中的引用是因为我感觉大多数人误解了引用。而我之所以有这个感受是因为我主持过很多C++的面试,并且我很少
Perl 中的引用是指一个标量类型可以指向变量、数组、哈希表(也叫关联数组)甚至函数,可以应用在程序的任何地方 创建引用 定义变量的时候,在变量名前面加个 \,就得到了这个变量的一个引用 $sc
我编写了一个将从主脚本加载的 Perl 模块。该模块使用在主脚本中定义的子程序(我不是维护者)。 对于主脚本中的一个子例程,需要扩展,但我不想修补主脚本。相反,我想覆盖我的模块中的函数并保存对原始子例
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很多时候,问题(尤其是那些标记为 regex 的问题)询问验证密码的方法。似乎用户通常会寻求密码验证方法,包括确保密码包含特定字符、匹配特定模式和/或遵守最少字符数。这篇文章旨在帮助用户找到合适的密码
我想通过 MIN 函数内的地址(例如,C800)引用包含文本的最后一个单元格。你能帮忙吗? Sub Set_Formula() ' ----------------------------- Dim
使用常规的 for 循环,我可以做类似的事情: for (let i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) { delete objects[i]; } 常规的 for-
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这是什么UnaryExpression的目的,以及应该怎样使用? 最佳答案 它需要一个 Expression对象并用另一个 Expression 包裹它.例如,如果您有一个用于 lambda 的表达式
给出以下内容 $("#identifier div:first, #idetifier2").fadeOut(300,function() { // I need to reference jus
我不知道我要找的东西的正确术语,但我要找的是一个完整的引用,可以放在双引号之间的语句,比如 *, node()、@* 以及所有列出的 here加上任何其他存在的。 我链接到的答案提供了一些细节,但还
This question's answers are a community effort。编辑现有答案以改善此职位。它当前不接受新的答案或互动。 这是什么? 这是常见问答的集合。这也是一个社区Wi
Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines。它当前不接受答案。 想改善这个问题吗?更新问题,以便将其作为on-topic
考虑下一个代码: fn get_ref(slice: &'a Vec, f: fn(&'a Vec) -> R) -> R where R: 'a, { f(slice) } fn m