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excel - IsNull、IsEmpty、=Empty 和空字符串(即 "")有什么不同,为什么我可以使用变体

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 12:39:30 26 4
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我试图了解 Null 是什么以及 Empty 变量是什么。他们是一样的吗?空字符串如何适应?

创建 MS Access 表时,为什么字段有“允许零长度字符串”选项?

我一直在努力将 Access 数据库中的数据加载到变量中(例如使用 DAO 或 ADO),我发现自己必须声明我使用 Variant 的所有变量。这对我来说似乎很错误。





变体是唯一可以存储空值或 Null 值的变量类型,因此声明如下:

Dim aVar as Variant
Dim aVar2 ' if no type is given then it's declared as a variant

您也可以使用 aVar = Empty 将空分配给变体它将再次为空。

aVar = Empty   

您还可以将 Variant 变量的值设置为 Null
aVar = Null

aVar = Empty   

但是, IsNull(aVar)会是真的。

当您使用 VBA 变量存储来自允许将 NULL 值存储在其字段中的数据库表的数据时,Null 特别有用。在这种情况下,通常建议所有变量都需要适应存储 NULL。所以它们都需要变体,因为这是唯一存储 NULL 的数据类型。


存储 Null 的变体与 Empty 的变体不同。 Null 表示为变量分配了一个值,并且该值为 Null。

这会让人感到困惑,因为数据库使用 Null 来指示字段中没有存储任何值,并且大多数数据库允许具有任何数据类型的字段为 Null。当一个数据库字段存储 Null 时,它相当于一个 VBA 变体变量,它刚刚被声明为一个值的“容器”,但尚未被赋予一个值。变量,就像表格字段一样,是一个没有任何东西的容器。

但是,如果从数据库表中为 VBA 变体变量提供了 Null 值,则它会存储它为 Null 的事实,因为这与从未被赋予值不同,并且是您的程序可能希望以不同方式处理的信息。


即 ""不等于 Empty(它也不等于 Null!)

使用 MS Access 表存储文本时,我建议不要将“允许零长度”字段属性设置为 true,这是默认设置,因为这意味着您的数据库字段将能够存储“”(即空字符串)以及 Null 值。然后,您编写的任何代码都必须考虑该字段将存储“”或 Null 的可能性。使用 Null 会更容易。


另一个有用的技术是使用 MyString = Nz(MyStringDatabaseField)将任何空值转换为空字符串。至少你的代码只需要测试空字符串而不是空值。这种技术还将简化使用存储空字符串的 Access 表的代码。有时使用 `MyInteger=Nz(MyIntegerDatabaseField) 将任何空值转换为 0 可能是合适的,但我对此感到非常不舒服,因为 0 比空字符串更有意义,而且实际上是 Null <> 0!

请注意,在其表之间使用 OUTER JOIN 的 SQL 语句可能会导致返回的记录集在定义基础表字段以防止存储 NULL 的字段中包含 NULL 值。

    Dim aInt As Integer
aInt = Empty
Debug.Print aInt, " This will print 0, as 0 is the default value for integer variables"

Sub ExperimentsWithVariants()

Dim aInt As Integer
aInt = Empty
Debug.Print aInt, " This will print 0, as 0 is the default value for integer variables"

Dim avar As Variant ' The results shown as comments below were created when aVar was declared as a variant

Debug.Print "-----------------------"
Debug.Print "NOT SET:"
Debug.Print "-----------------------"
Debug.Print "TypeName(avar)", TypeName(avar) ' Empty
Debug.Print "aVar = Empty ", (avar = Empty) ' True
Debug.Print "aVar", avar ' '' ie blank
Debug.Print "IsNull(aVar)", (IsNull(avar)) ' False
Debug.Print "IsEmpty(aVar)", (IsEmpty(avar)) ' True
Debug.Print "aVar = """"", (avar = "") ' True
Debug.Print "aVar = 0", (avar = 0) ' True

If avar = Empty Then
Debug.Print " "
Debug.Print "avar = Empty so the above would be the same if you set avar = Empty explicitly"
Debug.Print " """
avar = Empty
Debug.Print " "
Debug.Print "-----------------------"
Debug.Print " SET TO Empty"
Debug.Print "-----------------------"
Debug.Print "TypeName(avar)", TypeName(avar) ' Empty
Debug.Print "aVar = Empty ", (avar = Empty) ' True
Debug.Print "aVar", avar ' '' ie blank
Debug.Print "IsNull(aVar)", (IsNull(avar)) ' False
Debug.Print "IsEmpty(aVar)", (IsEmpty(avar)) ' True
Debug.Print "aVar = """"", (avar = "") ' True
Debug.Print "aVar = 0", (avar = 0) ' True
End If

avar = Null
Debug.Print " "
Debug.Print "-----------------------"
Debug.Print " SET TO NULL"
Debug.Print "-----------------------"
Debug.Print "TypeName(avar)", TypeName(avar) ' Null
Debug.Print "aVar = Empty ", (avar = Empty) ' Null
Debug.Print "aVar", avar ' Null
Debug.Print "IsNull(aVar)", (IsNull(avar)) ' True
Debug.Print "IsEmpty(aVar)", (IsEmpty(avar)) ' False
Debug.Print "aVar = """"", (avar = "") ' Null
Debug.Print "aVar = 0", (avar = 0) ' Null

avar = ""
Debug.Print " "
Debug.Print "-----------------------"
Debug.Print " SET TO EMPTY STRING ie """""
Debug.Print "-----------------------"
Debug.Print "TypeName(avar)", TypeName(avar) '
Debug.Print "aVar = Empty ", (avar = Empty) ' True
Debug.Print "aVar", avar ' '' ie blank
Debug.Print "IsNull(aVar)", (IsNull(avar)) ' False
Debug.Print "IsEmpty(aVar)", (IsEmpty(avar)) ' False
Debug.Print "aVar = """"", (avar = "") ' True
Debug.Print "aVar = 0", (avar = 0) ' String
' Note
' Is empty returns false, whereas ="" returns NULL

avar = 1.23
Debug.Print "-----------------------"
Debug.Print "SET to 1.23:"
Debug.Print "-----------------------"
Debug.Print "TypeName(avar)", TypeName(avar) ' Double
Debug.Print "aVar = Empty ", (avar = Empty) ' True
Debug.Print "aVar", avar ' '' ie blank
Debug.Print "IsNull(aVar)", (IsNull(avar)) ' False
Debug.Print "IsEmpty(aVar)", (IsEmpty(avar)) ' True
Debug.Print "aVar = """"", (avar = "") ' True
Debug.Print "aVar = 0", (avar = 0) ' True

' You can test for both an IsEmpty AND an empty string (ie "" ) AND a null value with:

' IIf(Len(avar & vbNullString)

Debug.Print "-----------------------"
Debug.Print "Using IIf(Len(avar & vbNullString) "
Debug.Print "-----------------------"
avar = ""
Debug.Print """""=", IIf(Len(avar & vbNullString) = 0, "Null, IsEmpty, or Empty String", "NOT")
avar = "1"
Debug.Print "1 = ", IIf(Len(avar & vbNullString) = 0, "Null IsEmpty,or Empty String", "NOT")
avar = Null
Debug.Print "Null = ", IIf(Len(avar & vbNullString) = 0, "Null, IsEmpty or Empty String", "NOT")
avar = Empty
Debug.Print "Empty = ", IIf(Len(avar & vbNullString) = 0, "Null or Empty String", "NOT")

Debug.Print "-----------------------"
Debug.Print "using TypeName"
Debug.Print "-----------------------"
Dim dbl1 As Double
Debug.Print "TypeName(dbl1) ", TypeName(dbl1) ' Double
Dim int1 As Integer
Debug.Print "TypeName(int1) ", TypeName(int1) ' Integer
Dim str1 As String
Debug.Print "TypeName(str1) ", TypeName(str1) ' String

End Sub

Sub ExperimentsWithNz()

Debug.Print " "
Debug.Print "---------------------------------------------------------------------- "
Debug.Print "---------------------------------------------------------------------- "
Debug.Print "1a Nz(Null)="""" =", Nz(Null) = ""
Debug.Print "1b IsNull(Nz(Null)) =", IsNull(Nz(Null)) ' False

Debug.Print "---------------------------------------------------------------------- "
Dim aVar As Variant

Debug.Print "2a Nz(aVar) Unassigned =", Nz(aVar) ' Null

aVar = Empty
Debug.Print "2b Nz(aVar) Empty =", Nz(aVar) ' Null

aVar = Null
Debug.Print "2c Nz(aVar) Null =", Nz(aVar) ' Null
Debug.Print "2d IsNull(Nz(aVar)) Null=", (IsNull(Nz(aVar))) ' Null

aVar = ""
Debug.Print "2e Nz(aVar) """" =", Nz(aVar) ' ' ie an empty string

Debug.Print "---------------------------------------------------------------------- "
Dim str1 As String

Debug.Print "3a Nz(str1) Unassigned =", Nz(str1) ' 0
str1 = Empty
Debug.Print "3b Nz(str1) Empty =", Nz(str1) ' 0

Debug.Print "---------------------------------------------------------------------- "
Dim int1 As Integer

Debug.Print "4a Nz(int1) Unassigned =", Nz(int1) ' 0

int1 = Empty
Debug.Print "5b Nz(int1) Empty =", Nz(int1) ' 0

' The following line cannot run as a string cannot be assigned Null
' str1 = Null

End Sub

Sub DealingWithEmptyStringsInADatabaseTable()

Dim aVar As Variant

Debug.Print "UNdeclared: ", Nz(aVar, 1)

aVar = Empty
Debug.Print "aVar=Empty ", Nz(aVar, 1)

aVar = Null
Debug.Print "aVar=Null ", Nz(aVar, 1)

aVar = ""
Debug.Print "aVar="""" ", Nz(aVar, 1)

Debug.Print " -------------------------------------------------------"
Debug.Print "Dealing with empty string in a database table"
aVar = ""
Debug.Print "IIf(aVar = "", 1, 0) ", IIf(aVar = "", 1, 0)

Debug.Print " "
Debug.Print " "
Debug.Print "-------------------------------------------------------"
Debug.Print "Dealing with a table field that can have Null or an Empty string"
Debug.Print "leads to more complex code than if is just stores NULL."
Debug.Print " "
Debug.Print "The code below shows WHY you should set the ""; Allow Zero Length "" property of access tables to false"
Debug.Print " "

aVar = Null
Debug.Print "1 Null : IIf(Nz(aVar & """" ,"""") = """", 1, 0) ", IIf(aVar & "" = "", 1, 0)
aVar = ""
Debug.Print "2 Empty String: IIf(Nz(aVar & """" ,"""") = """", 1, 0) ", IIf(aVar & "" = "", 1, 0)

Debug.Print " "
Debug.Print "Both lines 1 and 2 above work."
Debug.Print " "
Debug.Print " "

aVar = Null
Debug.Print "3 Null : Nz(aVar, 1) ", Nz(aVar, 1)
aVar = ""
Debug.Print "4 Empty String: Nz(aVar, 1) ", Nz(aVar, 1)

Debug.Print " "
Debug.Print "however, line 4 does not work for empty string."
Debug.Print "3 & 4 are much simpler than 1 & 2, but if your field can store """" and Null"
Debug.Print "you have to use 1 & 2. Which is a shame as 3 & 4 are simpler."
Debug.Print "Queries and code accessing this data can get messy"

End Sub

关于excel - IsNull、IsEmpty、=Empty 和空字符串(即 "")有什么不同,为什么我可以使用变体,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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