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r - 有人可以解释在 data.table 中执行更新时,mult 是如何工作的吗(使用 .EACHI 和 mult)

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 12:09:07 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我再次努力理解 mult参数在执行更新加入时有效。
我想要做的是实现 lj 中定义的左连接.

X <- data.table(x = c("a", "a", "b", "c", "d"), y = c(0, 1, 1, 2, 2), t = 0:4)
# x y t
# <char> <num> <int>
#1: a 0 0
#2: a 1 1
#3: b 1 2
#4: c 2 3
#5: d 2 4

Y <- data.table(xx = c("f", "b", "c", "c", "e", "a"), y = c(2, NA, 3, 4, 5, 6), u = 2:7)
# xx y u
# <char> <num> <int>
#1: f 2 2
#2: b NA 3
#3: c 3 4
#4: c 4 5
#5: e 5 6
#6: a 6 7

# Expected result
# x y t
# <char> <num> <int>
#1: a 6 0 <= single match on xx == "a" so Y[xx == "a", y] is used
#2: a 6 1 <= single match on xx == "a" so Y[xx == "a", y] is used
#3: b NA 2 <= single match on xx == "b" so Y[xx == "b", y] is used
#4: c 3 3 <= mult match on xx == "c" so Y[xx == "c", y[1L]] is used
#5: d 2 4 <= no xx == "d" in Y so nothing changes

copy(X)[Y, y := i.y, by = .EACHI, on = c(x = "xx"), mult = "first"][]
# x y t
# <char> <num> <int>
#1: a 6 0
#2: a 1 1 <= a should always have the same value ie 6
#3: b NA 2
#4: c 4 3 <= y == 4 is not the first value of y in the Y table
#5: d 2 4

# Using mult = "all" is the closest I get from the right result
copy(X)[Y, y := i.y, by = .EACHI, on = c(x = "xx"), mult = "all"][]
# x y t
# <char> <num> <int>
#1: a 6 0
#2: a 6 1
#3: b NA 2
#4: c 4 3 <= y == 4 is not the first value of y in the Y table
#5: d 2 4
我想我可以用 Y[X, ...]为了达到我想要的效果,问题是 X 非常大,而且我使用 Y[X, ...] 获得的性能要差得多。


I'd like to use the first value in the right table to override the value of the left table

X[unique(Y, by="xx", fromLast=FALSE), on=.(x=xx), y := i.y]

x y t
1: a 6 0
2: a 6 1
3: b NA 2
4: c 3 3
5: d 2 4

x[i, mult=] ,如果一排 i有多个匹配项, mult确定 x 的匹配行被选中。这解释了 OP 中显示的结果。
x[i, v := i.v] , 如果多行 i匹配 x 中的同一行,所有相关的 i 行按顺序写入 x 行,因此最后的 i 行获得最终写入。打开详细输出以查看更新中进行了多少编辑——在这种情况下它将超过 x 行数(因为这些行被重复编辑):
data.table(a=1,b=2)[.(a=1, b=3:4), on=.(a), b := i.b][]
# Assigning to 2 row subset of 1 rows
a b
1: 1 4

关于r - 有人可以解释在 data.table 中执行更新时,mult 是如何工作的吗(使用 .EACHI 和 mult),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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