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SceneKit 转换 ScnMatrix4

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 11:51:46 24 4
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ScnMatrix4 是一个 4x4 矩阵。我的问题是什么矩阵行对应于位置(ScnVector3),旋转(ScnVector4),比例(ScnVector3)。第 4 行是空的吗?

我玩弄了 SCN4matrix,我需要它来创建具有多个楼梯的形状。

我需要有关 Shapeswithshapes 方法的矩阵的信息

  [SCNphysicsShape shapeWithShapes: (ElementArray*) :(transformArray)];

ScnMatrix4= | Xx Xy Xy X|
| Yx Yy Yz Y|
| Zx Zy Zz Z|
| Px Py Pz W|

Xx Xy Xy = The X axis vector of the local coordinate system of the shape.
Yx Yy Yz = The y axis vector of the local coordinate system of the shape.
Zx Zy Zz = The z axis vector of the local coordinate system of the shape.

Px = position in x axis relative to parent;
Py = Position in y axis relative to parent;
Pz = Position in z Axis relative to parent;
X Y Z = read the link for info;
W= 1 define that the matrix is about the position relative to parent;
W= 0 define that the matrix is about orientation;

Basicly a SCNmatriX4 completely describes the position, rotation of a node/shape.
This Link Provides a great source for all the info you need about Matrix Manipulation;

编辑 2;我不擅长编辑:(




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