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spock - Spock 特征方法中先决条件的好风格是什么?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 11:51:24 27 4
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在特征方法中,在 when: 中指定特征 Action 。块,其结果在后续 then: 中得到测试堵塞。通常需要准备,这在 given: 中完成条款(或 setup: 或夹具方法)。包含前提条件同样有用:这些条件不是特性测试的主题(因此不应该在 when: - then:expect: 中)但它们断言/记录测试的必要条件有意义。例如,请参见下面的虚拟规范:

import spock.lang.*

class DummySpec extends Specification {
def "The leading three-caracter substring can be extracted from a string"() {
given: "A string which is at least three characters long"
def testString = "Hello, World"

assert testString.size() > 2

when: "Applying the appropriate [0..2] operation"
def result = testString[0..2]

then: "The result is three characters long"
result.size() == 3

对于这些先决条件,建议的做法是什么?我用过 assert在示例中,但很多人不赞成 assert s 在规范中。




import spock.lang.*

class DummySpec extends Specification {
def "The leading three-caracter substring can be extracted from a string"() {
given: "A string which is at least three characters long"
def testString = "Hello, World"

expect: "Input should have at least 3 characters"
testString.size() > 3

when: "Applying the appropriate [0..2] operation"
def result = testString[0..2]

then: "The result is three characters long"
result.size() == 3

关于spock - Spock 特征方法中先决条件的好风格是什么?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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