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通过快速阅读 Kubernetes 文档,我注意到 kube-proxy 的行为类似于 4 级代理,并且可能适用于 TCP/IP 流量(通常是 HTTP 流量)。
但是,还有其他协议(protocol),如 SIP(可以通过 TCP 或 UDP)、RTP(通过 UDP)和核心电信网络信令协议(protocol),如 DIAMETER(通过 TCP 或 SCTP)或类似的 M3UA(通过 SCTP)。有没有办法在 Kubernetes minion 中运行的应用程序中处理此类流量?
在我的阅读中,我遇到了 Kuberntes 的 Ingress API 的概念,但我理解它是一种扩展代理功能的方法。那是对的吗 ?
此外,目前确实没有已知的 Ingress API 实现(开源或闭源),可以允许 Kubernetes 集群处理上述类型的流量?
最后,除了使用 Ingress API 之外,有没有办法处理上面列出的流量,即使它有性能限制?
Also, it is true that currently there is no known implementation (open-source or closed-source) of Ingress API, that can allow a Kubernetes cluster to handle the above listed type of traffic ?
Kubernetes deployments
In Kubernetes terminology, a single voice gateway instance equates to a single pod, which contains both a SIP Orchestrator container and a Media Relay container.
The voice gateway pods are installed into a Kubernetes cluster that is fronted by an external SIP load balancer.
Through Kubernetes, a voice gateway pod can be scheduled to run on a cluster of VMs. The framework also monitors pods and can be configured to automatically restart a voice gateway pod if a failure is detected.Note: Because auto-scaling and auto-discovery of new pods by a SIP load balancer in Kubernetes are not currently supported, an external SIP.
Running IBM Voice Gateway in a Kubernetes environment requires special considerations beyond the deployment of a typical HTTP-based application because of the protocols that the voice gateway uses.
The voice gateway relies on the SIP protocol for call signaling and the RTP protocol for media, which both require affinity to a specific voice gateway instance. To avoid breaking session affinity, the Kubernetes ingress router must be bypassed for these protocols.
To work around the limitations of the ingress router, the voice gateway containers must be configured in host network mode.
In host network mode, when a port is opened in either of the voice gateway containers, those identical ports are also opened and mapped on the base virtual machine or node.
This configuration also eliminates the need to define media port ranges in the kubectl configuration file, which is not currently supported by Kubernetes. Deploying only one pod per node in host network mode ensures that the SIP and media ports are opened on the host VM and are visible to the SIP load balancer.
关于kubernetes - 有没有办法在 Kubernetes 中处理 SIP、RTP、DIAMETER、M3UA 流量?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49338232/
题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/diameter-of-binary-tree/#/descriptionopen in new window 题目描述 Gi
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我知道如何找到 BST 的直径。 int diameter(struct node * tree) { if (tree == 0) return 0; int lheight = height(t
尝试使用 datamapper (Codeigniter) 将数据插入 Mysql 表时出现错误 Data truncated for column 'diameter' at row 1 INSER
为了找到树的直径,我可以从树中取出任何节点,执行 BFS 以找到距离它最远的节点,然后对该节点执行 BFS。与第二个 BFS 的最大距离将产生直径。 不过我不确定如何证明这一点?我试过对节点数使用归纳
为了找到树的直径,我可以从树中取出任何节点,执行 BFS 以找到距离它最远的节点,然后对该节点执行 BFS。与第二个 BFS 的最大距离将产生直径。 不过我不确定如何证明这一点?我试过对节点数使用归纳
我想使用 tshark 来过滤和处理 diameter 消息。在我的捕获中,我看到在一个 TCP header 中有三个 diameter 消息。我的用例要求我在直径消息中搜索结果代码。根据直径规范,
我需要有关如何使用 Java 实现 Diameter 协议(protocol)的帮助。我正在浏览 weblogic diameter API,但很难理解。 最佳答案 我知道这是一篇旧帖子,但也许它会对
通过快速阅读 Kubernetes 文档,我注意到 kube-proxy 的行为类似于 4 级代理,并且可能适用于 TCP/IP 流量(通常是 HTTP 流量)。 但是,还有其他协议(protocol
有人能告诉我直径协议(protocol)使用的 GY 和 RO 接口(interface)之间的区别吗??? 据我了解,这两个接口(interface)看起来都非常相似,并且也使用了 AVP。 但我仍
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