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javascript - 处理字符串中相同出现的字符

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 11:42:39 26 4
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^[A-Za-z*]$ *

function balanced(s) {
const cMap = {};
for (let c of s) {
cMap[c] ? cMap[c]++ : (cMap[c] = 1);
const freq = new Set(Object.values(cMap));
return true;
if (freq.size === 0 || freq.size === 1){
return true;
if (freq.size === 1) {
const max = Math.max(...freq);
const min = Math.min(...freq);
return false;


考虑这个问题的另一种方法是简单地做一些算术。为了平衡,替换星号后的每个唯一字符必须出现相同的次数。因此,次数 (counts) 乘以唯一字符数 (letters) 必须等于输入字符串的长度(包括星号)。这 count必须至少与单个字符的最大计数一样大。和letters的数量输出中的字母必须至少与输入中唯一字母的数量一样大。唯一的其他限制是,由于字母取自大小写字母,因此不能超过 52 个。

A string (of length `n`) is balanceable if 
there exist positive integers `count` and `letters`
such that
`count` * `letters` = `n` and
`letters` <= 52 and
`letters` >= number of unique letters in the input (ignoring asterisks) and
`count` >= max of the counts of each individual (non-asterisk) letter in the input

// double counts [x, x] for x^2 -- not an issue for this problem
const factorPairs = (n) =>
[...Array (Math .floor (Math .sqrt (n)))] .map ((_, i) => i + 1)
.flatMap (f => n % f == 0 ? [[f, n / f], [n / f, f]] : [])

const balanced = ([]) => {
const chars = [ Set (ss .filter (s => s != '*'))]
const counts = ss .reduce (
(counts, s) => s == '*' ? counts : ((counts [s] += 1), counts),
Object .fromEntries (chars .map (l => [l, 0]))
const maxCount = Math.max (... Object.values (counts))
return factorPairs (ss .length) .some (
([count, letters]) =>
letters <= 52 &&
letters >= chars .length &&
count >= maxCount

const tests = [
'a', 'ab', 'abc', 'abcb', 'Aaa', '***********',
'****rfdd****', 'aaa**bbbb*', 'aaa**bbbb******',
'C****F***R***US***R**D***YS*****H***', 'C****F***R***US***R**D***YS*****H**',

tests .forEach (s => console .log (`balanced("${s}") //=> ${balanced(s)}`))
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}

factorPairs 简单地将一个数字的所有因式分解为有序的数字对。例如, factorPairs (36)产量 [[1, 36], [36, 1], [2, 18], [18, 2], [3, 12], [12, 3], [4, 9], [9, 4], [6, 6], [6, 6]] .因为我们只检查是否存在一个,所以我们不需要改进这个函数来以更合乎逻辑的顺序返回值或只返回 [6, 6]一次(只要输入是一个完美的正方形。)
我们测试上述每个结果(如 [count, letters] ),直到找到匹配的结果并返回 true , 或者我们通过列表没有找到一个并返回 false .
所以在测试这个: 'C****F***R***US***R**D***YS*****H***' ,我们有一个长度为 36 的字符串.我们最终得到这些 8唯一字符: ['C', 'F', 'R', 'U', 'S', 'D', 'Y', 'H'] ,这些计数: {C: 1, F: 1, R: 2, U: 1, S: 2, D: 1, Y: 1, H: 1} ,以及我们的 maxCount2然后我们测试为 36 生成的各种因子对。
  • count : 1, letters : 36(失败,因为 count 小于 2)
  • count : 36, letters : 1(失败,因为 letters 小于 8)
  • count : 2, letters : 18 (成功,我们返回 true )

  • 而且我们不需要测试剩余的因子对。
    使用 18 个字母的示例,每个字母两次可以是:
    C****F***R***US***R**D***YS*****H***CCaabFFbcRcdUUSdeeRffDDgYYSghhiiHHjj - balanced

    Note that this is not necessarily the only pair that will work. For instance, if we'd made it to count: 4, letters: 9, we could also make it work:

    C****F***R***US***R**D***YS*****H***CCCCFFFFRRRUUUSUDDRDYDSYYYSSxxxxHHHH - balanced

    But the question is whether there was any such solution, so we stop when finding the first one.

    If, on the other hand, we had one fewer asterisk in the input, we would test this: 'C****F***R***US***R**D***YS*****H**', with a length of 35. We end up with the same 8 unique characters: ['C', 'F', 'R', 'U', 'S', 'D', 'Y', 'H'], and these same counts: {C: 1, F: 1, R: 2, U: 1, S: 2, D: 1, Y: 1, H: 1}, and our maxCount is still 2.

    We then test the various factor-pairs generated for 35

    • count: 1, letters: 35 (fails because count is less than 2)
    • count: 35, letters: 1 (fails because letters is less than 8)
    • count: 5, letters: 7 (fails because letters is less than 8)
    • count: 7, letters: 5 (fails because letters is less than 8)

    and we've run out of factor-pairs, so we return false.

    An alternate formulation

    There's nothing particularly interesting in the code itself. It does the obvious thing at each step. (Although do note the destructuring of the input string to balanced, turning the String into an array of characters.) But it does something I generally prefer not to do, using assignment statements and a return statement. I prefer to work with expressions instead of statements as much as possible. I also prefer to extract helper functions, even if they're only used once, if they help clarify the flow. So I'm might rewrite as shown here:

    const range = (lo, hi) => 
    [... Array (hi - lo + 1)] .map ((_, i) => i + lo)

    // double counts [x, x] for x^2 -- not an issue for this problem
    const factorPairs = (n) =>
    range (1, Math .floor (Math .sqrt (n)))
    .flatMap (f => n % f == 0 ? [[f, n / f], [n / f, f]] : [])

    const getUniqueChars = ([]) =>
    [... new Set (ss .filter (s => s != '*'))]

    const maxOccurrences = ([], chars) =>
    Math.max (... Object .values (ss .reduce (
    (counts, s) => s == '*' ? counts : ((counts [s] += 1), counts),
    Object .fromEntries (chars .map (l => [l, 0]))

    const balanced = (
    chars = getUniqueChars (str),
    maxCount = maxOccurrences (str, chars)
    ) => factorPairs (str .length) .some (
    ([count, letters]) =>
    letters <= 52 &&
    letters >= chars .length &&
    count >= maxCount

    const tests = [
    'a', 'ab', 'abc', 'abcb', 'Aaa', '***********',
    '****rfdd****', 'aaa**bbbb*', 'aaa**bbbb******',
    'C****F***R***US***R**D***YS*****H***', 'C****F***R***US***R**D***YS*****H**',

    tests .forEach (s => console .log (`balanced("${s}") //=> ${balanced(s)}`))
    .as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}


    关于javascript - 处理字符串中相同出现的字符,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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