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gis - RTree : Count points in the neighbourhoods within each point of another set of points

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 11:34:18 27 4
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import geopandas as gpd

def radius(points_neighbour, points_center, new_field_name, r):
:param points_neighbour:
:param points_center:
:param new_field_name: new field_name attached to points_center
:param r: radius around points_center
sindex = points_neighbour.sindex
pts_in_neighbour = []
for i, pt_center in points_center.iterrows():
nearest_index = list(sindex.intersection((pt_center.LATITUDE-r, pt_center.LONGITUDE-r, pt_center.LATITUDE+r, pt_center.LONGITUDE+r)))
pts_in_this_neighbour = points_neighbour[nearest_index]
points_center[new_field_name] = gpd.GeoSeries(pts_in_neighbour)


第二个问题,我怎样才能找到第 k 个最近的邻居?

  • 我们正在以非常小的规模进行,例如美国华盛顿州或加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省
  • 我们希望尽可能多地利用 geopandas,因为它类似于 pandas 并支持空间索引:RTree
  • 比如这里的sindex有方法最近,交点等

  • 如果您需要更多信息,请发表评论。这是 GeoPandasBase 类中的代码
    def sindex(self):
    if not self._sindex_generated:
    return self._sindex

    def radius(points_neighbour, points_center, new_field_name, r):
    :param points_neighbour:
    :param points_center:
    :param new_field_name: new field_name attached to points_center
    :param r: radius around points_center
    sindex = points_neighbour.sindex
    pts_in_neighbour = []
    for i, pt_center in points_center.iterrows():
    pts_in_this_neighbour = 0
    for n in sindex.intersection(((pt_center.LATITUDE-r, pt_center.LONGITUDE-r, pt_center.LATITUDE+r, pt_center.LONGITUDE+r))):
    dist = pt_center.distance(points_neighbour['geometry'][n])
    if dist < radius:
    pts_in_this_neighbour = pts_in_this_neighbour + 1
    points_center[new_field_name] = gpd.GeoSeries(pts_in_neighbour)

    要下载形状文件,请转到并选择 ArcView 下载




    r 树非常适合在两个或三个欧几里得维度中进行边界框查询。

    您正在在三维空间中弯曲的二维表面上查找经纬度点。结果是您的坐标系将产生奇点和不连续点:180°W 与 180°E 相同,2°E x 90°N 接近 2°W x 90°N。 r 树不会捕获这些类型的东西!

    但是,即使它们是一个很好的解决方案,您采用 lat±r 和 lon±r 的想法会产生一个正方形区域;相反,您可能希望在您的点周围有一个圆形区域。


  • 不要将点保持在 lon-lat 格式,而是使用 spherical coordinate conversion 将它们转换为 xyz 格式。 .现在它们处于 3D 欧几里得空间中,没有奇点或不连续点。
  • 将点置于三维 kd-tree .这使您可以在 O(log n) 时间内快速提出诸如“到目前为止的 k 最近邻是什么?”之类的问题。以及“这些点的半径 r 内的所有点是什么?” SciPy 自带 an implementation .
  • 对于您的半径搜索,从 Great Circle radius 转换到 chord :这使得在 3 空间中的搜索等效于在包裹到球体(在本例中为地球)表面的圆上的半径搜索。

  • 正确操作的代码

    我已经在 Python 中实现了上述内容作为演示。请注意,所有球面点都使用 lon=[-180,180], lat=[-90,90] 方案以 (longitude,latitude)/(x-y) 格式存储。所有 3D 点都以 (x,y,z) 格式存储。

    #/usr/bin/env python3

    import numpy as np
    import scipy as sp
    import scipy.spatial

    Rearth = 6371

    #Generate uniformly-distributed lon-lat points on a sphere
    def GenerateUniformSpherical(num):
    #Generate random variates
    pts = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=(num,2))
    #Convert to sphere space
    pts[:,0] = 2*np.pi*pts[:,0] #0-360 degrees
    pts[:,1] = np.arccos(2*pts[:,1]-1) #0-180 degrees
    #Convert to degrees
    pts = np.degrees(pts)
    #Shift ranges to lon-lat
    pts[:,0] -= 180
    pts[:,1] -= 90
    return pts

    def ConvertToXYZ(lonlat):
    theta = np.radians(lonlat[:,0])+np.pi
    phi = np.radians(lonlat[:,1])+np.pi/2
    x = Rearth*np.cos(theta)*np.sin(phi)
    y = Rearth*np.sin(theta)*np.sin(phi)
    z = Rearth*np.cos(phi)
    return np.transpose(np.vstack((x,y,z)))

    #Get all points which lie with `r_km` Great Circle kilometres of the query
    #points `qpts`.
    def GetNeighboursWithinR(qpts,kdtree,r_km):
    #We need to convert Great Circle kilometres into chord length kilometres in
    #order to use the kd-tree
    angle = r_km/Rearth
    chord_length = 2*Rearth*np.sin(angle/2)
    pts3d = ConvertToXYZ(qpts)
    #p=2 implies Euclidean distance, eps=0 implies no approximation (slower)
    return kdtree.query_ball_point(pts3d,chord_length,p=2,eps=0)

    #WARNING! Do NOT alter pts3d or kdtree will malfunction and need to be rebuilt

    #Correctness tests on the North, South, East, and West poles, along with Kolkata
    ptsll = np.array([[0,90],[0,-90],[0,0],[-180,0],[88.3639,22.5726]])
    pts3d = ConvertToXYZ(ptsll)
    kdtree = sp.spatial.KDTree(pts3d, leafsize=10) #Stick points in kd-tree for fast look-up

    qptsll = np.array([[-3,88],[5,-85],[10,10],[-178,3],[175,4]])
    GetNeighboursWithinR(qptsll, kdtree, 2000)

    #Stress tests
    ptsll = GenerateUniformSpherical(100000) #Generate uniformly-distributed lon-lat points on a sphere
    pts3d = ConvertToXYZ(ptsll) #Convert points to 3d
    kdtree = sp.spatial.KDTree(pts3d, leafsize=10) #Stick points in kd-tree for fast look-up

    qptsll = GenerateUniformSpherical(100) #We'll find neighbours near these points
    GetNeighboursWithinR(qptsll, kdtree, 500)

    关于gis - RTree : Count points in the neighbourhoods within each point of another set of points,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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