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vb6 - SpreadsheetML 中的主题混淆

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 11:31:28 27 4
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我一整天都在和这个斗争。在我的styles.xml 文件中,我有这样的颜色信息:

<fgColor theme="0" tint="-0.249977111117893" />

ECMA 376 将主题颜色引用定义为:

Index into the <clrScheme> collection, referencing a particular <sysClr> or <srgbClr> value expressed in the Theme part.

好吧,这听起来很简单。这是我的 clrScheme xml 的摘录:

<a:clrScheme name="Office">
<a:sysClr val="windowText" lastClr="000000" />
<a:sysClr val="window" lastClr="FFFFFF" />


我的困惑是 theme="0"真正意味着什么?不可能意味着变暗#000000。检查 MSDN 只会让我更加困惑。来自

note that the theme color integer begins counting from left to right in the palette starting with zero. Theme color 3 is the dark 2 text/background color.

实际上,如果您从零开始计数,则第三个条目是 Light 2。Dark 2 是第二个。这里的任何人都可以为我阐明这个主题吗?主题=“0”的真正含义是什么?

这是我一直在使用的 VB6 代码来应用色调。您可以将其粘贴到您的 vba 编辑器中并运行测试子。
Public Type tRGB
R As Byte
G As Byte
B As Byte
End Type

Public Type tHSL
H As Double
S As Double
L As Double
End Type

Sub TestRgbTint()
Dim c As tRGB
RGB_Hex2Type "ffffff", c
RGB_ApplyTint c, -0.249977111117893
Debug.Print Hex(c.R) & Hex(c.G) & Hex(c.B)
End Sub

Public Sub RGB_Hex2Type(ByVal HexString As String, RGB As tRGB)
'Remove the alpha channel if it exists
If Len(HexString) = 8 Then
HexString = mID(HexString, 3)
End If

RGB.R = CByte("&H" & Left(HexString, 2))
RGB.G = CByte("&H" & mID(HexString, 3, 2))
RGB.B = CByte("&H" & Right(HexString, 2))
End Sub

Public Sub RGB_ApplyTint(RGB As tRGB, tint As Double)
Const HLSMAX = 1#

If tint = 0 Then Exit Sub


If tint < 0 Then
HSL.L = HSL.L * (1# + tint)
HSL.L = HSL.L * (1# - tint) + (HLSMAX - HLSMAX * (1# - tint))
End If

End Sub

Public Sub HSL2RGB(HSL As tHSL, RGB As tRGB)
End Sub

Private Sub HSL2RGB_ByVal(ByVal H As Double, ByVal S As Double, ByVal L As Double, RGB As tRGB)
Dim v As Double
Dim R As Double, G As Double, B As Double

'Default color to gray
R = L
G = L
B = L
If L < 0.5 Then
v = L * (1# + S)
v = L + S - L * S
End If
If v > 0 Then
Dim m As Double, sv As Double
Dim sextant As Integer
Dim fract As Double, vsf As Double, mid1 As Double, mid2 As Double
m = L + L - v
sv = (v - m) / v
H = H * 6#
sextant = Int(H)
fract = H - sextant
vsf = v * sv * fract
mid1 = m + vsf
mid2 = v - vsf
Select Case sextant
Case 0
R = v
G = mid1
B = m
Case 1
R = mid2
G = v
B = m
Case 2
R = m
G = v
B = mid1
Case 3
R = m
G = mid2
B = v
Case 4
R = mid1
G = m
B = v
Case 5
R = v
G = m
B = mid2
End Select
End If

RGB.R = R * 255#
RGB.G = G * 255#
RGB.B = B * 255#
End Sub

Public Sub RGB2HSL(RGB As tRGB, HSL As tHSL)
Dim R As Double, G As Double, B As Double
Dim v As Double, m As Double, vm As Double
Dim r2 As Double, g2 As Double, b2 As Double

R = RGB.R / 255#
G = RGB.G / 255#
B = RGB.B / 255#

'Default to black
HSL.H = 0
HSL.S = 0
HSL.L = 0
v = IIf(R > G, R, G)
v = IIf(v > B, v, B)
m = IIf(R < G, R, G)
m = IIf(m < B, m, B)
HSL.L = (m + v) / 2#
If HSL.L < 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
vm = v - m
HSL.S = vm
If HSL.S > 0 Then
If HSL.L <= 0.5 Then
HSL.S = HSL.S / (v + m)
HSL.S = HSL.S / (2# - v - m)
End If
Exit Sub
End If
r2 = (v - R) / vm
g2 = (v - G) / vm
b2 = (v - B) / vm
If R = v Then
If G = m Then
HSL.H = 5# + b2
HSL.H = 1# - g2
End If
ElseIf G = v Then
If B = m Then
HSL.H = 1# + r2
HSL.H = 3# - b2
End If
If R = m Then
HSL.H = 3# + g2
HSL.H = 5# - r2
End If
End If
HSL.H = HSL.H / 6#
End Sub


我从 查看了 xsl,看起来 0 和 1 已切换,2 和 3 已切换。这是 xsl 部分:

    <xsl:variable name="theme">
<xsl:when test="@theme = 0">
<xsl:when test="@theme = 1">
<xsl:when test="@theme = 2">
<xsl:when test="@theme = 3">
<xsl:value-of select="@theme"/>

现在一切都在匹配。注意 0=1, 1=0, 2=3, 3=2 开关。

关于vb6 - SpreadsheetML 中的主题混淆,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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