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visual-studio-code - Visual Studio Code 替换 Visual Studio

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 11:11:49 26 4
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我刚开始了解 Visual Studio Code。我想知道,我可以将 Visual Studio 替换为所有 .NET 开发相关的工作吗?
我可以节省 Visual Studio 许可的成本吗?
Visual Studio 中有哪些 Visual Studio Code 没有的东西?


这个问题已有答案 herehere .

The list of differences is huge.

Visual Studio Code is a source code editor developed by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS, with emphasis in just writing the code instead of dealing with debugging, compiling, testing, refactoring, and all the other things that make Visual Studio great.

The people using Visual Studio Code will probably be those on a Mac who will just deal with client-side technologies (HTML/JS/CSS) and do not want to install Windows in order to do that.

People using Windows and developing C#, F# or VB will continue to use Visual Studio 2015.

Also the difference is that .NET has been split into two: .NET Core (Mac/Linux/Windows) .NET Framework (Windows only) All native user interface technologies (Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Forms, etc) are part of the framework, not the core.

Also, Visual Studio tends to be oriented around Projects & Solutions. Projects have a large amount of scaffolding (pre-generated starting templates) and features.

VS Code looks to be presently oriented around files, as a glorified text editor, and no project scaffolding exists.

来源:MSDN 论坛和 quora

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