gpt4 book ai didi

r - 将多个时间间隔相加而不计算 lubridate 中的重叠时间

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 11:03:16 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我需要在相同的观察中对多个间隔的天数求和。我在 StackOverflow 中看到了许多关于此任务的不同示例。尽管如此,我还是无法使用我的数据重现它们,因为我必须在两次以上重叠的时间和多个时间间隔内进行。


a <- c(as_date(0), as_date(8), as_date(80),as_date(60))
b <-c(as_date(2), as_date(20), as_date(100),as_date(80))
c <-c(as_date(1), as_date(16), as_date(95),as_date(85))
d <- c(as_date(100), as_date(19), as_date(120),as_date(100))
e <-c(as_date(0), as_date(50), as_date(101),as_date(65))
f <- c(as_date(150), as_date(100), as_date(200),as_date(200))

df <- data.frame(int.1 = interval(a, b), int.2 = interval(c, d), int.3 = interval(e, f))

df %>%
mutate(overlapping.time = int.1 %/% days(1) + int.2 %/% days(1) + int.3 %/% days(1))

int.1 int.2 int.3 overlapping.time
1 1970-01-01 UTC--1970-01-03 UTC 1970-01-02 UTC--1970-04-11 UTC 1970-01-01 UTC--1970-05-31 UTC 251
2 1970-01-09 UTC--1970-01-21 UTC 1970-01-17 UTC--1970-01-20 UTC 1970-02-20 UTC--1970-04-11 UTC 65
3 1970-03-22 UTC--1970-04-11 UTC 1970-04-06 UTC--1970-05-01 UTC 1970-04-12 UTC--1970-07-20 UTC 144
4 1970-03-02 UTC--1970-03-22 UTC 1970-03-27 UTC--1970-04-11 UTC 1970-03-07 UTC--1970-07-20 UTC 170


下面是一个函数 overlapping_days() ,这将采用一组间隔列并计算重叠天数的总数。请参阅内联注释以了解其工作原理。它涵盖了完全包含在另一个中、部分重叠的区间,并且不对列之间的关系做任何假设。从您之前的计算中减去函数的结果将得到您想要的结果。请注意,我从您最初发布的内容中修改了我使用的数据。

#> Attaching package: 'lubridate'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#> date
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:lubridate':
#> intersect, setdiff, union
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

a <- c(as_date(0), as_date(1), as_date(80),as_date(60))
b <-c(as_date(20), as_date(22), as_date(100),as_date(80))
c <-c(as_date(1), as_date(16), as_date(95),as_date(85))
d <- c(as_date(3), as_date(19), as_date(120),as_date(100))
e <-c(as_date(0), as_date(50), as_date(101),as_date(65))
f <- c(as_date(150), as_date(100), as_date(200),as_date(200))

df <- data.frame(int.1 = interval(a, b), int.2 = interval(c, d), int.3 = interval(e, f))
overlapping_days <- function(...) {
# Collect the vectors passed into a list
ll <- list(...)
# Create all possible 2-combinations for the number of columns passed in.
combinations <- combn(length(ll), 2)
# Create a column for each combination, and a row for each element in the vectors.
overlaps <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = length(ll[[1]]), ncol = length(combinations))
# Loop through the combinations
iterations <- seq_len(ncol(combinations))
for (k in iterations) {
# I'll refer to each of these indices as intervals -- they each represent
# a vector passed in.
i <- combinations[1, k]
j <- combinations[2, k]
overlaps[,k] <- case_when(
# If the interval i is within interval j, add i to the overlap
ll[[i]] %within% ll[[j]] ~ ll[[i]] %/% days(1),
# If the interval j is within interval i, add j to the overlap
ll[[j]] %within% ll[[i]] ~ ll[[j]] %/% days(1),
# If they overlap, either int_start(i) < int_end(j), or int_start(j) < int_end(i)
# Calculate the appropriate difference -- these look backwards but
# are needed so a positive number is produced.
int_overlaps(ll[[i]], ll[[j]]) & int_start(ll[[j]]) < int_end(ll[[i]]) ~
int_start(ll[[j]]) %--% int_end(ll[[i]]) %/% days(1),
int_overlaps(ll[[j]], ll[[i]]) & int_start(ll[[i]]) < int_end(ll[[j]]) ~
int_start(ll[[i]]) %--% int_end(ll[[j]]) %/% days(1),
# If none of these are true, the intervals do not overlap and we add 0 to
# the overlap amount.
TRUE ~ 0
# Sum across rows to get the total number of overlapping days.

df %>%
mutate(overlapping.time = int.1 %/% days(1) + int.2 %/% days(1) + int.3 %/% days(1), overlap = overlapping_days(int.1, int.2, int.3))
#> Note: method with signature 'Timespan#Timespan' chosen for function '%/%',
#> target signature 'Interval#Period'.
#> "Interval#ANY", "ANY#Period" would also be valid
#> int.1 int.2
#> 1 1970-01-01 UTC--1970-01-21 UTC 1970-01-02 UTC--1970-01-04 UTC
#> 2 1970-01-02 UTC--1970-01-23 UTC 1970-01-17 UTC--1970-01-20 UTC
#> 3 1970-03-22 UTC--1970-04-11 UTC 1970-04-06 UTC--1970-05-01 UTC
#> 4 1970-03-02 UTC--1970-03-22 UTC 1970-03-27 UTC--1970-04-11 UTC
#> int.3 overlapping.time overlap
#> 1 1970-01-01 UTC--1970-05-31 UTC 172 24
#> 2 1970-02-20 UTC--1970-04-11 UTC 74 3
#> 3 1970-04-12 UTC--1970-07-20 UTC 144 24
#> 4 1970-03-07 UTC--1970-07-20 UTC 170 30

关于r - 将多个时间间隔相加而不计算 lubridate 中的重叠时间,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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