gpt4 book ai didi

c - 在 C 中使用带有命令行参数的 fork() 并行进程

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 10:35:21 28 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


我有一个 count.c 用于进行计数的文件:

int main(int argc, char** argv)

int length= atoi(argv[1]);

int pid = getpid();

printf("%d : %s\n", pid, "start");

for (unsigned int i=length; i>0; i--)
printf("%d : %d\n", pid, i);


printf("%d : %s\n", pid, "done");

return 0;

因此,如果我在 bash 中输入“./count 5”,程序将从 5 计数到 1。

我还有一个 multiple.c 文件 :
int main(int argc, char** argv)
unsigned int i;

char * nameExec = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(argv[1])-1));

char * time;

int number = argc-2; // number of counting to do

// name of programm
for (i=2; i<strlen(argv[1]); i++)

if(number==1) // one counting there is no fork needed
execl(argv[1], nameExec, argv[2], NULL);
} else
for (unsigned int i=2; i<number+1; i++) // if we have 2 counts to do, then we need 1 fork, if there is 3 counts to do then there is 2 forks...
if(fork()==0) // child process
time = argv[i];
} else
time = argv[i+1];
wait(NULL); // father process waits for child


execl(argv[1], nameExec, time, NULL);


return 0;

我想用这个程序做的是,我在命令行中输入我输入的例如“./multiple ./count 5 4 3”,并且它并行启动 3 个计数(3 个并行进程)。

如果我输入 ./multiple ./count 5 4 它会进行两次计数,一次从 5 开始,另一次从 4 开始,但不是同时,一个接一个。
如果我输入 ./multiple ./count 5 4 3 它会进行 4 个计数,一个从 4 开始,然后一个从 3 开始,然后另一个从 4 开始,另一个从 3 开始。

我真的不明白这种行为 ,
据我了解,fork() 用于复制进程,execl 放弃当前进程并开始执行另一个进程。


(另外,我试图了解 fork() 和 execl() 的使用,所以我想找到使用这两个函数来回答我的问题的方法)。


您的原始代码按顺序而不是并发运行子进程,因为您有 wait()在循环内调用。

您不需要复制程序名称。您可以使用 argv[1]直接(或简单地将其分配给 nameExec )或使用 nameExec = &argv[1][2]; 跳过前几个字符.

理解代码中循环的操作非常棘手;当我试图用我的大脑环绕它时,它让我尖叫了几次。我将简单地从头开始编写代码 - 有两种变体。

变体 1

更容易理解的变体是父(初始)进程为每个计数器启动一个子进程,然后等待直到没有子进程为止。它会在 child 退出时报告他们的 PID 和退出状态;简单地收集尸体而不打印“悼念”是可行的。

/* SO 6021-0236 */
/* Variant 1: Original process forks children and waits for them to complete */
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
assert(argc > 2);

/* Launch children */
for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++)
if (fork() == 0) // child process
execl(argv[1], argv[1], argv[i], (char *)0);
fprintf(stderr, "failed to execute %s\n", argv[1]);

/* Wait for children */
int corpse;
int status;
while ((corpse = wait(&status)) > 0)
printf("%d: PID %d exited with status 0x%.4X\n",
(int)getpid(), corpse, status);

return 0;

我重命名了你的计数器程序,所以源文件是 counter23.c程序是 counter23唯一的其他重大更改删除了 printf() 中冒号前的空格输出。

我调用了上面的源代码 multiple43.c ,编译为 multiple43 .
$ multiple43 count23 1
54251: start
54251: 1
54251: done
54250: PID 54251 exited with status 0x0000
$ multiple43 count23 3 4 5
54261: start
54261: 5
54260: start
54260: 4
54259: start
54259: 3
54261: 4
54260: 3
54259: 2
54261: 3
54260: 2
54259: 1
54261: 2
54260: 1
54259: done
54258: PID 54259 exited with status 0x0000
54261: 1
54260: done
54258: PID 54260 exited with status 0x0000
54261: done
54258: PID 54261 exited with status 0x0000

在三个 child 的运行中,您可以看到所有三个都同时产生输出。


变体 2

另一个变体或多或少接近您的代码(尽管近似值不是很好),因为原始进程本身也执行计数器程序。因此,如果原始进程的周期数少于其他进程,它会在其他进程完成之前终止(参见 3 4 55 4 3 示例之间的区别)。不过,它确实同时运行计数器。
/* SO 6021-0236 */
/* Variant 2: Original process launches children, the execs itself */
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
assert(argc > 2);

/* Launch children */
for (int i = 3; i < argc; i++)
if (fork() == 0) // child process
execl(argv[1], argv[1], argv[i], (char *)0);
fprintf(stderr, "failed to execute %s\n", argv[1]);

execl(argv[1], argv[1], argv[2], (char *)0);
fprintf(stderr, "failed to execute %s\n", argv[1]);

此代码是 multiple53.c编译为 multiple53 .
$ multiple53 count23 3 4 5
54269: start
54268: start
54267: start
54269: 5
54268: 4
54267: 3
54269: 4
54268: 3
54267: 2
54268: 2
54267: 1
54269: 3
54268: 1
54267: done
54269: 2
$ 54268: done
54269: 1
54269: done

$ multiple53 count23 5 4 3
54270: start
54272: start
54270: 5
54272: 3
54271: start
54271: 4
54270: 4
54272: 2
54271: 3
54272: 1
54270: 3
54271: 2
54271: 1
54272: done
54270: 2
54270: 1
54271: done
54270: done

出现空行是因为我按了回车——提示出现在 3 行之前,但后面是 54268 和 54269 的更多输出。我认为这不太可能是我们想要的。

仪表变体 0

为了尝试理解原始代码,我在进行了一些小的更改后对其进行了检测(保存在 multiple31.c 并编译为 multiple31 ):
/* SO 6021-0236 */
/* Original algorithm with instrumentation */
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
assert(argc > 2);
char *nameExec = argv[1];
char *time;
int number = argc - 2;

if (number == 1)
printf("%d: name = %s; time = %s\n", (int)getpid(), nameExec, argv[2]);
execl(argv[1], nameExec, argv[2], NULL);
for (int i = 2; i <= number; i++) // Idempotent change in condition
printf("%d: i = %d; number = %d\n", (int)getpid(), i, number);
pid_t kid = fork();
if (kid == 0)
time = argv[i];
printf("%d: i = %d; time = %s; ppid = %d\n",
(int)getpid(), i, time, (int)getppid());
time = argv[i + 1];
printf("%d: i = %d; time = %s; waiting for %d\n",
(int)getpid(), i, time, (int)kid);
int status;
int corpse = wait(&status);
printf("%d: i = %d; time = %s; PID %d exited with status 0x%.4X\n",
(int)getpid(), i, time, corpse, status);
printf("%d: name = %s; time = %s\n", (int)getpid(), nameExec, time);
execl(argv[1], nameExec, time, NULL);

printf("%d: this should not be reached!\n", (int)getpid());
return 0;

当运行 4 次时,它会产生如下输出:
$ multiple31 count23 5 4 3 2
54575: i = 2; number = 4
54575: i = 2; time = 4; waiting for 54576
54576: i = 2; time = 5; ppid = 54575
54576: i = 3; number = 4
54576: i = 3; time = 3; waiting for 54577
54577: i = 3; time = 4; ppid = 54576
54577: i = 4; number = 4
54577: i = 4; time = 2; waiting for 54578
54578: i = 4; time = 3; ppid = 54577
54578: name = count23; time = 3
54578: start
54578: 3
54578: 2
54578: 1
54578: done
54577: i = 4; time = 2; PID 54578 exited with status 0x0000
54577: name = count23; time = 2
54577: start
54577: 2
54577: 1
54577: done
54576: i = 3; time = 3; PID 54577 exited with status 0x0000
54576: i = 4; number = 4
54576: i = 4; time = 2; waiting for 54579
54579: i = 4; time = 3; ppid = 54576
54579: name = count23; time = 3
54579: start
54579: 3
54579: 2
54579: 1
54579: done
54576: i = 4; time = 2; PID 54579 exited with status 0x0000
54576: name = count23; time = 2
54576: start
54576: 2
54576: 1
54576: done
54575: i = 2; time = 4; PID 54576 exited with status 0x0000
54575: i = 3; number = 4
54575: i = 3; time = 3; waiting for 54580
54580: i = 3; time = 4; ppid = 54575
54580: i = 4; number = 4
54580: i = 4; time = 2; waiting for 54581
54581: i = 4; time = 3; ppid = 54580
54581: name = count23; time = 3
54581: start
54581: 3
54581: 2
54581: 1
54581: done
54580: i = 4; time = 2; PID 54581 exited with status 0x0000
54580: name = count23; time = 2
54580: start
54580: 2
54580: 1
54580: done
54575: i = 3; time = 3; PID 54580 exited with status 0x0000
54575: i = 4; number = 4
54575: i = 4; time = 2; waiting for 54582
54582: i = 4; time = 3; ppid = 54575
54582: name = count23; time = 3
54582: start
54582: 3
54582: 2
54582: 1
54582: done
54575: i = 4; time = 2; PID 54582 exited with status 0x0000
54575: name = count23; time = 2
54575: start
54575: 2
54575: 1
54575: done

追溯为什么这是输出是恶魔。我开始写一个解释,但我发现我的解释与实际输出不符——又一次。但是,按照所示的方法进行检测是我通常了解正在发生的事情的方式。关键点之一(稍微简化)是,除了正在倒计时的一个 child 之外,一切都在等待一个 child 死去。使用 1、2 或 3 次而不是 4 次运行测试与此一致,但更简单(同时更少混淆和更混淆)。使用 5 次会增加输出量,但并没有真正提供更多启发。

关于c - 在 C 中使用带有命令行参数的 fork() 并行进程,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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