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R - 分配给新方法 print.list() 的问题

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 10:31:17 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

在我的summarytools包,我已经成功定义了 方法。然而,即使我对 print.list 执行了完全相同的步骤,调度还是失败了。


grep("print(\\.summarytools$|\\.by$|\\.list$)", methods("print"), value = TRUE)
[1] "" "print.list" "print.summarytools"




devtools::install_github("dcomtois/summarytools", ref = "dev-current")
list_obj <- lapply(tobacco[,c(1,3)], freq))

## $gender
## For best results printing list objects with summarytools, use view(x, method = 'pander')
## Frequencies
## tobacco$gender
## Type: Factor
## Freq % Valid % Valid Cum. % Total % Total Cum.
## ----------- ------ --------- -------------- --------- --------------
## F 489 50.00 50.00 48.90 48.90
## M 489 50.00 100.00 48.90 97.80
## <NA> 22 2.20 100.00
## Total 1000 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
## $
## Frequencies
## tobacco$
## Type: Factor
## Freq % Valid % Valid Cum. % Total % Total Cum.
## ----------- ------ --------- -------------- --------- --------------
## 18-34 258 26.46 26.46 25.80 25.80
## 35-50 241 24.72 51.18 24.10 49.90
## 51-70 317 32.51 83.69 31.70 81.60
## 71 + 159 16.31 100.00 15.90 97.50
## <NA> 25 2.50 100.00
## Total 1000 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00



## Frequencies
## tobacco$gender
## Type: Factor
## Freq % Valid % Valid Cum. % Total % Total Cum.
## ----------- ------ --------- -------------- --------- --------------
## F 489 50.00 50.00 48.90 48.90
## M 489 50.00 100.00 48.90 97.80
## <NA> 22 2.20 100.00
## Total 1000 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
## tobacco$
## Type: Factor
## Freq % Valid % Valid Cum. % Total % Total Cum.
## ----------- ------ --------- -------------- --------- --------------
## 18-34 258 26.46 26.46 25.80 25.80
## 35-50 241 24.72 51.18 24.10 49.90
## 51-70 317 32.51 83.69 31.70 81.60
## 71 + 159 16.31 100.00 15.90 97.50
## <NA> 25 2.50 100.00
## Total 1000 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

print.list.R 的内容如下:

#' Print Method for Objects of Class \dQuote{list}.
#' Displays a list comprised of summarytools objects created with \code{lapply}.
#' @usage
#' \method{print}{list}(x, method = "pander", file = "",
#' append = FALSE, report.title = NA, table.classes = NA,
#' bootstrap.css = st_options('bootstrap.css'),
#' custom.css = st_options('custom.css'), silent = FALSE,
#' footnote = st_options('footnote'),
#' escape.pipe = st_options('escape.pipe'), \dots)
#' @inheritParams print.summarytools
#' @method print list
#' @export
print.list <- function(x, method = "pander", file = "", append = FALSE,
report.title = NA, table.classes = NA,
bootstrap.css = st_options('bootstrap.css'),
custom.css = st_options('custom.css'),
silent = FALSE, footnote = st_options('footnote'),
escape.pipe = st_options('escape.pipe'), ...) {
if (inherits(x[[1]], "summarytools")) {
view(x, method = method, file = file, append = append,
report.title = report.title, table.classes = table.classes,
bootstrap.css = bootstrap.css, custom.css = custom.css,
silent = silent, footnote = footnote, escape.pipe = escape.pipe,
} else {
base::print.default(x, ...)

我已经阅读了一些与泛型函数及其方法有关的文档,但我无法查明问题所在,也找不到解决方案。我查看了 setMethod() 函数和“signature”参数,但由于该函数很可能会在没有参数的情况下被调用,所以我看不出这有什么帮助。

两者之间的一个区别是 存在于 base 包中,而 print.list 不存在。但我无法确定这是否相关。

关于我如何开始使用这种类型的函数定义的更多背景信息可以在 this question I asked earlier 中找到。 .


  • 按照建议重新定义 print.default 而不是定义 print.list here , 但它仍然不起作用。
  • 在函数定义之后添加对 setMethod 的调用 (setMethod(f = "print", signature = "list", definition = print.list));仍然没有好的结果(我不太确定我得到了“签名”参数应该是什么。我发现关于它的文档相当困惑)。

我开始认为我可能需要对 Roxygen 做一些改动才能使其正常工作……但具体是什么改动,我不知道。



正如在源代码(可用here)中的注释中(有些隐晦地)解释的和在this Stack Overflow answer that quotes them 中(更明确地)声明的那样,“自动打印”(例如,发生在 (list_obj <- lapply(tobacco[,c(1,3)], freq)) 中)只能分派(dispatch)显式类,因此不适用于列表。不过,它可以与任何打印调用一起使用:

devtools::install_github("dcomtois/summarytools", ref = "dev-current", quiet = TRUE)
# For best results, consider updating pander to its most recent version. You can do so
# by using devtools::install_github('rapporter/pander')
list_obj <- lapply(tobacco[,c(1,3)], freq)
list_obj # will not work since it uses auto-printing
# $gender
# For best results printing list objects with summarytools, use view(x, method =
# 'pander')
# Frequencies
# tobacco$gender
# Type: Factor
# Freq % Valid % Valid Cum. % Total % Total Cum.
# ----------- ------ --------- -------------- --------- --------------
# F 489 50.00 50.00 48.90 48.90
# M 489 50.00 100.00 48.90 97.80
# <NA> 22 2.20 100.00
# Total 1000 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
# $
# Frequencies
# tobacco$
# Type: Factor
# Freq % Valid % Valid Cum. % Total % Total Cum.
# ----------- ------ --------- -------------- --------- --------------
# 18-34 258 26.46 26.46 25.80 25.80
# 35-50 241 24.72 51.18 24.10 49.90
# 51-70 317 32.51 83.69 31.70 81.60
# 71 + 159 16.31 100.00 15.90 97.50
# <NA> 25 2.50 100.00
# Total 1000 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
print(list_obj) # will work
# Frequencies
# tobacco$gender
# Type: Factor
# Freq % Valid % Valid Cum. % Total % Total Cum.
# ----------- ------ --------- -------------- --------- --------------
# F 489 50.00 50.00 48.90 48.90
# M 489 50.00 100.00 48.90 97.80
# <NA> 22 2.20 100.00
# Total 1000 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
# tobacco$
# Type: Factor
# Freq % Valid % Valid Cum. % Total % Total Cum.
# ----------- ------ --------- -------------- --------- --------------
# 18-34 258 26.46 26.46 25.80 25.80
# 35-50 241 24.72 51.18 24.10 49.90
# 51-70 317 32.51 83.69 31.70 81.60
# 71 + 159 16.31 100.00 15.90 97.50
# <NA> 25 2.50 100.00
# Total 1000 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

关于R - 分配给新方法 print.list() 的问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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