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我意识到我可以创建一个新记录,然后遍历每个字段,逐个字段复制数据 - 但我认为必须有一种更简单的方法来做到这一点......
在 Rails 中,有一种简单的方法可以做到这一点:
#rails < 3.1
new_record = old_record.clone
#rails >= 3.1
new_record = old_record.dup
我改编了一段代码,使域类的深度克隆。我一直在我的系统中使用它并且效果很好(在大多数情况下)。下面的代码是在 http://grails.1312388.n4.nabble.com/Fwd-How-to-copy-properties-of-a-domain-class-td3436759.html 中找到的改编版本
在我的应用程序中,用户可以选择另存为某种类型的对象,我使用 deepClone 来做到这一点。
static notCloneable = ['quoteFlows','services']
static hasMany = [quotePacks: QuotePack, services: Service, clients: Client, quoteFlows: QuoteFlow]
static Object deepClone(domainInstanceToClone) {
//Algumas classes chegam aqui com nome da classe + _$$_javassist_XX
if (domainInstanceToClone.getClass().name.contains("_javassist"))
return null
//Our target instance for the instance we want to clone
// recursion
def newDomainInstance = domainInstanceToClone.getClass().newInstance()
//Returns a DefaultGrailsDomainClass (as interface GrailsDomainClass) for inspecting properties
GrailsClass domainClass = domainInstanceToClone.domainClass.grailsApplication.getDomainClass(newDomainInstance.getClass().name)
def notCloneable = domainClass.getPropertyValue("notCloneable")
for(DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty prop in domainClass?.getPersistentProperties()) {
if (notCloneable && prop.name in notCloneable)
if (prop.association) {
if (prop.owningSide) {
//we have to deep clone owned associations
if (prop.oneToOne) {
def newAssociationInstance = deepClone(domainInstanceToClone?."${prop.name}")
newDomainInstance."${prop.name}" = newAssociationInstance
} else {
domainInstanceToClone."${prop.name}".each { associationInstance ->
def newAssociationInstance = deepClone(associationInstance)
if (newAssociationInstance)
} else {
if (!prop.bidirectional) {
//If the association isn't owned or the owner, then we can just do a shallow copy of the reference.
newDomainInstance."${prop.name}" = domainInstanceToClone."${prop.name}"
// @@JR
// Yes bidirectional and not owning. E.g. clone Report, belongsTo Organisation which hasMany
// manyToOne. Just add to the owning objects collection.
else {
//println "${prop.owningSide} - ${prop.name} - ${prop.oneToMany}"
if (prop.manyToOne) {
newDomainInstance."${prop.name}" = domainInstanceToClone."${prop.name}"
def owningInstance = domainInstanceToClone."${prop.name}"
// Need to find the collection.
String otherSide = prop.otherSide.name.capitalize()
//println otherSide
else if (prop.manyToMany) {
//newDomainInstance."${prop.name}" = [] as Set
domainInstanceToClone."${prop.name}".each {
else if (prop.oneToMany) {
domainInstanceToClone."${prop.name}".each { associationInstance ->
def newAssociationInstance = deepClone(associationInstance)
} else {
//If the property isn't an association then simply copy the value
newDomainInstance."${prop.name}" = domainInstanceToClone."${prop.name}"
if (prop.name == "dateCreated" || prop.name == "lastUpdated") {
newDomainInstance."${prop.name}" = null
return newDomainInstance
关于grails - 如何在 Grails 中复制域对象?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17614791/
Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines。它当前不接受答案。 想改善这个问题吗?更新问题,以便将其作为on-topic
我们正在尝试使用 https://grails.org/plugin/jms用于 jms 集成。但我们无法解决它。 环顾四周,我能够验证它是否存在于这个 repo 中: http://repo.gra
我有许多集成测试在grails 3中失败(而在grails 2中通过),因为它无法解析导入: grails.test.MockUtils grails.test.Grails模拟 我找不到有关应如何迁
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