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我有一些现有的 C# 代码,用于一个非常非常简单的 RogueLike 引擎。故意天真,因为我试图尽可能简单地做最少的事情。它所做的只是使用箭头键和 System.Console 在硬编码 map 周围移动 @ 符号:
//define the map
var map = new List<string>{
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ############################### ",
" # # ",
" # ###### # ",
" # # # # ",
" #### #### # # # ",
" # # # # # # ",
" # # # # # # ",
" #### #### ###### # ",
" # = # ",
" # = # ",
" ############################### ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" "
//set initial player position on the map
var playerX = 8;
var playerY = 6;
//clear the console
//send each row of the map to the Console
map.ForEach( Console.WriteLine );
//create an empty ConsoleKeyInfo for storing the last key pressed
var keyInfo = new ConsoleKeyInfo( );
//keep processing key presses until the player wants to quit
while ( keyInfo.Key != ConsoleKey.Q ) {
//store the player's current location
var oldX = playerX;
var oldY = playerY;
//change the player's location if they pressed an arrow key
switch ( keyInfo.Key ) {
case ConsoleKey.UpArrow:
case ConsoleKey.DownArrow:
case ConsoleKey.LeftArrow:
case ConsoleKey.RightArrow:
//check if the square that the player is trying to move to is empty
if( map[ playerY ][ playerX ] == ' ' ) {
//ok it was empty, clear the square they were standing on before
Console.SetCursorPosition( oldX, oldY );
Console.Write( ' ' );
//now draw them at the new square
Console.SetCursorPosition( playerX, playerY );
Console.Write( '@' );
} else {
//they can't move there, change their location back to the old location
playerX = oldX;
playerY = oldY;
//wait for them to press a key and store it in keyInfo
keyInfo = Console.ReadKey( true );
open System
//define the map
let map = [ " ";
" ";
" ";
" ";
" ############################### ";
" # # ";
" # ###### # ";
" # # # # ";
" #### #### # # # ";
" # # # # # # ";
" # # # # # # ";
" #### #### ###### # ";
" # = # ";
" # = # ";
" ############################### ";
" ";
" ";
" ";
" ";
" " ]
//set initial player position on the map
let mutable playerX = 8
let mutable playerY = 6
//clear the console
//send each row of the map to the Console
map |> Seq.iter (printfn "%s")
//create an empty ConsoleKeyInfo for storing the last key pressed
let mutable keyInfo = ConsoleKeyInfo()
//keep processing key presses until the player wants to quit
while not ( keyInfo.Key = ConsoleKey.Q ) do
//store the player's current location
let mutable oldX = playerX
let mutable oldY = playerY
//change the player's location if they pressed an arrow key
if keyInfo.Key = ConsoleKey.UpArrow then
playerY <- playerY - 1
else if keyInfo.Key = ConsoleKey.DownArrow then
playerY <- playerY + 1
else if keyInfo.Key = ConsoleKey.LeftArrow then
playerX <- playerX - 1
else if keyInfo.Key = ConsoleKey.RightArrow then
playerX <- playerX + 1
//check if the square that the player is trying to move to is empty
if map.Item( playerY ).Chars( playerX ) = ' ' then
//ok it was empty, clear the square they were standing on
Console.SetCursorPosition( oldX, oldY )
Console.Write( ' ' )
//now draw them at the new square
Console.SetCursorPosition( playerX, playerY )
Console.Write( '@' )
//they can't move there, change their location back to the old location
playerX <- oldX
playerY <- oldY
//wait for them to press a key and store it in keyInfo
keyInfo <- Console.ReadKey( true )
在游戏编程笔记上,不要将状态更改为其他内容,如果未通过某些测试,则将其更改回来。你想要最小的状态变化。因此,例如下面我计算了 newPosition
然后只更改 playerPosition
如果这个 future 的职位过去了。
open System
// use a third party vector class for 2D and 3D positions
// or write your own for pratice
type Pos = {x: int; y: int}
static member (+) (a, b) =
{x = a.x + b.x; y = a.y + b.y}
let drawBoard map =
//clear the console
//send each row of the map to the Console
map |> List.iter (printfn "%s")
let movePlayer (keyInfo : ConsoleKeyInfo) =
match keyInfo.Key with
| ConsoleKey.UpArrow -> {x = 0; y = -1}
| ConsoleKey.DownArrow -> {x = 0; y = 1}
| ConsoleKey.LeftArrow -> {x = -1; y = 0}
| ConsoleKey.RightArrow -> {x = 1; y = 0}
| _ -> {x = 0; y = 0}
let validPosition (map:string list) position =
map.Item(position.y).Chars(position.x) = ' '
//clear the square player was standing on
let clearPlayer position =
Console.SetCursorPosition(position.x, position.y)
Console.Write( ' ' )
//draw the square player is standing on
let drawPlayer position =
Console.SetCursorPosition(position.x, position.y)
Console.Write( '@' )
let takeTurn map playerPosition =
let keyInfo = Console.ReadKey true
// check to see if player wants to keep playing
let keepPlaying = keyInfo.Key <> ConsoleKey.Q
// get player movement from user input
let movement = movePlayer keyInfo
// calculate the players new position
let newPosition = playerPosition + movement
// check for valid move
let validMove = newPosition |> validPosition map
// update drawing if move was valid
if validMove then
clearPlayer playerPosition
drawPlayer newPosition
// return state
if validMove then
keepPlaying, newPosition
keepPlaying, playerPosition
// main game loop
let rec gameRun map playerPosition =
let keepPlaying, newPosition = playerPosition |> takeTurn map
if keepPlaying then
gameRun map newPosition
// setup game
let startGame map playerPosition =
drawBoard map
drawPlayer playerPosition
gameRun map playerPosition
//define the map
let map = [ " ";
" ";
" ";
" ";
" ############################### ";
" # # ";
" # ###### # ";
" # # # # ";
" #### #### # # # ";
" # # # # # # ";
" # # # # # # ";
" #### #### ###### # ";
" # = # ";
" # = # ";
" ############################### ";
" ";
" ";
" ";
" ";
" " ]
//initial player position on the map
let playerPosition = {x = 8; y = 6}
startGame map playerPosition
关于f# - 在 F# 中非常简单的 RogueLike,使它更 "functional",我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4495993/
我正在制作一款 roguelike 游戏,我正在尝试将“快速而肮脏”的 FOV 技术应用到我的游戏中,但我遇到了一些问题。我几乎可以肯定它在我的函数中完成了线计算,其中我有一个 x 和 y 变量沿着
我正在为一款基于 ascii 字符的 roguelike 游戏编写绘图系统(类似于矮人要塞的图形)。我正在使用 here 中的 AsciiPanel 。我的问题是,当我在 map 上绘制实体时,它们似
我正在做一个大学 compsci 项目,我需要一些关于视野算法的帮助。我主要工作,但在某些情况下,算法会看穿墙壁并突出显示玩家不应该看到的墙壁。 void cMap::los(int x0, int
作为 JAVA 继承的学习进程,我组合了一个调度程序类和参与者类。调度程序类创建一个参与者对象列表,并通过它们调用参与者的 act()。 现在,我对 actor 类的第一直觉是向玩家 actor 传递
我正在开发一款 Roguelike 游戏,作为编程/数据库练习和爱好(因为我想拥有自己的“矮人堡垒”项目来随心所欲地称霸)。当我试图编写一个足够强大的系统来生成游戏中的各种生物时,我很早就陷入了困境。
我继续在我的 python roguelike 上取得进展,并进一步深入学习本教程:http://roguebasin.roguelikedevelopment.org/index.php?title
当我尝试运行这段代码时,在 game_start 函数中创建的 pygame 窗口没有启动。当我删除 game_main_loop 功能时,它确实如此。我无法弄清楚该功能有什么问题,有人有任何想法吗?
我正在用 C 语言制作 Roguelike 游戏,但我无法让我的角色按照我想要的方式移动。我在点 (x, y) 处制作了一个带有字符的二维字符数组,绘制了数组,更改了 x 和 y 值,并根据输入的方向
好吧,这听起来像是一个疯狂的想法 - 但我有兴趣模仿 1980 年代的风格 roguelike game纯 Java 中的文本界面,即使用 Swing 或类似软件。 这里大致是它需要做的: 提供固定大
又是我。我仍在开发 Roguelike 游戏,但我还有另一个问题。我使用 Jlabel 的 2D 数组在 GridLayout 上显示我的 map ,它工作得很好。但现在,我想在地板上画我的角色、怪物
[更新] 我尝试使用下面的建议,但仍然有一个问题,即敌人似乎同时移动,并且当第一次看到是否已经有敌人在视线中时,他们每个移动两次。我真正想做的是在玩家视线中的敌人的行动之间有一个延迟,这样他们就不会同
我已经使用 Libgdx 从键盘字符中生成了一个地牢。我决定将数组打印为文本文件。 然而这是我得到的: 而且不一致 我不明白这是怎么回事?我检查了我的算法,没有发现任何错误。 这是我的代码: publ
几个月来我一直梦想制作 Roguelike,但出于某种原因,我固执的头脑不允许我使用图书馆。如何在不使用 stdio.h 以外的库的情况下绘制 map 并对其进行操作? 最佳答案 C 不知道“键盘”或
我有一些现有的 C# 代码,用于一个非常非常简单的 RogueLike 引擎。故意天真,因为我试图尽可能简单地做最少的事情。它所做的只是使用箭头键和 System.Console 在硬编码 map 周
我正在使用 Objective-C/Cocoa 开发一款 Roguelike 游戏,以了解更多信息。我已经掌握了大部分基本功能,但仍然有一个问题一直在试图解决。 以下是该过程的分割: 首先,加载 ma
我正在使用 libtcod 和 python 来制作 roguelike;我正在跟随的教程中,只有当您在怪物的视野中时,怪物才会跟随您。显然这是不够的;因为这意味着您可以转弯,而他们不会跟着您转弯。
我一直在考虑使用 Silverlight 构建基于 Web 的 Roguelike 游戏(或者可能只是使用 WPF 的桌面游戏)。 如果您不知道 Roguelike 是什么,它是一种图形角色扮演游戏,
我刚刚完成 this tutorial 的工作用于在 Python 中编写 Roguelike 程序,现在我非常依赖自己来确定去哪里以及下一步该做什么。 我的困境在于代码的困惑。我想将元素存储在某处,
Similar question found here 我正在开发一款用 Haskell 编写的 Roguelike 游戏。我决定使用 Data.Array.Repa 将世界表示为 2D 网格。 ,现