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df <- data.frame(a = c(1:100), b = sample(c(0,20), size = 100, replace = TRUE), c = c(1:100))
请注意,实际的数据框是使用 haven::read_dta()
导入的 dta 文件。实际数据框可以在 GSS here 上找到.我正在处理 2018 年的文件,并想用一组类别替换 b 中的所有值,即 0 到 20,如下所示:
educ_vec <- c("No formal schooling", "1st grade", "2nd grade", "3rd grade", "4th grade", "5th grade", "6th grade", "7th grade", "8th grade", "9th grade", "10th grade", "11th grade", "12th grade", "1 year of college", "2 years of college", "3 years of college", "4 years of college", "5 years of college", "6 years of college", "7 years of college", "8 years of college")
educ_fac <- factor(educ_vec, ordered = TRUE, levels = educ_vec)
如果我对每个类别都使用 mutate
和 ifelse
,这个过程太长了,而且它不会保留 educ_fac
gss_df %>%
mutate(educ = fct_recode(educ,
"No formal schooling" = 0,
"1st grade" = 1,
"2nd grade" = 2,
"3rd grade" = 3,
"4th grade" = 4,
"5th grade" = 5,
"6th grade" = 6,
"7th grade" = 7,
"8th grade" = 8,
"9th grade" = 9,
"10th grade" = 10,
"11th grade" = 11,
"12th grade" = 12,
"1 year of college" = 13,
"2 years of college" = 14,
"3 years of college" = 15,
"4 years of college" = 16,
"5 years of college" = 17,
"6 years of college" = 18,
"7 years of college" = 19,
"8 years of college" = 20))
Error: `f` must be a factor (or character vector or numeric vector).
gss_df %>%
mutate(educ = fct_recode(educ, educ_fac))
Error: `f` must be a factor (or character vector or numeric vector).
gss_df %>%
mutate(educ = recode_factor(educ, educ_vec, ordered = TRUE))
Error in UseMethod("recode") : no applicable method for 'recode' applied to an object of class "haven_labelled"
由于某些原因无法读入dta文件,下面我模拟数据给大家展示一下我的建议。您从 educ_vec 向量开始。
educ_vec <- c("No formal schooling", "1st grade",
"2nd grade", "3rd grade", "4th grade", "5th grade",
"6th grade", "7th grade", "8th grade", "9th grade",
"10th grade", "11th grade", "12th grade", "1 year of college",
"2 years of college", "3 years of college", "4 years of college",
"5 years of college", "6 years of college", "7 years of college",
"8 years of college")
如果你查看 educ_vec
# this is meant for 0
[1] "No formal schooling"
# this is meant for 20
[1] "8 years of college"
如果你的分数是 i,新的分类值将是 educ_vec[i+1];所以我们可以在下面使用它:
gss_df <- data.frame(educ=sample(0:20,30,replace=TRUE))
gss_df %>%
mutate(new=factor(educ_vec[educ+1],ordered = TRUE, levels = educ_vec))
educ new
1 9 9th grade
2 5 5th grade
3 15 3 years of college
4 18 6 years of college
5 13 1 year of college
6 11 11th grade
7 5 5th grade
8 3 3rd grade
9 5 5th grade
10 1 1st grade
11 6 6th grade
12 6 6th grade
13 10 10th grade
14 17 5 years of college
15 11 11th grade
16 2 2nd grade
17 18 6 years of college
18 7 7th grade
19 17 5 years of college
20 1 1st grade
21 18 6 years of college
22 3 3rd grade
23 3 3rd grade
24 19 7 years of college
25 15 3 years of college
26 20 8 years of college
27 6 6th grade
28 15 3 years of college
29 10 10th grade
30 19 7 years of college
gss_df <- data.frame(educ=0:5)%>%
mutate(new=factor(educ_vec[educ+1],ordered = TRUE, levels = educ_vec))
educ new
1 0 No formal schooling
2 1 1st grade
3 2 2nd grade
4 3 3rd grade
5 4 4th grade
6 5 5th grade
'data.frame': 6 obs. of 2 variables:
$ educ: int 0 1 2 3 4 5
$ new : Ord.factor w/ 21 levels "No formal schooling"<..: 1 2 3 4 5 6
如果您的分数不在 0-20 范围内,例如 -1、-2 或 21,22 等,那么我建议您执行以下操作:
names(educ_vec) = 0:20
gss_df <- data.frame(educ=c(-1,0,20,21))
# you can also use mutate
gss_df$new <- educ_vec[match(gss_df$educ,names(educ_vec))]
educ new
1 -1 <NA>
2 0 No formal schooling
3 20 8 years of college
4 21 <NA>
如果在你的 educ_vec 中找不到对应的名字,Match 将返回一个 NA
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+-----------------------------+ | tables | +-------------------
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var text = "a's ..a's ...\"... "; text = convert(text); function convert( text ) { var n = text
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好吧,首先我对我的上一篇文章感到非常抱歉,但我真的需要帮助,我会把我真正想要的东西放在一个更清晰的代码中。我不擅长 javascript,所以希望你能帮助我。
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