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java - 来自 openjdk 的 jdk8u for solaris 11 是否支持?

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  • 从 Solaris 10 中的 openjdk 源构建的 jdk8u 可以用于 Solaris 11 吗?
  •    Solaris 10:
    Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 s10x_u10wos_17b X86
    Assembled 23 August 2011
    Solaris studio: 12.3
    bash-3.2# isainfo -b

    Solaris 11:
    Oracle Solaris 11.4 X86
    Assembled 26 March 2020
    # isainfo -b
    一些供应商(例如 AdaptOpenJDK)为 Solaris 10 和 11 提供相同的 JDK 和 JRE 二进制文件。我是否也可以在 Solaris 10 中为 Solaris 11 使用相同的 jdk 构建?
  • 我们可以为 Solaris 11 x86 构建 jdk8u。来自 openjdk 的 Jdk8u 源代码检查先决条件,并检查 Solaris Studio 从 12.1 到 12.4 的 CC 和 C++ 编译器。但是 Solaris 11 支持 Solaris studio 12.4(developer studio)以上版本。任何人都曾尝试从 构建它.

  • 我确实试了几次。我试过在 Solaris 10 中构建,我成功了。但是 Solaris 11:
    2.a) jdk8u 构建不成功。并且 jdk8u 有一个脚本来检查 c/c++ 编译器是否是它的 solaris studio。如果我们将 --with-tools-dir 作为开发人员 sutio 12.4/12.5 或 12.6 提供,表示它不是 solaris Studio,则不接受。但是我修改了脚本以接受这些版本并能够继续构建但出现了许多编译错误。为此,我已在不同的线程中发布,但没有收到任何回复。所以我只想知道它是否可以完成而不是敲我的头。
    如果有人尝试在 Solaris 11 中从 openjdk 构建 jdk8u,请帮助我。


    是的,在 Solaris 10 上编译并在 Solaris 11 上运行几乎肯定可以工作。 Sun 和现在的 Oracle 一直提供与 Solaris 的重要兼容性保证 - 如果满足某些条件,则保证在较早版本的 Solaris 上编译的二进制文件可在较晚版本上运行。
    Oracle Solaris Guarantee Program (我的粗体文字):

    Oracle Solaris is designed and tested to protect customer investments in software.

    While new functionality may be introduced in new releases, Oracle Solaris is designed with continuity of binary interfaces, so applications developed on earlier releases can continue to run. This enables customers to purchase new systems or upgrade the OS on older systems and continue to run their existing applications.

    Customers and Partners who have purchased Oracle Premier Support for Operating Systems can receive assistance in resolving compatibility issues identified when moving a binary application from an earlier OS release.

    For developers, the OS presents an architecture-neutral API meaning that a program developed on SPARC architecture can be recompiled to run on x86, and vice-versa

    See below for more details on the Binary and Source guarantees.

    Oracle Solaris Binary Application Guarantee

    The Oracle Solaris Binary Application Guarantee reflects Oracle's confidence in the compatibility of applications from one release of Oracle Solaris to the next and is designed to make re-qualification a thing of the past.

    Binary compatibility between releases of Oracle Solaris helps protect your long-term investment in the development, training and maintenance of your applications:

    A binary application built on Solaris 2.6 or later that makes use of operating system interfaces as defined in stability.5 run on subsequent releases of Oracle Solaris, including their initial releases and all updates, even if the application has not been recompiled for those latest releases.

    If an application experiences a compatibility problem when running on your latest supported Oracle Solaris Operating System, support is offered as described below:

    For Oracle Solaris 10

    Use the integrated "appcert" utility (see the man page for appcert) to check your application. If no errors are reported but problems running the application remain, a Service Request (SR) should be opened to obtain support.

    如果您正在运行受支持的 Solaris 副本,如果您的应用程序满足上述条件但无法在更高版本的 Solaris 上运行, Oracle 会将其视为 Solaris 中的错误。 请注意,Solaris 2.6 于 1997 年发布。如果您当时构建了二进制文件,Oracle 保证它今天仍可在 Solaris 11 上运行。
    我还没跑 appcert针对 OpenJDK 代码库,因此 OpenJDK 是否符合上述保证尚不得而知,但根据我的经验,我从未见过在 Solaris 10 上编译的任何应用程序在 Solaris 11 上失败。
    为了比较,这里是 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 兼容性 指南 :请注意,Red Hat 甚至不保证他们不会做诸如更改 LDAP API 之类的事情。发布内 .

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