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r - 有没有办法阻止 all.vars() 从 $ 的右侧返回名称?

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base-R 函数 all.vars()返回表达式中的所有名称。例如:

> all.vars( ~ e == M * c^2  )
[1] "e" "M" "c"
有一个 R 运算符不合适。在许多不使用非标准评估和 rlang 等函数的人编写的表达式中,名称将是变量的名称。但是如果这些表达式包含对 $ 的调用,右侧的名称将不是变量,而是索引或列名称。 (我知道巧妙地使用环境和数据屏蔽会模糊变量和列名之间的区别,但这不是这里的重点。) all.vars()没有忽略 $ 右侧的选项.有没有类似的功能,或者我必须编写自己的表达式步行器?基本上,我想要一个函数,如果通过表达式
a $ b + c $ d
将返回 "a"和 "c"。
cond <- ¢ A logical vector of 500,000 elements ¢
v1 ¢ (and v2 etc. ) ¢ <- ¢ Numerical or string vectors of the same length ¢
result_size <- length( cond )
result <- rep( NA, result_size )
result[ cond ] <- f( v1[ cond ], v3[ cond ]
, v4[ cond ], v7[ cond ]
, v9[ cond ], v10[ cond ]
result[ ! cond ] <- g( v2[ ! cond ], v3[ ! cond ]
, v4[ ! cond ], v5[ ! cond ]
, v6[ ! cond ], v8[ ! cond ]
, v10[ ! cond ]
我认为,这就是 R 专家所说的拆分工作流。按条件拆分数据,分别处理每组,合并结果。
这种模式迫切需要抽象成一些看起来像条件​​的东西。 (参见 RD Tennant 的书,Semantics of Programming Languages 中的抽象在这个意义上的例子以及为什么它们是好的。)所以,而不是上面容易发生事故的东西,充满了错误输入和重复的索引和部分向量分配,我希望能够写:
cond <- ¢ A logical vector of 500,000 elements ¢
v1 ¢ (and v2 etc. ) ¢ <- ¢ Numerical or string vectors of the same length ¢
result <- splivif( cond
, f( v1, v3, v4, v7, v9, v10 )
, g( v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v8, v10 )
splivif()这里应该解释为另一种条件函数,就像 if() 一样。 , if_else() , ifelse()fifelse() ,可能还有六种我还不知道的其他人。它将以与这些函数相同的方式隐藏一些巧妙的细节:即评估其条件,根据该条件将“then”和“else”分支中提到的任何变量拆分为子向量,调用这些子向量上的每个分支,然后结合结果。
这样的功能实际上是我已经实现并经常使用的功能。如上所述,它首先评估其状况。然后它扫描变量的“then”和“else”表达式。那些它认为是正确长度的向量,它会评估。然后它只选择 cond 'th 个元素,并将它们在新环境中绑定(bind)到原始变量的名称。
所以,在这个阶段结束时,我们有一个新的婴儿环境 E其中名称“v1”绑定(bind)到 V1[ cond ] ,其中 V1是原始值 v1 .也在 E是名称“v2”到“v10”的类似绑定(bind)。 splivif()然后在 E 中计算它的“then”和“else”表达式,并将结果组合成一个结果向量。
我需要 all.vars()正在扫描变量的“then”和“else”表达式。我使用嵌套命名列表来存储控制我的计算的值。因此,表达式对这些列表的元素有大量引用,例如 Taxogellation $ IgnoreRepeatsTaxogellation $ DoInnerSplines .我的问题的核心是 all.vars()然后会错误地返回“IgnoreRepeats”和“DoInnerSplines”作为变量的名称,而实际上它们是索引。
我于 2020 年 9 月 8 日添加了此部分,以回应 Roland 的评论。它构建了一个样本数据表,代表 50,000 个家庭的收入、年龄和健康状况。每个家庭由一名或两名成年人组成。然后它定义了一个函数, pension() ,计算每个家庭的养老金。这与任何现有政府都会提供的不同,但说明了典型养老金计算的特征。例如,结果通常取决于年龄和健康状况,并且可能取决于收入。这些相关性为任何此类计算设置了最小复杂度,因此也设置了最小时间。
代码然后比较和计时三种应用方式 pension()给所有 50,000 个家庭。它们是: 通过 Tidyverse 分组;通过 data.table 分组;和矢量化。后者使用的事实是运算符和函数,例如 + , | , >pmax()可以应用于多个元素的向量,然后对相应元素进行元素处理。
我的计时结果表明,与矢量化相比,Tidyverse 甚至 data.table 都慢得可怜。对于 50,000 个家庭,矢量化速度提高了 40 倍!
library( tidyverse )
library( data.table )
library( assertthat )
library( microbenchmark )
library( purrr )

#1) Create sample data

# The code in this section makes a table
# of no_of_groups families. Each family has
# one or two adults. Adults are randomly assigned
# an income, between 0 and 30,000 pounds;
# an age, between 18 and 99, and a health
# indicator. Each family also gets an integer
# ID. Each adult also gets a number indicating
# whether they are adult 1 or adult 2.
# The sections following this will define
# a function for calculating families'
# pensions. My code will apply it in three
# ways, and time each one. These are: by
# grouping using the Tidyverse; by grouping
# using data.table; and by vectorisation.
# This shows that the Tidyverse and data.table
# are both woefully inefficient compared with
# vectorisation. For 5,000 families, the
# Tidyverse takes 2.5 seconds and data.table
# 2 seconds. Vectorisation takes a mere 50
# milliseconds, 40 times as fast.

no_of_groups <- 5000

group_sizes <- sample( c(1,2), no_of_groups, replace=TRUE )

ids <- 1:no_of_groups

data <- tibble( fam_id=map2( ids, group_sizes, rep ) %>% unlist() )

data <-
data %>%
group_by( fam_id ) %>%
mutate( ad_no = seq_along( fam_id )
, two_people = length( ad_no ) == 2
) %>%

data $ income <- runif( nrow( data ), 0, 1 ) * 30000

data $ age <- sample( 18:99, nrow( data ), replace=TRUE )

data $ bad_health <- sample( c(T,F), nrow( data ), replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.1,0.9) )

#2) Function to calculate pension on single family

# two_people is true if the family has two
# people, otherwise false.
# ad1_inc and ad2_inc are the incomes, in
# pounds per year. ad2_inc is NA if there is
# only one person.
# Similarly, ad1_age and ad2_age are ages.
# And ad1_bad_health and ad2_bad_health are
# Booleans indicating whether the person
# has bad health.
# The result is the pension the Government
# gives the family, in pounds per week.
# This is NOT meant to be the same as in any
# existing country's social-security system,
# but exemplifies the kinds of calculation
# such a function needs to do. On our data,
# these will be called several hundred
# thousand times.
pension <- function( two_people
, ad1_inc, ad2_inc
, ad1_age, ad2_age
, ad1_bad_health, ad2_bad_health
max_age <-
ifelse( two_people
, pmax( ad1_age, ad2_age )
, ad1_age

income <-
ifelse( two_people
, ad1_inc + ad2_inc
, ad1_inc

bad_health <-
ifelse( two_people
, ad1_bad_health | ad2_bad_health
, ad1_bad_health

pension_level <-
case_when( income > 50000 | max_age < 65 ~ "None"
, max_age > 80 | bad_health ~ "High"
, max_age >= 65 ~ "Normal"

pension <-
case_when( pension_level == "High" ~ 200.00
, pension_level == "Normal" ~ 150.00
, pension_level == "None" ~ 0


#3) Check it works

pension( F, 40000, NA, 75, NA, F, NA )
# 150.

pension( T, 20000, 20000, 75, 75, F, F )
# 150.

pension( F, 60000, NA, 75, NA, F, NA )
# 0, because of high income.

pension( T, 30000, 30000, 75, 75, F, F )
# 0, because of high income.

pension( F, 60000, NA, 50, NA, F, NA )
# 0, because of low age.

pension( T, 20000, 20000, 75, 75, F, T )
# 200, because of bad health.

#4) Function to calculate all pensions using Tidyverse group-by

pension_over_all_TV <- function( data )
results <-
data %>%
group_by( fam_id ) %>%
group_map( ~ {
assert_that( nrow( .x ) %in% c( 1, 2 ) )
two_people <- .x $ two_people[[ 1 ]]
pension( two_people
, .x $ income[[ 1 ]]
, ifelse( two_people, .x $ income[[ 2 ]], NA )
, .x $ age [[ 1 ]]
, ifelse( two_people, .x $ age[[ 2 ]], NA )
, .x $ bad_health[[ 1 ]]
, ifelse( two_people, .x $ bad_health[[ 2 ]], NA )
# A vector of pension values, one per family.


#5) Try it and time it

pensions_TV <- pension_over_all_TV( data )
# Pensions as calculated by Tidyverse grouping.

res <- microbenchmark( pension_over_all_TV( data ), times=3 )
print( res )
# Time it. Mean is 2.5 seconds:
# Unit: seconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# pension_over_all_TV(data) 2.533073 2.565714 2.584183 2.598356 2.609738 2.621121 3

#6) Function to calculate all pensions using data.table group-by

pension_over_all_DT <- function( data )
# The function that data.table must apply
# to each group.
f <- function( group )
assert_that( nrow( group ) %in% c( 1, 2 ) )
two_people <- group $ two_people[[ 1 ]]
pension( two_people
, group $ income[[ 1 ]]
, ifelse( two_people, group $ income[[ 2 ]], NA )
, group $ age [[ 1 ]]
, ifelse( two_people, group $ age[[ 2 ]], NA )
, group $ bad_health[[ 1 ]]
, ifelse( two_people, group $ bad_health[[ 2 ]], NA )

data <- data )

results <-
, f( .SD )
, by=c( "fam_id" )
# A table with a V1 column containing one
# pension value per family.


#7) Try it and time it

pensions_DT <- pension_over_all_DT( data )
# Pensions as calculated by data.table grouping.

assert_that( are_equal( unlist( pensions_TV ), pensions_DT $ V1 ) )
# Making allowance for the slightly different
# formats of the results returned by group_map()
# and data.table's grouped operations, check
# that the numbers are the same.

res <- microbenchmark( pension_over_all_DT( data ), times=3 )
print( res )
# Time it. Mean is 2 seconds:
# Unit: seconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# pension_over_all_DT(data) 1.824391 1.950273 2.155805 2.076154 2.321512 2.56687 3

#8) Function to calculate all pensions using vectorisation

# This applies pension() to data by using vectorisation.
# It widens data into a table wherein each column is
# a vector corresponding to one of pension()'s arguments.
# It then calls exec() to apply pension() to these
# vectors. I had deliberately written pension() so that
# it would work on vector arguments with more than one
# element.
pension_over_all_Vect <- function( data )
data_widened <-
pivot_wider( data
, names_from = "ad_no"
, names_prefix = "ad"
, values_from = all_of( c("income","age","bad_health") )
) %>%
rename( ad1_inc="income_ad1", ad2_inc="income_ad2",
, ad1_age="age_ad1", ad2_age="age_ad2"
, ad1_bad_health="bad_health_ad1", ad2_bad_health="bad_health_ad2"
) %>%
select( -fam_id )
# A table with one row for each family, and one
# column for each of pension()'s arguments.

results <- exec( pension, !!! as.list( data_widened ) )
# A vector of results: one pension value for
# each family.


#9) Try it and time it

pensions_Vect <- pension_over_all_Vect( data )
# Returns a list of plausible-looking results.

assert_that( are_equal( unlist( pensions_TV ), pensions_Vect ) )
assert_that( are_equal( unlist( pensions_DT $ V1 ), pensions_Vect ) )
# Check that this is equal to the previously-
# calculated results.

res <- microbenchmark( pension_over_all_Vect( data ), times=3 )
print( res )
# Time it. The mean is 50 milliseconds.
# Unit: milliseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# pension_over_all_Vect(data) 35.7834 45.23245 50.8431 54.6815 58.37295 62.0644 3


我会迅速更换 $[[ :

replace_dollar <- function(expr) {
if (!is.language(expr) || length(expr) == 1L) return(expr)
if (expr[[1]] == quote(`$`)) {
expr[[1]] <- quote(`[[`)
expr[[3]] <- as.character(expr[[3]])
} else {
for (i in seq_along(expr)[-1])
expr[[i]] <- replace_dollar(expr[[i]])

expr <- quote(a $ b + c $ d)
# a[["b"]] + c[["d"]]
#[1] "a" "c"

x$name is equivalent to x[["name", exact = FALSE]].

我假设您不关心此处的部分名称匹配,因为您只想传递给 all.vars .

关于r - 有没有办法阻止 all.vars() 从 $ 的右侧返回名称?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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