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haskell - 我重写的 foldl 函数优化了吗?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 08:57:20 26 4
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两天前我刚开始使用 Haskell,所以我还不确定如何优化我的代码。

作为练习,我重写了 foldlfoldr (我将在这里给出 foldlfoldr 是相同的,将 last 替换为 headinit 替换为 tail )。


module Main where

myFoldl :: ( a -> ( b -> a ) ) -> a -> ( [b] -> a )

myFoldl func = ( \x -> (\theList
-> if (length theList == 0) then
myFoldl func (func x (last theList) ) (init theList)
) )

我唯一担心的是我怀疑 Haskell 不能在这里应用尾调用优化,因为递归调用不是在函数末尾进行的。

我怎样才能优化这个尾调用?是 Haskell 的内置实现 foldl与我的实现方式不同?


您在代码示例中使用括号以及对尾递归的强调表明您是从 Lisp 或 Scheme 来到 Haskell。如果您从像 Scheme 这样的热切语言来到 Haskell,请注意:尾调用在 Haskell 中的性能预测不如热切语言中的预测。您可以拥有由于惰性而在线性空间中执行的尾递归函数,并且您可以拥有由于惰性而在恒定空间中执行的非尾递归函数。 (已经糊涂了?)

您定义中的第一个缺陷是使用 length theList == 0 .这会强制评估列表的整个脊椎,并且是 O(n) 时间。最好使用模式匹配,就像这个天真的 foldl Haskell 中的定义:

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldl f z [] = z
foldl f z (x:xs) = foldl f (f z x) xs

然而,这在 Haskell 中表现得很糟糕,因为我们实际上并没有计算 f z x。直到 foldl 的调用者为止要求结果;所以这个 foldl为每个列表元素在内存中累积未评估的 thunk,并且不会从尾递归中获得任何好处。事实上,尽管是尾递归的,这个天真的 foldl过长的列表会导致堆栈溢出! ( Data.List module 有一个不存在此问题的 foldl' 函数。)

与此相反,许多 Haskell 非尾递归函数执行得非常好。例如,采用 find 的定义,基于随附的 foldr 的非尾递归定义:
find :: (a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> Maybe a
find pred xs = foldr find' Nothing xs
where find' elem rest = if pred elem then Just elem else rest

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr f z [] = z
foldr f z (x:xs) = f x (subfold xs)
where subfold = foldr f z

  • 一旦找到满足谓词的元素,就无需遍历列表的其余部分来计算 rest 的值。 .
  • 一旦您查看一个元素并确定它不匹配,就无需保留有关该元素的任何数据。

  • 我现在要传授的教训是:不要将你对热切语言的性能假设引入 Haskell。你才两天;首先专注于理解语言的语法和语义,不要强制自己编写优化版本的函数。你会被 foldl 击中-style 栈溢出一开始时有发生,但你会及时掌握的。

    编辑 [9/5/2012]:懒惰的更简单的演示 find尽管不是尾递归,但在恒定空间中运行。首先,简化定义:
    foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
    foldr f z [] = z
    foldr f z (x:xs) = f x (foldr f z xs)

    find :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a
    find p xs = let step x rest = if p x then Just x else rest
    in foldr step Nothing xs

    现在,使用等式推理(即,根据上面的定义,用 equals 代替 equals),并以惰性顺序(最外层优先)进行评估,让我们计算 find (==400) [1..] :
    find (==400) [1..]
    -- Definition of `find`:
    => let step x rest = if x == 400 then Just x else rest
    in foldr step Nothing [1..]

    -- `[x, y, ...]` is the same as `x:[y, ...]`:
    => let step x rest = if x == 400 then Just x else rest
    in foldr step Nothing (1:[2..])

    -- Using the second equation in the definition of `foldr`:
    => let step x rest = if x == 400 then Just x else rest
    in step 1 (foldr step Nothing [2..])

    -- Applying `step`:
    => let step x rest = if x == 400 then Just x else rest
    in if 1 == 400 then Just 1 else foldr step Nothing [2..]

    -- `1 == 400` is `False`
    => let step x rest = if x == 400 then Just x else rest
    in if False then Just 1 else foldr step Nothing [2..]

    -- `if False then a else b` is the same as `b`
    => let step x rest = if x == 400 then Just x else rest
    in foldr step Nothing [2..]

    -- Repeat the same reasoning steps as above
    => let step x rest = if x == 400 then Just x else rest
    in foldr step Nothing (2:[3..])
    => let step x rest = if x == 400 then Just x else rest
    in step 2 (foldr step Nothing [3..])
    => let step x rest = if x == 400 then Just x else rest
    in if 2 == 400 then Just 2 else foldr step Nothing [3..]
    => let step x rest = if x == 400 then Just x else rest
    in if False then Just 2 else foldr step Nothing [3..]
    => let step x rest = if x == 400 then Just x else rest
    in foldr step Nothing [3..]

    => let step x rest = if x == 400 then Just x else rest
    in foldr step Nothing [400..]
    => let step x rest = if x == 400 then Just x else rest
    in foldr step Nothing (400:[401..])
    => let step x rest = if x == 400 then Just x else rest
    in step 400 (foldr step Nothing [401..])
    => let step x rest = if x == 400 then Just x else rest
    in if 400 == 400 then Just 400 else foldr step Nothing [401..]
    => let step x rest = if x == 400 then Just x else rest
    in if True then Just 400 else foldr step Nothing [401..]

    -- `if True then a else b` is the same as `a`
    => let step x rest = if x == 400 then Just x else rest
    in Just 400

    -- We can eliminate the `let ... in ...` here:
    => Just 400

    请注意,随着我们继续遍历列表,连续评估步骤中的表达式不会变得越来越复杂或更长;第 n 步表达式的长度或深度与 n 不成比例,它基本上是固定的。这实际上演示了 find (==400) [1..]可以在恒定空间中懒惰地执行。

    关于haskell - 我重写的 foldl 函数优化了吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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