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angularjs - 我可以获得 $log 来记录我的调用的源代码位置,而不是他们的吗?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 08:52:00 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

这是使用 $log 的典型结果:

如果我只使用 console.log ,我会在控制台中看到我的调用的源代码位置。使用 $log 时,我看到他们的日志调用的位置,这对我来说没用。



我们刚刚放弃使用 $log完全地。它确实没有提供我们可以看到的任何好处。

相反,我们现在只是使用 console ,但有一个小转折:

* @see

var method;

var methods = [
"assert", "clear", "count", "debug", "dir", "dirxml", "error",
"exception", "group", "groupCollapsed", "groupEnd", "info", "log",
"markTimeline", "profile", "profileEnd", "table", "time", "timeEnd",
"timeStamp", "trace", "warn"
var methodsLength = methods.length;
var console = ( window.console || {} );

while( methodsLength-- ) {
method = methods[ methodsLength ];

// Only stub undefined methods.
if( !console[ method ] ) {
console[ method ] = Function.prototype;

.module( "util" )
.constant( "console", console );

我们没有覆盖 window.console就像原始的 html5 样板代码一样。相反,我们只是创建了一个新服务,并在我们想使用 console 时注入(inject)它。 .


我不太确定这是否是我想要解决的问题,但@BenjaminGruenbaum 建议只使用 decorators并更改方式 $log作品。

这就是它的样子。 Chrome 显然甚至可以识别该模式,我可以直接点击到源代码位置。

enter image description here

var app = angular.module( "myApp", []);

app.config( function( $provide ) {
$provide.decorator( "$log", function( $delegate ) {
var originalLog = $delegate.log;
$delegate.log = function() {
var stack = new Error().stack;
var location = analyzeStack( stack, 1 );
[] arguments, location );
originalLog.apply( this, arguments );
return $delegate;
} );
} );

app.controller( "ApplicationController", function( $log ) {
$log.log( "Hello World" );
} );

* Take a stack trace and extract a location identifier from it.
* The location identifier represents the location from where the logger was invoked.
* @param {String} stack The traced stack
* @param {Number} [stackIndex=2] The element of the stack you want analyzed.
* @returns {String} A location identifier for the location from where the logger was invoked.
function analyzeStack( stack, stackIndex ) {
stackIndex = stackIndex || 2;

* Group 1: Function name (optional)
* Group 2: File name
* Group 3: Line
* Group 4: Column
var callSitePattern = new RegExp( /at (?:(.*) )?\(?(.*):(\d+):(\d+)\)?/g );
var sites = stack.match( callSitePattern );

// The method that invoked the logger is located at index 2 of the stack
if( sites && stackIndex <= sites.length ) {
var callSiteElementPattern = new RegExp( /at (?:(.*) )?\(?(.*):(\d+):(\d+)\)?/ );
// Pick apart
var callSiteElements = sites[ stackIndex ].match( callSiteElementPattern );
var functionName, fileName, line, column;
// Assume either 4 (no function name) or 5 elements.
if( callSiteElements.length == 5 ) {
functionName = callSiteElements[ 1 ];
fileName = callSiteElements[ 2 ];
line = callSiteElements[ 3 ];
column = callSiteElements[ 4 ];
} else {
functionName = "(unnamed)";
fileName = callSiteElements[ 1 ];
line = callSiteElements[ 2 ];
column = callSiteElements[ 3 ];

return functionName + "@" + fileName + ":" + line + ":" + column;
return null;

我也把它放到了 plunkr .

关于angularjs - 我可以获得 $log 来记录我的调用的源代码位置,而不是他们的吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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