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我已经使用模型在 python 中训练了一个模型
reg = 0.000001
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(24, activation='tanh', name='input_dense', input_shape=input_shape))
model.add(GRU(24, activation='tanh', recurrent_activation='sigmoid', return_sequences=True, kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(reg), recurrent_regularizer=regularizers.l2(reg), reset_after=False))
model.add(Dense(2, activation='softmax'))
但是当我使用“tensorflowjs_converter --input_format keras”转换这个模型并在浏览器中加载时出现错误
Unhandled Rejection (Error): Unknown regularizer: L2. This may be dueto one of the following reasons:
- The regularizer is defined in Python, in which case it needs to be ported to TensorFlow.js or your JavaScript code.
- The custom regularizer is defined in JavaScript, but is not registered properly with tf.serialization.registerClass().
"format": "layers-model",
"generatedBy": "keras v2.4.0",
"convertedBy": "TensorFlow.js Converter v2.3.0",
"modelTopology": {
"keras_version": "2.4.0",
"backend": "tensorflow",
"model_config": {
"class_name": "Sequential",
"config": {
"name": "sequential",
"layers": [
"class_name": "InputLayer",
"config": {
"batch_input_shape": [null, 22, 13],
"dtype": "float32",
"sparse": false,
"ragged": false,
"name": "input_dense_input"
"class_name": "Dense",
"config": {
"name": "input_dense",
"trainable": true,
"batch_input_shape": [null, 22, 13],
"dtype": "float32",
"units": 24,
"activation": "tanh",
"use_bias": true,
"kernel_initializer": {
"class_name": "GlorotUniform",
"config": { "seed": null }
"bias_initializer": { "class_name": "Zeros", "config": {} },
"kernel_regularizer": null,
"bias_regularizer": null,
"activity_regularizer": null,
"kernel_constraint": null,
"bias_constraint": null
"class_name": "GRU",
"config": {
"name": "gru",
"trainable": true,
"dtype": "float32",
"return_sequences": true,
"return_state": false,
"go_backwards": false,
"stateful": false,
"unroll": false,
"time_major": false,
"units": 24,
"activation": "tanh",
"recurrent_activation": "sigmoid",
"use_bias": true,
"kernel_initializer": {
"class_name": "GlorotUniform",
"config": { "seed": null }
"recurrent_initializer": {
"class_name": "Orthogonal",
"config": { "gain": 1.0, "seed": null }
"bias_initializer": { "class_name": "Zeros", "config": {} },
"kernel_regularizer": {
"class_name": "L2",
"config": { "l2": 9.999999974752427e-7 }
"recurrent_regularizer": {
"class_name": "L2",
"config": { "l2": 9.999999974752427e-7 }
"bias_regularizer": null,
"activity_regularizer": null,
"kernel_constraint": null,
"recurrent_constraint": null,
"bias_constraint": null,
"dropout": 0.0,
"recurrent_dropout": 0.0,
"implementation": 2,
"reset_after": false
"class_name": "Flatten",
"config": {
"name": "flatten",
"trainable": true,
"dtype": "float32",
"data_format": "channels_last"
"class_name": "Dense",
"config": {
"name": "dense",
"trainable": true,
"dtype": "float32",
"units": 2,
"activation": "softmax",
"use_bias": true,
"kernel_initializer": {
"class_name": "GlorotUniform",
"config": { "seed": null }
"bias_initializer": { "class_name": "Zeros", "config": {} },
"kernel_regularizer": null,
"bias_regularizer": null,
"activity_regularizer": null,
"kernel_constraint": null,
"bias_constraint": null
"training_config": {
"loss": "categorical_crossentropy",
"metrics": ["accuracy"],
"weighted_metrics": null,
"loss_weights": null,
"optimizer_config": {
"class_name": "Nadam",
"config": {
"name": "Nadam",
"learning_rate": 0.0020000000949949026,
"decay": 0.004000000189989805,
"beta_1": 0.8999999761581421,
"beta_2": 0.9990000128746033,
"epsilon": 1e-7
"weightsManifest": [
"paths": ["group1-shard1of1.bin"],
"weights": [
{ "name": "dense/kernel", "shape": [528, 2], "dtype": "float32" },
{ "name": "dense/bias", "shape": [2], "dtype": "float32" },
{ "name": "gru/gru_cell/kernel", "shape": [24, 72], "dtype": "float32" },
"name": "gru/gru_cell/recurrent_kernel",
"shape": [24, 72],
"dtype": "float32"
{ "name": "gru/gru_cell/bias", "shape": [72], "dtype": "float32" },
{ "name": "input_dense/kernel", "shape": [13, 24], "dtype": "float32" },
{ "name": "input_dense/bias", "shape": [24], "dtype": "float32" }
和 L2
;它们只是接口(interface)(更多 here )
它将获取配置并返回正确的正则化器。您可以手动替换所有出现的 L2
选项 2
注册一个 L2 类
class L2 {
static className = 'L2';
constructor(config) {
return tf.regularizers.l1l2(config)
// now load the model
关于javascript - 未知的正则化器 : L2 in tensorflowjs,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64063914/
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