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我正在使用 Yosemite 在 Mac 上工作。昨天我安装了 Visual Studio 2013 的 Update 4,并注意到在使用 TFS 2013(和 TFS 作为 SCM)时出现了一个奇怪的行为。我的源文件作为本地工作区映射到 Mac 上的 UNC 路径。
当我更改我的文件并尝试 checkin 时,我收到以下消息:
\\psf\Home\Documents\My\TFS\Customerproject\Source\Calculation\WeightCalculation.cs: Access to the path is denied.
我所做的是将本地工作区更改为 服务器工作区 在 Visual Studio 中(macOS Sierra + Windows 10 on Parallels);
Why should I use a local workspace?
When you use a local workspace, you get the following advantages:
Work offline easily. You can quickly begin editing a file when your network connection is unavailable or unreliable. From Solution Explorer you can add, edit, delete, rename, undo, and compare items in your workspace even when you're not connected to your Team Foundation Server.
Easily restore files that you have deleted locally. To restore locally deleted files, just get your files.
Visual Studio automatically detects changes. When you add or delete files outside of Visual Studio, the program automatically detects these changes.
Important: One drawback to using a local workspace is that performance degrades as the number of items increases. See the next section for details.
使用服务器工作区时,Visual Studio 仅保留一份
您的工作区包含 100,000 多个项目。
您想使用 Visual Studio 2010 或更早版本来处理
您需要使用 启用在退房时获取最新信息 选项。
离线工作困难且性能不佳。 当你
Tip: You can improve responsiveness by enabling asynchronous checkout. For more information, see Manage team project collection workspace settings for your team.
关于visual-studio - 在 Mac 文件共享/unc 路径上工作时出现奇怪的 Visual Studio TFS 行为,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27111534/
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