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haskell - 为什么此 GADT 上的模式匹配似乎会在类型检查器中引入歧义?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 08:34:34 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在尝试实现 Abstract Syntax Graphs, as described by Andres Loeh and Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira 的形式.在大多数情况下,我似乎理解正确。但是,当我尝试将 letrec 引入我的语法时,我遇到了一些问题。我认为通过这个小代码示例更容易:


{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
import Control.Applicative

infixr 8 :::
data TList :: (k -> *) -> [k] -> * where
TNil :: TList f '[]
(:::) :: f t -> TList f ts -> TList f (t ': ts)

tmap :: (forall a. f a -> g a) -> TList f as -> TList g as
tmap f (TNil) = TNil
tmap f (x ::: xs) = f x ::: tmap f xs

ttraverse :: Applicative i => (forall a. f a -> i (g a)) -> TList f xs -> i (TList g xs)
ttraverse f TNil = pure TNil
ttraverse f (x ::: xs) = (:::) <$> f x <*> ttraverse f xs

data WallId
data VertexId

data LevelExpr :: (* -> *) -> * -> * where
:: (TList f ts -> TList (LevelExpr f) ts)
-> (TList f ts -> LevelExpr f t)
-> LevelExpr f t

Var :: f t -> LevelExpr f t

Vertex :: (Float, Float) -> LevelExpr f VertexId

:: LevelExpr f VertexId
-> LevelExpr f VertexId
-> LevelExpr f WallId

在 PHOAS 之后,我们使用更高等级的类型来对 f 的选择强制执行参数化。 :
newtype Level t = Level (forall f. LevelExpr f t)

最后,让我们为 letrec 介绍一些语法糖。自动用 Var 标记所有内容,正如论文所建议的:
letrec :: (TList (LevelExpr f) ts -> TList (LevelExpr f) ts)
-> (TList (LevelExpr f) ts -> LevelExpr f t)
-> LevelExpr f t
letrec es e =
Let (\xs -> es (tmap Var xs))
(\xs -> e (tmap Var xs))

testExpr :: Level WallId
testExpr =
Level (letrec (\ts ->
Vertex (0,0) :::
Vertex (10,10) :::
(\(v1 ::: v2 ::: _) ->
Wall v1 v2))

这工作得很好。一个等价的表达式是使用 letrec 定义两个顶点和它们之间的墙,全部绑定(bind)。在 letrec 的主体中,我们可以只返回墙绑定(bind)。我们首先将墙移动到 letrec 中,然后添加一些洞来看看 GHC 知道什么:
testExprLetrec :: Level WallId
testExprLetrec =
Level (letrec (\ts ->
Vertex (0,0) :::
Vertex (10,10) :::
Wall _ _ :::

GHC 通知我们:
Found hole `_' with type: LevelExpr f VertexId
Where: `f' is a rigid type variable bound by
a type expected by the context: LevelExpr f WallId
at y-u-no-infer.hs:71:3
Relevant bindings include
ts :: TList (LevelExpr f) '[VertexId, VertexId, WallId]
(bound at y-u-no-infer.hs:71:19)
testExprLetrec :: Level WallId (bound at y-u-no-infer.hs:70:1)
In the first argument of `Wall', namely `_'
In the first argument of `(:::)', namely `Wall _ _'
In the second argument of `(:::)', namely `Wall _ _ ::: TNil'

好的,很好 - GHC 知道 ts包含两个 VertexId s 和 WallId .我们
应该能够在 ts 上进行模式匹配提取这些表达式中的每一个。
testExprLetrec2 :: Level WallId
testExprLetrec2 =
Level (letrec (\ts@(v1 ::: v2 ::: _) ->
Vertex (0,0) :::
Vertex (10,10) :::
Wall v1 v2 :::

Could not deduce (t ~ VertexId)
from the context (ts0 ~ (t : ts))
bound by a pattern with constructor
::: :: forall (k :: BOX) (f :: k -> *) (t :: k) (ts :: [k]).
f t -> TList f ts -> TList f (t : ts),
in a lambda abstraction
at y-u-no-infer.hs:108:23-37
or from (ts ~ (t1 : ts1))
bound by a pattern with constructor
::: :: forall (k :: BOX) (f :: k -> *) (t :: k) (ts :: [k]).
f t -> TList f ts -> TList f (t : ts),
in a lambda abstraction
at y-u-no-infer.hs:108:23-31
`t' is a rigid type variable bound by
a pattern with constructor
::: :: forall (k :: BOX) (f :: k -> *) (t :: k) (ts :: [k]).
f t -> TList f ts -> TList f (t : ts),
in a lambda abstraction
at y-u-no-infer.hs:108:23
Expected type: TList (LevelExpr f) ts0
Actual type: TList (LevelExpr f) '[VertexId, VertexId, WallId]
Relevant bindings include
v1 :: LevelExpr f t (bound at y-u-no-infer.hs:108:23)
In the expression:
Vertex (0, 0) ::: Vertex (10, 10) ::: Wall v1 v2 ::: TNil
In the first argument of `letrec', namely
`(\ ts@(v1 ::: v2 ::: _)
-> Vertex (0, 0) ::: Vertex (10, 10) ::: Wall v1 v2 ::: TNil)'
In the first argument of `Level', namely
(\ ts@(v1 ::: v2 ::: _)
-> Vertex (0, 0) ::: Vertex (10, 10) ::: Wall v1 v2 ::: TNil)

为什么 GHC 现在期待 TList (LevelExpr f) ts0 , 当它以前是新的 ts0 ~ '[VertexId, VertexId, WallId] ?


类型推断不能可靠地与 GADT 一起使用。您可以通过提供简单的类型注释来修复代码:

testExprLetrec2 :: Level WallId
testExprLetrec2 =
Level (letrec ((\ts@(v1 ::: v2 ::: _
:: TList (LevelExpr f) '[VertexId, VertexId, WallId]) ->
Vertex (0,0) :::
Vertex (10,10) :::
Wall _ _ :::

关于haskell - 为什么此 GADT 上的模式匹配似乎会在类型检查器中引入歧义?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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