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visualsvn-server - 2 VisualSVNServer 实例指向同一个 SVN 仓库?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 08:31:36 27 4
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运行指向同一存储库的两个 VisualSVNServer 实例是否可能/安全?

我四处搜索,但没有找到与此问题具体相关的任何内容。我问的唯一原因是因为我们需要通过 http 启用 Windows 身份验证/集成,并通过 https 启用 svn 身份验证。在 VisualSVNServer 的单个实例中同时运行两者似乎不是一个选项。


编辑:从 VisualSVN 支持收到以下答复

Thanks to Subversion design, repositories are ready to be accessed by several server instances simultaneously. We haven't experimented a lot with such configuration, but I think it's possible.

Am I understand properly, that you are going to store your repositories on a network storage and run two VisualSVN Server instances on different machines?

Please take care about the file. In the current release, this file is stored in the repositories folder. So there will be a collision between two instances of VisualSVN Server. We are going to fix this problem in the upcoming release.

You can easily relocate the to another destination by adding the following command to the "C:\Program Files\VisualSVN Server\conf\httpd-custom.conf" file:
PidFile "C:/Tmp/"


如果存储在 SMB 共享上没有任何问题,您可以将两个 VisualSVN Server 实例指向同一个存储库。这是主动/主动或主动/被动集群设置的典型配置。

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