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haskell - 是否可以在运行时分配 KnownNat?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 07:32:42 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我一直在尝试(未成功)在运行时的 haskell 中创建一个“对象”*,其类型在运行时使用依赖类型定义。

我在关注 this tutorial on dependent types他们用来在运行时传递值的是一个函数,它接受 Sing作为参数并对 Sing 的值使用模式匹配在运行时获取数字。
但我无权访问任何 Sing进行模式匹配。

我认为下面的代码可以工作,但实际上我得到的结果非常令人失望,编译器告诉我 n来自 randomNetwork 的类型定义不一样n我在 SNat 的类型定义中捕获的.

ScopedTypeVariables, TemplateHaskell, TypeFamilies, GADTs, KindSignatures,
TypeOperators, FlexibleContexts, RankNTypes, UndecidableInstances,
FlexibleInstances, InstanceSigs, DefaultSignatures, DataKinds,
RecordWildCards, StandaloneDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

module Main where

-- some imports to make the code below main work
import Control.Monad.Random
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.List

--import Grenade
import Data.Singletons
import Data.Singletons.TypeLits

main = do
let sizeHidden = toSing (20 :: Integer) :: SomeSing Nat

net0 <- case sizeHidden of
SomeSing (SNat :: Sing n) ->
randomNetwork :: IO (Network '[ FullyConnected 75 n, FullyConnected n 1 ] '[ 'D1 75, 'D1 n, 'D1 1 ])
--net0 <- randomNetwork :: IO (Network '[ FullyConnected 75 3, FullyConnected 3 1 ] '[ 'D1 75, 'D1 3, 'D1 1 ])
print net0

-- from Grenade.Core.Network
data Network :: [*] -> [Shape] -> * where
NNil :: SingI i
=> Network '[] '[i]

(:~>) :: (SingI i, SingI h, Layer x i h)
=> !x
-> !(Network xs (h ': hs))
-> Network (x ': xs) (i ': h ': hs)
infixr 5 :~>

instance Show (Network '[] '[i]) where
show NNil = "NNil"
instance (Show x, Show (Network xs rs)) => Show (Network (x ': xs) (i ': rs)) where
show (x :~> xs) = show x ++ "\n~>\n" ++ show xs

class CreatableNetwork (xs :: [*]) (ss :: [Shape]) where
randomNetwork :: MonadRandom m => m (Network xs ss)

instance SingI i => CreatableNetwork '[] '[i] where
randomNetwork = return NNil

instance (SingI i, SingI o, Layer x i o, CreatableNetwork xs (o ': rs)) => CreatableNetwork (x ': xs) (i ': o ': rs) where
randomNetwork = (:~>) <$> createRandom <*> randomNetwork

-- from Grenade.Layers.FullyConnected
data FullyConnected i o = FullyConnected
!(FullyConnected' i o) -- Neuron weights
!(FullyConnected' i o) -- Neuron momentum

data FullyConnected' i o = FullyConnected'
!(R o) -- Bias
!(L o i) -- Activations

instance Show (FullyConnected i o) where
show FullyConnected {} = "FullyConnected"

instance (KnownNat i, KnownNat o) => UpdateLayer (FullyConnected i o) where
type Gradient (FullyConnected i o) = (FullyConnected' i o)
runUpdate = undefined
createRandom = undefined

instance (KnownNat i, KnownNat o) => Layer (FullyConnected i o) ('D1 i) ('D1 o) where
type Tape (FullyConnected i o) ('D1 i) ('D1 o) = S ('D1 i)
runForwards = undefined
runBackwards = undefined

-- from Grenade.Core.Layer
class UpdateLayer x where
type Gradient x :: *
runUpdate :: LearningParameters -> x -> Gradient x -> x
createRandom :: MonadRandom m => m x
runUpdates :: LearningParameters -> x -> [Gradient x] -> x
runUpdates rate = foldl' (runUpdate rate)

class UpdateLayer x => Layer x (i :: Shape) (o :: Shape) where
type Tape x i o :: *
runForwards :: x -> S i -> (Tape x i o, S o)
runBackwards :: x -> Tape x i o -> S o -> (Gradient x, S i)

-- from Grenade.Core.Shape
data Shape = D1 Nat

data S (n :: Shape) where
S1D :: ( KnownNat len )
=> R len
-> S ('D1 len)

deriving instance Show (S n)

instance KnownNat a => SingI ('D1 a) where
sing = D1Sing sing

data instance Sing (n :: Shape) where
D1Sing :: Sing a -> Sing ('D1 a)

-- from Grenade.Core.LearningParameters
data LearningParameters = LearningParameters {
learningRate :: Double
, learningMomentum :: Double
, learningRegulariser :: Double
} deriving (Eq, Show)

-- from Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Static
newtype Dim (n :: Nat) t = Dim t
deriving (Show)
newtype R n = R (Dim n [Double])
deriving (Show)
newtype L m n = L (Dim m (Dim n [[Double]]))


Prelude> :r
net0 <- case sizeHidden of
SomeSing (SNat :: KnownNat n => Sing n) -> randomNetwork :: IO (Network '[ FullyConnected 75 3, FullyConnected 3 1 ] '[ 'D1 75, 'D1 3, 'D1 1 ])
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( /home/helq/Downloads/NetworkOnRuntime.hs, interpreted )

/home/helq/Downloads/NetworkOnRuntime.hs:23:15: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘a0’
with ‘Network
'[FullyConnected 75 a, FullyConnected a 1] '['D1 75, 'D1 a, 'D1 1]’
because type variable ‘a’ would escape its scope
This (rigid, skolem) type variable is bound by
a pattern with constructor:
SomeSing :: forall k k1 (k2 :: k1) (a :: k). Sing a -> SomeSing k,
in a case alternative
at /home/helq/Downloads/NetworkOnRuntime.hs:22:13-37
Expected type: IO a0
Actual type: IO
'[FullyConnected 75 a, FullyConnected a 1] '['D1 75, 'D1 a, 'D1 1])
• In the expression:
randomNetwork ::
IO (Network '[FullyConnected 75 n, FullyConnected n 1] '[D1 75,
D1 n,
D1 1])
In a case alternative:
SomeSing (SNat :: Sing n)
-> randomNetwork ::
IO (Network '[FullyConnected 75 n, FullyConnected n 1] '[D1 75,
D1 n,
D1 1])
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
net0 <- case sizeHidden of {
SomeSing (SNat :: Sing n)
-> randomNetwork ::
IO (Network '[FullyConnected 75 n, FullyConnected n 1] '[D1 75,
D1 n,
D1 1]) }

/home/helq/Downloads/NetworkOnRuntime.hs:25:3: error:
• Ambiguous type variable ‘a0’ arising from a use of ‘print’
prevents the constraint ‘(Show a0)’ from being solved.
Relevant bindings include
net0 :: a0 (bound at /home/helq/Downloads/NetworkOnRuntime.hs:21:3)
Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what ‘a0’ should be.
These potential instances exist:
instance (Show b, Show a) => Show (Either a b)
-- Defined in ‘Data.Either’
instance Show SomeNat -- Defined in ‘GHC.TypeLits’
instance Show SomeSymbol -- Defined in ‘GHC.TypeLits’ 31 others 170 instances involving out-of-scope types
(use -fprint-potential-instances to see them all)
• In a stmt of a 'do' block: print net0
In the expression:
do { let sizeHidden = ...;
net0 <- case sizeHidden of {
SomeSing (SNat :: Sing n)
-> randomNetwork ::
IO (Network '[FullyConnected 75 n, FullyConnected n 1] '[D1 75,
D1 n,
D1 1]) };
print net0 }
In an equation for ‘main’:
= do { let sizeHidden = ...;
net0 <- case sizeHidden of { SomeSing (SNat :: Sing n) -> ... };
print net0 }
Failed, modules loaded: none.




net0 <- case sizeHidden of
SomeSing (SNat :: Sing n) ->
randomNetwork :: IO (Network '[ FullyConnected 75 n, FullyConnected n 1 ] '[ 'D1 75, 'D1 n, 'D1 1 ])
Network '[ FullyConnected 75 n, FullyConnected n 1 ] '[ 'D1 75, 'D1 n, 'D1 1 ]

然而, n 是什么? ?不在环境中,因为 main的类型环境是空的。它也没有被普遍量化。这就是问题所在, n不能引用任何东西。您需要使用 net0 完成所有工作。在 n的环境里面是 bound1,如
case sizeHidden of
SomeSing (SNat :: Sing n) -> do
net0 <- randomNetwork :: IO (Network '[ FullyConnected 75 n, FullyConnected n 1 ] '[ 'D1 75, 'D1 n, 'D1 1 ])
print net0

或换行 net0在它自己的存在中:
data DogeNet = 
forall n. KnownNat n => DogeNet (Network '[ FullyConnected 75 n, FullyConnected n 1 ]
'[ 'D1 75, 'D1 n, 'D1 1 ])

instance Show DogeNet where -- deriving can't handle existentials
show (DogeNet n) = show n

main = do
net0 <- case sizeHidden of
SomeSing (SNat :: Sing n) ->
DogeNet <$> (randomNetwork
:: IO (Network '[ FullyConnected 75 n, FullyConnected n 1 ]
'[ 'D1 75, 'D1 n, 'D1 1 ]))
print net0
randomNetwork仍然需要类型签名,因为我们需要表明我们确实打算使用 n绑定(bind)在上一行,迫使我们编写两次网络规范。但是可以用新的 TypeApplications清理扩大:
            DogeNet @n <$> randomNetwork

1 这并没有让事情变得像看起来那样不可能。您仍然可以通过 net0n 中普遍量化的函数.这只是意味着,如果您返回一个涉及新类型级别编号的类型,您需要通过 CPS 执行此操作或使用像 DogeNet 这样的存在。 .

关于haskell - 是否可以在运行时分配 KnownNat?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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