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- JMeter 在响应断言中使用 span 标签的问题
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我使用了 ctrl+f 之类的搜索和突出显示功能,我试图弄清楚如何与 html 标签数组进行交互。例如,我有这一行,它会滚动到与用户输入的任何内容匹配的单词的第一次出现并突出显示它(关键字被包裹在 <mark>
//scroll to searched keyword
var element = document.getElementsByTagName("mark")[0];
window.scroll({top: element.offsetTop, behavior: 'smooth'});
单击 Enter 后,如何使其滚动到下一个元素?我不知道如何使这个 [0] 增加。
if (e.key === 'Enter') {
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName("mark");
window.scroll({top: elements[++count].offsetTop, behavior: 'smooth'})
} else {
count = 0;
var element = document.getElementsByTagName("mark")[0];
window.scroll({top: element.offsetTop, behavior: 'smooth'});
<!-- Search field -->
<input type="text" id="keywords" placeholder="Search on the page..."></input>
<div id="txt"><div class="faq-question"><h4>What is Lorem Ipsum?</h4>
<p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.</p></div>
<div class="faq-question"><h4>Why do we use it?</h4>
<p>It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).</p></div>
<div class="faq-question"><h4>Where does it come from?</h4>
<p>Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.</p></div></div>
.sticky-faqsearch {position: sticky; top: 30px; box-shadow: 0px 5px 10px #4f4f5d29;}
// Original JavaScript code by Chirp Internet: chirpinternet.eu
// Please acknowledge use of this code by including this header.
function Hilitor(id, tag)
// private variables
var targetNode = document.getElementById("txt")
var hiliteTag = tag || "MARK";
var skipTags = new RegExp("^(?:" + hiliteTag + "|SCRIPT|FORM|SPAN)$");
// var colors = ["#ff6", "#a0ffff", "#9f9", "#f99", "#f6f"];
var colors = ["#aac42a", "#80bd01", "#33a643"];
var wordColor = [];
var colorIdx = 0;
var matchRegExp = "";
var openLeft = false;
var openRight = false;
// characters to strip from start and end of the input string
var endRegExp = new RegExp('^[^\\w]+|[^\\w]+$', "g");
// characters used to break up the input string into words
var breakRegExp = new RegExp('[^\\w\'-]+', "g");
this.setEndRegExp = function(regex) {
endRegExp = regex;
return endRegExp;
this.setBreakRegExp = function(regex) {
breakRegExp = regex;
return breakRegExp;
this.setMatchType = function(type)
case "left":
this.openLeft = false;
this.openRight = true;
case "right":
this.openLeft = true;
this.openRight = false;
case "open":
this.openLeft = this.openRight = true;
this.openLeft = this.openRight = false;
this.setRegex = function(input)
input = input.replace(endRegExp, "");
input = input.replace(breakRegExp, "|");
input = input.replace(/^\||\|$/g, "");
if(input) {
var re = "(" + input + ")";
if(!this.openLeft) {
re = "\\b" + re;
if(!this.openRight) {
re = re + "\\b";
matchRegExp = new RegExp(re, "i");
return matchRegExp;
return false;
this.getRegex = function()
var retval = matchRegExp.toString();
retval = retval.replace(/(^\/(\\b)?|\(|\)|(\\b)?\/i$)/g, "");
retval = retval.replace(/\|/g, " ");
return retval;
// recursively apply word highlighting
this.hiliteWords = function(node)
if(node === undefined || !node) return;
if(!matchRegExp) return;
if(skipTags.test(node.nodeName)) return;
if(node.hasChildNodes()) {
for(var i=0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++)
if(node.nodeType == 3) { // NODE_TEXT
if((nv = node.nodeValue) && (regs = matchRegExp.exec(nv))) {
if(!wordColor[regs[0].toLowerCase()]) {
wordColor[regs[0].toLowerCase()] = colors[colorIdx++ % colors.length];
var match = document.createElement(hiliteTag);
match.style.backgroundColor = wordColor[regs[0].toLowerCase()];
match.style.color = "#000";
var after = node.splitText(regs.index);
after.nodeValue = after.nodeValue.substring(regs[0].length);
node.parentNode.insertBefore(match, after);
// remove highlighting
this.remove = function()
var arr = document.getElementsByTagName(hiliteTag);
while(arr.length && (el = arr[0])) {
var parent = el.parentNode;
parent.replaceChild(el.firstChild, el);
// start highlighting at target node
this.apply = function(input)
if(input === undefined || !(input = input.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, ""))) {
if(this.setRegex(input)) {
return matchRegExp;
<script type="text/javascript">
//highlight searched keyword
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(e) {
var myHilitor2 = new Hilitor("playground");
let count = 0;
document.getElementById("keywords").addEventListener("keyup", function(e) {
//Hide unrelated search results (hides faq-question with no matches to input)
var questions = document.getElementsByClassName("faq-question");
for(x = 0; x < questions.length; x++) {
questions[x].style.display = "block";
// console.log("input exists");
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questions[x].style.display = "none";
// console.log("no matched keywords in this section");
//if page doesnt contain mark set display to block
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questions[x].style.display = "block";
// console.log("no input");
//scroll to searched keyword
// counter like 0/100 in ctrl+f
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var faqsearch = document.getElementById("keywords");
var sticky = faqsearch.offsetTop;
function seatchStickToTop() {
if (window.pageYOffset > sticky) {
} else {
关于javascript - 我怎样才能让输入匹配计数器按像 ctrl+f 这样的回车键?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68685355/
我有以下代码: interface F { (): string; a(): number; } function f() { return '3'; } f['a'] = f
比如我有一个 vector vector > v={{true,1},{true,2},{false,3},{false,4},{false,5},{true,6},{false,7},{true,8
我需要编写一个要在 GHCi 上运行的模块,并将函数组合为相同的函数。这个(经典的fog(x) = f(g(x)))运行: (.) f g = (\x -> f (g x)). 当我尝试这样写时出现问
动态规划这里有一个问题 大写字母AZ对应于整数[-13,12],因此一个字符串对应于一整列。我们将对应的整列的总和称为字符串的特征值。例如:字符串ACM对应的总体列为{-13,-11,-1},则ACM
我想知道为什么 F-Sharp 不支持无穷大。 这适用于 Ruby(但不适用于 f#): let numbers n = [1 .. 1/0] |> Seq.take(n) -> System.Div
如何从已编译的 F# 程序中的字符串执行 F# 代码? 最佳答案 这是一个小脚本,它使用 FSharp CodeDom 将字符串编译为程序集,并将其动态加载到脚本 session 中。 它使用类型扩展
有什么方法可以在 F# List 和 F# Tuple 之间转换? 例如: [1;2;3] -> (1,2,3) (1,2,3,4) -> [1;2;3;4] 我需要两个函数来做到这一点: le
我想将一个或多个 .fsx 文件加载到 F# 交互中,并将 .fsx 文件中定义的所有函数都包含在作用域中,以便我可以直接使用控制台中的功能。 #load 指令执行指定的 .fsx 文件,但随后我无法
我正在尝试像 this page 中那样编写 F 代数.不同之处在于,不是用元组组合,而是像这样: type FAlgebra[F[_], A] = F[A] => A def algebraZip[
给定一个 F# 记录: type R = { X : string ; Y : string } 和两个对象: let a = { X = null ; Y = "##" } let b = {
假设我有一个字符串“COLIN”。 这个字符串的数值是: 3 + 15 + 12 + 9 + 14 = 53. 所以 A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, and so on. 为此,我什至不知道
在 C# 中,我有以下代码来创建一个对象实例。 var myObject = new MyClass("paramvalue") { Property1 = "value1" Proper
即,标准库中有这样的函数吗? let ret x _ = x 为了保持代码可读性,我想尽量减少自制基本构建功能构建块的数量,并使用现有的东西。 最佳答案 不。你可能想看看 FSharpX。 关于f#
目前,我有一个函数可以将列表中每个列表的第一个元素( float )返回到单独的列表。 let firstElements list = match list with | head:
我刚刚解决了problem23在 Project Euler 中,我需要一个 set 来存储所有丰富的数字。 F# 有一个不可变集合,我可以使用 Set.empty.Add(i) 创建一个包含数字 i
F#语言具有计算自然对数的函数log和计算以10为底的对数的log10。 在F#中以2为底的对数的最佳计算方法是什么? 最佳答案 您可以简单地使用以下事实:“ b的a对数” = ln(b)/ ln(a
动机 我有一个长时间运行的 bool 函数,它应该在数组中执行,如果数组中的元素满足条件,我想立即返回。我想并行搜索并在第一个完整线程返回正确答案时终止其他线程。 问题 在 F# 中实现并行存在函数的
我最近完成了一个生成字符串列表的项目,我想知道执行此操作的最佳方法。 字符串生成是上下文敏感的,以确定它是否可以接受(这是游戏中的一系列游戏,所以你必须知道最后一次游戏是什么) 我这样做的方法是使用一
就目前而言,这个问题不适合我们的问答形式。我们希望答案得到事实、引用或专业知识的支持,但这个问题可能会引起辩论、争论、投票或扩展讨论。如果您觉得这个问题可以改进并可能重新打开,visit the he