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我正在调试 arm-family cpu (Cortex M3) 上的固件。
调试器显示 CPU 寄存器,包括一个称为“xPSR”的寄存器,其中包含一个称为“ISR”的子字段。 CPU寄存器中的模式是“Mode=Handler”,这意味着m3 cpu处于中断处理程序而不是“线程”模式。我知道的就这么多。
我在那里看到字段 xPSR.ISR = 15 的值。我认为那一定是十六进制的 15(十二月 21)。我猜测这是查看 ISR 向量表注释的“系统定时器滴答 0B”中断。实际上,我现在猜测它是十进制的 15,它是我正在查看的 SysTick 定时器中断处理程序。(请注意,因为代码是汇编单行默认处理程序的情况,其中大约 100 个不同的 asm 标签落在一个地方,很难从代码中看出是谁调用了 ISR。)
然而,我对 Cortex M3 芯片还很陌生,我对 ARM7TDMI 的了解因为不使用它而逐渐淡化,以至于我不记得了。我在任何地方的文档中都找不到这个。
异常编号 15 是 Cortex M3 上的 SYSTICK 中断。
ARM Cortex M3 Technical Reference Manual有一个表(表 5-1 - 异常类型)列出了 M3 使用的各种中断号。
Exception type Position Priority Description
-------------- ------------ -------- ------------------------------------
Reset 1 –3 (highest) Invoked on power up and warm reset. On first instruction,
drops to lowest priority (Thread mode). This is asynchronous.
Non-maskable Int 2 –2 Cannot be stopped or pre-empted by any exception but reset.
This is asynchronous.
Hard Fault 3 –1 All classes of Fault, when the fault cannot activate because of
priority or the Configurable Fault handler has been disabled.
This is synchronous.
Memory Management 4 Configurable Memory Protection Unit (MPU) mismatch, including access
violation and no match. This is synchronous. This is used
even if the MPU is disabled or not present, to support the
Executable Never (XN) regions of the default memory map.
Bus Fault 5 Configurable Pre-fetch fault, memory access fault, and other
address/memory related. This is synchronous when precise
and asynchronous when imprecise.
Usage Fault 6 Configurable Usage fault, such as Undefined instruction executed or illegal
state transition attempt. This is synchronous.
- 7-10 - Reserved
SVCall 11 Configurable System service call with SVC instruction. This is
Debug Monitor 12 Configurable Debug monitor, when not halting. This is synchronous, but
only active when enabled. It does not activate if lower priority
than the current activation.
- 13 - Reserved
PendSV 14 Configurable Pendable request for system service. This is asynchronous
and only pended by software.
SysTick 15 Configurable System tick timer has fired. This is asynchronous.
External Interrupt 16 and above Configurable Asserted from outside the core, INTISR[239:0], and fed
through the NVIC (prioritized). These are all asynchronous.
关于arm - 调试 Cortex M3 (ARM) Embedded - 您如何从 xPSR.ISR 判断正在运行什么 ISR?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3199802/
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很难说出这里问的是什么。这个问题是含糊的、模糊的、不完整的、过于宽泛的或修辞性的,无法以目前的形式得到合理的回答。如需帮助澄清此问题以便重新打开它,visit the help center 。 已关
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