repl :: Sim -> IO Sim > repl old_sim = do > -6ren">
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exception - Haskell 错误 : "Ambiguous type variable" in Exception. 捕获;需要类型签名,但在哪里?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 06:30:00 27 4
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我正在尝试将我的程序的错误处理转换为使用异常。我构建了一个 REPL 来控制我的模拟,我也在其中处理错误:

> repl :: Sim -> IO Sim
> repl old_sim = do
> new_sim <- E.catch (do line <- getLine
> commands <- parseCommand line
> runCommands commands old_sim)
> (\err -> do putStrLn . show $ err
> return old_sim)
> if alive new_sim
> then repl new_sim
> else return new_sim

parseCommands 或 runCommands 都可以 fail String , 两者都返回 IO Sim .

Prelude> :l simple_sim
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( simple_sim.lhs, interpreted )

Ambiguous type variable `a0' in the constraints:
(E.Exception a0) arising from a use of `E.catch'
at simple_sim.lhs:95:18-24
(Show a0) arising from a use of `show' at simple_sim.lhs:100:49-52
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
In a stmt of a 'do' expression:
new_sim <- E.catch
(do { line <- getLine;
commands <- parseCommand line;
runCommands commands old_sim })
(\ err
-> do { putStrLn . show $ err;
return old_sim })
In the expression:
do { new_sim <- E.catch
(do { line <- getLine;
commands <- parseCommand line;
runCommands commands old_sim })
(\ err
-> do { putStrLn . show $ err;
.... });
if alive new_sim then repl new_sim else return new_sim }
In an equation for `repl':
repl old_sim
= do { new_sim <- E.catch
(do { line <- getLine;
commands <- parseCommand line;
.... })
(\ err -> do { ... });
if alive new_sim then repl new_sim else return new_sim }
Failed, modules loaded: none.

Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)



您需要它 on err 来确定您要捕获哪些异常。

关于exception - Haskell 错误 : "Ambiguous type variable" in Exception. 捕获;需要类型签名,但在哪里?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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