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java - Java 中的 DES 实现 : Error during Key Generation Phase

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我是一名学生,正在做一个小项目 - DES 实现。
我之前对将 64 位 key 转换为 56 位 key 有疑问,多亏了这里收到的一些指导,我可以成功地做到这一点。

我将我的实现分为 key 生成阶段(我为 16 轮中的每一轮生成一个新 key )和加密阶段。

但是,我无法生成正确的 key 。

DES key 生成阶段包括:

  • 将 56 位 key 划分为 2 个 28 位 key 。我将 4 个字节中的 28 位存储为 leftkey28[4] (最后 4 位为 0) & rightkey28[4] (前 4 位为 0)
  • 这些 28 位组使用 (<< 1 & << 2 在原始算法中进行左循环移位,然后组合以获得新的 56 位 key )。但是,因为这个问题,我暂时放弃了左移2,只左循环了1。仍然,这个问题的根源是无法追踪的。

  • 问题似乎在行 Round#2 Byte#2在我的输出中。

    代码没有根据 Java 规则/约定进行优化或编写,因为我只是想让它在做任何其他事情之前工作


    * @author krish 2nd Aug, 2011

    class DES {

    final static int KEY_LENGTH = 8; // 8 byte key, 64 bits
    final static int BLOCK_SIZE = 8; // 8 byte blocks, 64 bits
    final static int NUM_ROUNDS = 16; // 16 rounds per block

    // =======================================================================
    int[] compressionPermutation = { 14, 17, 11, 24, 1, 5, 3, 28, 15, 6, 21,
    10, 23, 19, 12, 4, 26, 8, 16, 7, 27, 20, 13, 2, 41, 52, 31, 37, 47,
    55, 30, 40, 51, 45, 33, 48, 44, 49, 39, 56, 34, 53, 46, 42, 50, 36,
    29, 32 };

    // int[] keyShiftValue = { 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1 };
    // ---
    // don't need this
    // =======================================================================

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
    System.out.println("Enter an 8 char key: ");
    String inputKey, inputMsg;
    char[] inputArray;
    byte[] key64 = new byte[8];
    byte[] key56 = new byte[7];
    int counter;

    try {
    // get key, key length() >= 8 chars

    // inputKey = br.readLine();// uncomment later!!$$$$$$$
    inputKey = "abcdefgh";
    if (inputKey.length() < 8) {
    System.out.println("Key < 8 B. Exiting. . .");
    // java char has 16 bits instead of 8 bits as in C,
    // so convert it to 8 bit char by getting lower order byte &
    // discarding higher order byte; &
    // consider only first 8 chars even if input > 8
    inputArray = inputKey.toCharArray();
    for (counter = 0; counter < 8; counter++)
    key64[counter] = (byte) inputArray[counter];

    // converting 64bit key to 56 bit key
    for (counter = 0; counter < KEY_LENGTH - 1; counter++) {
    key64[counter] = (byte) (key64[counter] >>> 1);
    key64[counter] = (byte) (key64[counter] << 1);
    for (counter = 0; counter < KEY_LENGTH - 1; counter++) {
    key56[counter] = (byte) (key64[counter] << counter);
    key56[counter] = (byte) (key56[counter] | (key64[counter + 1] >>> (KEY_LENGTH - 1 - counter)));
    * Conversion from 64 to 56 bit testing code
    * System.out.println("64 to 56 test:"); System.out.println(new
    * String(key56)); System.out.println(); for (int counter1 = 0;
    * counter1 < 7; counter1++) { for (int counter2 = 7; counter2 >= 0;
    * counter2--) { System.out.println(key56[counter1] & (1 <<
    * counter2)); } System.out.println(); }

    // end of obtaining 56bit key

    // DS USED - compressionPermutation

    byte[] leftKey28 = new byte[4];
    byte[] rightKey28 = new byte[4];
    byte circularBit;
    byte[][] newKey56 = new byte[16][7];

    // new 56 bit key for the first round, then loop for other rounds
    leftKey28[0] = key56[0];
    leftKey28[1] = key56[1];
    leftKey28[2] = key56[2];
    leftKey28[3] = (byte) (key56[3] & 11110000);

    // rightKey28[0] = (byte) (key56[3] & 00001111);
    // prob here, doesnt work as given above??
    rightKey28[0] = (byte) (key56[3] - leftKey28[3]);
    rightKey28[1] = key56[4];
    rightKey28[2] = key56[5];
    rightKey28[3] = key56[6];

    * // printing starts here System.out.print("1 Byte # 0" + " ");
    * for (int counter2 = 7; counter2 >= 0; counter2--) {
    * System.out.print(leftKey28[0] & (1 << counter2));
    * System.out.print(", "); } System.out.println(); // printing ends
    * here

    circularBit = (byte) (leftKey28[0] & (1 << 7));

    leftKey28[0] = (byte) (leftKey28[0] << 1);
    leftKey28[0] = (byte) (leftKey28[0] | ((((int) leftKey28[1]) & 0xff) >>> 7));

    leftKey28[1] = (byte) (leftKey28[1] << 1);
    leftKey28[1] = (byte) (leftKey28[1] | ((((int) leftKey28[2]) & 0xff) >>> 7));

    leftKey28[2] = (byte) (leftKey28[2] << 1);
    leftKey28[2] = (byte) (leftKey28[2] | ((((int) leftKey28[3]) & 0xff) >>> 7));

    leftKey28[3] = (byte) (leftKey28[3] << 1);
    leftKey28[3] = (byte) (leftKey28[3] | ((((int) circularBit) & 0xff) >>> 3));

    circularBit = (byte) (rightKey28[0] & (1 << 3));
    circularBit <<= 4;

    rightKey28[0] = (byte) (rightKey28[0] << 1);
    rightKey28[0] = (byte) (rightKey28[0] | ((((int) rightKey28[1]) & 0xff) >>> 7));

    rightKey28[1] = (byte) (rightKey28[1] << 1);
    rightKey28[1] = (byte) (rightKey28[1] | ((((int) rightKey28[2]) & 0xff) >>> 7));

    rightKey28[2] = (byte) (rightKey28[2] << 1);
    rightKey28[2] = (byte) (rightKey28[2] | ((((int) rightKey28[3]) & 0xff) >>> 7));

    rightKey28[3] = (byte) (rightKey28[3] << 1);
    rightKey28[3] = (byte) (rightKey28[3] | ((((int) circularBit) & 0xff) >>> 3));

    newKey56[0][0] = leftKey28[0];
    newKey56[0][1] = leftKey28[1];
    newKey56[0][2] = leftKey28[2];
    newKey56[0][3] = (byte) (leftKey28[3] | rightKey28[0]);
    newKey56[0][4] = rightKey28[1];
    newKey56[0][5] = rightKey28[2];
    newKey56[0][6] = rightKey28[3];
    // we have a new left circular shifted key in newKey56

    // done testing for newkey56[0] // left and right testing code
    for (int counter1 = 0; counter1 < 7; counter1++) {
    System.out.print("Round#0 Byte#" + counter1 + " ");
    for (int counter2 = 7; counter2 >= 0; counter2--) {
    if (counter2 == 3)
    System.out.print(" ");
    if ((newKey56[0][counter1] & (1 << counter2)) > 0) {
    } else {
    // left and right testing code ends here

    // for round 1 to 15: left circular shift each 28 bit block by 1{
    for (int round = 1; round < NUM_ROUNDS; round++) {
    // for the first round, then loop for other rounds
    leftKey28[0] = newKey56[round - 1][0];
    leftKey28[1] = newKey56[round - 1][1];
    leftKey28[2] = newKey56[round - 1][2];
    leftKey28[3] = (byte) (newKey56[round - 1][3] & 11110000);

    // rightKey28[0] = (byte) (newKey56[round - 1][3] & 00001111);
    rightKey28[0] = (byte) (newKey56[round - 1][3] - leftKey28[3]);
    rightKey28[1] = newKey56[round - 1][4];
    rightKey28[2] = newKey56[round - 1][5];
    rightKey28[3] = newKey56[round - 1][6];

    // if (round == 1 || round == 8 || round == 15) {
    // left circular shift by 1
    circularBit = (byte) (leftKey28[0] & (1 << 7));

    leftKey28[0] <<= 1;
    leftKey28[0] |= ((((int) leftKey28[1]) & 0xff) >>> 7);

    leftKey28[1] <<= 1;
    leftKey28[1] |= ((((int) leftKey28[2]) & 0xff) >>> 7);

    // ////////////////////////error here ////////////////////////////
    leftKey28[2] <<= 1;
    leftKey28[2] |= ((((int) leftKey28[3]) & 0xff) >>> 7);
    // ////////////////////////error here //////////////////////////

    leftKey28[3] <<= 1;
    leftKey28[3] |= ((((int) circularBit) & 0xff) >>> 3);

    circularBit = (byte) (rightKey28[0] & (1 << 3));
    circularBit <<= 4;

    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////
    rightKey28[0] = (byte) (rightKey28[0] << 1);
    rightKey28[0] &= 00001111;
    rightKey28[0] = (byte) (rightKey28[0] | ((((int) rightKey28[1]) & 0xff) >>> 7));
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////

    rightKey28[1] = (byte) (rightKey28[1] << 1);
    rightKey28[1] = (byte) (rightKey28[1] | ((((int) rightKey28[2]) & 0xff) >>> 7));

    rightKey28[2] = (byte) (rightKey28[2] << 1);
    rightKey28[2] = (byte) (rightKey28[2] | ((((int) rightKey28[3]) & 0xff) >>> 7));

    rightKey28[3] = (byte) (rightKey28[3] << 1);
    rightKey28[3] = (byte) (rightKey28[3] | ((((int) circularBit) & 0xff) >>> 7));
    // } else {
    // // left circular shift by 2
    // }

    newKey56[round][0] = leftKey28[0];
    newKey56[round][1] = leftKey28[1];
    newKey56[round][2] = leftKey28[2];
    newKey56[round][3] = (byte) (leftKey28[3] | rightKey28[0]);
    newKey56[round][4] = rightKey28[1];
    newKey56[round][5] = rightKey28[2];
    newKey56[round][6] = rightKey28[3];

    // testing code for all keys for rounds 1 to 15
    for (int counter1 = 0; counter1 < 7; counter1++) {
    System.out.print("Round#" + round + " Byte#" + counter1
    + " ");
    for (int counter2 = 7; counter2 >= 0; counter2--) {
    if (counter2 == 3)
    System.out.print(" ");
    if ((newKey56[round][counter1] & (1 << counter2)) > 0) {
    } else {

    if (round == 2)
    // testing code ends

    }// for loop ends

    * // newKey56 testing code
    * System.out.println("new56key testing here"); for (counter = 0;
    * counter < NUM_ROUNDS; counter++) { System.out.println(new
    * String(newKey56[counter])); System.out.println();
    * for (int counter1 = 0; counter1 < 7; counter1++) {
    * System.out.print("Round # " + counter + " Byte # " + counter1 +
    * " "); for (int counter2 = 7; counter2 >= 0; counter2--) {
    * System.out.print(newKey56[counter][counter1] & (1 << counter2));
    * System.out.print(", "); } System.out.println(); } }


    } catch (Exception e) {

    Enter an 8 char key:
    Round#0 Byte#0 1100 0001
    Round#0 Byte#1 1000 1011
    Round#0 Byte#2 0001 0110
    Round#0 Byte#3 0100 1100
    Round#0 Byte#4 1001 1001
    Round#0 Byte#5 1011 0011
    Round#0 Byte#6 0110 1000

    Round#1 Byte#0 1000 0011
    Round#1 Byte#1 0001 0110
    Round#1 Byte#2 0010 1100
    Round#1 Byte#3 1001 1001
    Round#1 Byte#4 0011 0011
    Round#1 Byte#5 0110 0110
    Round#1 Byte#6 1101 0001

    Round#2 Byte#0 0000 0110
    Round#2 Byte#1 0010 1100
    Round#2 Byte#2 0101 1000 //error here => 0101 1001
    Round#2 Byte#3 0011 0000 //error here => 0011 0010
    Round#2 Byte#4 0110 0110
    Round#2 Byte#5 1100 1101
    Round#2 Byte#6 1010 0011


    DES 的约定是假装你有 64 位 key (8 个字节),但如果你真的,呃,迂腐,你用前 7 位的奇偶校验破坏每个字节的第 8 位。

    我只玩过 Java,而且我看到 Java(Sun/Oracle JRE)不会费心检查奇偶校验。它只是忽略每个字节的第 8 位。

    也许是 DESEngine在 BouncyCaSTLe 中会对您有所帮助。 generateWorkingKey()方法看起来很有趣:

    关于java - Java 中的 DES 实现 : Error during Key Generation Phase,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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