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ruby-on-rails-3 - 单个 Controller ,多个(继承)类(rails 3)

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 06:10:31 24 4
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我有一个基类由另外两个通过单表继承继承。由于各种原因,我希望所有子类共享相同的 Controller / View ——唯一真正的区别在于模型的功能。

但是,当我尝试使用 时链接到“东西”,instance_of_child 我收到有关无法找到正确页面的投诉。

我试过弄乱 匹配“/子类”=> 重定向(“/父”)但这会产生毫无意义的奇怪链接。有什么建议?我对 rails 还很陌生,我承认我对 routes.rb 的理解仍然有限——但是,我不完全确定这是否是我应该寻找的地方。


来自 :

If you’ve ever tried to add STI to an existing Rails application you probably know that many of your link_to and form_for methods throw errors when you add a parent class. This is because ActionPack looks at the class of an object to determine its path and URL, and you haven’t mapped routes for your new subclasses. You can add the routes like so, though I don’t recommend it:

# NOT recommended:
map.resources :cars, :as => :vehicles, :controller => :vehicles
map.resources :trucks, :as => :vehicles, :controller => :vehicles
map.resources :motorcycles, :as => :vehicles, :controller => :vehicles

This only alleviates a particular symptom. If we use form_for, our form fields will still not have the names we expect (eg: params[:car][:color] instead of params[:vehicle][:color]). Instead, we should attack the root of the problem by implementing the model_name method in our parent class. I haven’t seen any documentation for this technique, so this is very unofficial, but it makes sense and it works perfectly for me in Rails 2.3 and 3:

def self.inherited(child)  
child.instance_eval do
def model_name

This probably looks confusing, so let me explain:

When you call a URL-generating method (eg: link_to("car", car)), ActionPack calls model_name on the class of the given object (here car). This returns a special type of string that determines what the object is called in URLs. All we’re doing here is overriding the model_name method for subclasses of Vehicle so ActionPack will see Car, Truck, and Motorcycle subclasses as belonging to the parent class (Vehicle), and thus use the parent class’s named routes (VehiclesController) wherever URLs are generated. This is all assuming you’re using Rails resource-style (RESTful) URLs. (If you’re not, please do.)

To investigate the model_name invocation yourself, see the Rails source code for the ActionController::RecordIdentifier#model_name_from_record_or_class method. In Rails 2.3 the special string is an instance of ActiveSupport::ModelName, in Rails 3 it’s an ActiveModel::Name

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