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ibm-integration-bus - 具有多个连接的消息代理节点输出终端

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 06:09:41 24 4
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我找不到关于此的任何 IBM 文档,但工具包并没有阻止我这样做。

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我感兴趣的是 IBM 记录的有关您执行此操作时会发生什么的行为以及您可以根据您的经验等向我提供的任何其他信息。


解释行为的手册部分 is here .从手册:

You can connect a single output terminal of one node to the input terminal of more than one node (this is known as fan-out). If you do this, the same message is propagated to all target nodes, but you have no control over the order in which the subsequent paths through the message flow are executed (except with the FlowOrder node).

You can also connect the output terminal of several nodes to a single node input terminal (this is known as fan-in). Again, the messages that are received by the target node are not received in any guaranteed order.

确保您拥有与您的 Broker 版本匹配的信息中心版本!以上来自v7.0 Infocenter。多个版本的 WebSphere Message Broker 的信息中心是 available here在线和可下载的格式。

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