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php - 拆分字符串时出现问题

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 06:06:33 24 4
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One | Two | Three

我想在找到管道时拆分这些字符串,但我也想确保如果有“转义管道”(\| ),它不会被处理。

因此,例如,从这个字符串: Tom | Dick \| and | Harry
我想获得一个包含值的数组: Tom , Dick \| and , Harry
出于这个原因,我编写了一个小的正则表达式来搜索前面没有反斜杠的管道: (?<!\\)\|
我已经在我的 IDE(PHPStorm,即基于 Java 的 AFAIK)中测试了这个正则表达式并且它工作正常,但是当我在 PHP 项目中使用它时我收到错误;实际上我正在使用 PHP 5.3.6 版测试此代码


$cText = "First choice | Second \| choice |Third choice";

// I need to split a string, and to divide it I need to find
// each occurrence of a pipe character "|", but I also have to be sure not
// to find an escaped "|".
// What I'm expecting:
// acChoice[0] = "First choice "
// acChoice[1] = " Second \| choice "
// acChoice[2] = "Third choice"

$acChoice = preg_split("/(?<!\\)\|/", $cText);

// Gives this error:
// Warning: preg_split(): Compilation failed: missing ) at offset 8 in - on line 14 bool(false)

$acChoice = mb_split("/(?<!\\)\|/", $cText);

// Gives this error:
// Warning: mb_split(): mbregex compile err: end pattern with unmatched parenthesis in - on line 19 bool(false)




$acChoice = preg_split("/(?<!\\\\)\\|/", $cText);

关于php - 拆分字符串时出现问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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