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这是我的代码,它的作用是我在场景中添加了一些球体,以便它们落入篮子内,这个篮子是我在 newBasket() 函数中定义的自定义形状对象,问题是篮子确实与地面物体碰撞,但不与球体碰撞,我不知道为什么,请在这里帮助我,我在其他地方找不到解决方案,提前致谢。
_W = display.contentWidth
_H = display.contentHeight
local physics = require("physics")
-- iOS
-- screen boundaries
local ground = display.newRect(0, _H, _W, 5)
local leftWall = display.newRect(0,0,1,_H)
local rightWall = display.newRect(_W,0,1,_H)
physics.addBody(ground, "static", {friction = .2, bounce = .1})
physics.addBody(leftWall, "static", {friction = .2, bounce = .1})
physics.addBody(rightWall, "static", {friction = .2, bounce = .1})
local function newBasket()
local body = display.newImage("assets/basket.png")
body.x = 0 body.y = 0
local physics_body = {}
physics_body["basket"] = {
density = 10, friction = 10, bounce = 0.15,
shape = {-126, 40, -110, 40, -140, -64, -156, -64}
density = 10, friction = 1, bounce = 0,
shape = {-121, 60, 125, 60, 128, 40, -126, 40}
density = 10, friction = 10, bounce = 0.15,
shape = {113, 40, 129, 40, 158, -64, 143, -64}
physics.addBody(body, unpack(physics_body["basket"]) )
return body
local basket = newBasket()
basket.x = _W * .5 basket.y = _H - 100
local function newPlanet()
local planets = {
{img = "bigBall.png", radius = 45},
{img = "mediumBall.png", radius = 30},
{img = "smallBall.png", radius = 20}
local n = math.random(1,3)
local img = "assets/" .. planets[n].img
local ball = display.newImage(img)
ball.x = math.random((_W * 0.5) -100, (_W * 0.5) + 100) ball.y = 0
physics.addBody(ball, {bounce = 0.3, radius = planets[n].radius})
local function spawnPlanets(number)
local function spawn(e)
if(e.count == number) then
tmr = nil
tmr = timer.performWithDelay(500, spawn, number)
根据manual :
If a shape is specified, then the body boundaries will follow the polygon provided by the shape. Note that the maximum number of sides per shape is eight, and all angles must be convex. [...] The shape coordinates must be defined in clockwise order, and the resulting shape must be convex-only.
local function newBasket()
local physics_body = {}
physics_body["basket"] = {
density = 10, friction = 10, bounce = 0.15,
shape = {-126, 40, -156, -64, -140, -64, -110, 40 }
density = 10, friction = 1, bounce = 0,
shape = {-121, 60,-126, 40, 128, 40, 125, 60 }
density = 10, friction = 10, bounce = 0.15,
shape = {113, 40, 143, -64, 158, -64, 129, 40 }
for k,shape in pairs(physics_body["basket"]) do
local body = display.newRect(0, 0, 200, 100)
body.x = display.contentCenterX
body.y = display.contentHeight - 60
physics.addBody(body, 'static', shape )
关于lua - Corona SDK 自定义物理体,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10166437/
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在一些源代码中,我看到了“Underscore.lua”模块的用法。 _ = require 'underscore' 描述如下: Underscore.lua is a Lua library th
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在阅读 Lua manual 时我遇到了这部分: 函数调用和赋值都可以以左括号开头。这种可能性导致了 Lua 语法中的歧义。考虑以下片段: a = b + c (print or io.write)(
假设我有以下循环: for name in poll() do if name == "quit" then return 0 end end "quit" 字符串是否
Pandoc 通过其 --lua-filter 参数原生支持 lua 过滤器。 但是,我想知道它使用的是什么版本的 lua,以及是否可以将 lua 模块(我相信它依赖于 C 代码)导入其中。 这是我调
这种语言是面向对象的语言吗? 它经常用作OO语言吗? 最佳答案 Lua 完全有能力 prototype-based类似于 JavaScript 的面向对象编程。 Prototype-based pro
我想从 C++ 传递一个 Lua 脚本(Lua 解释器可以处理的代码)并取回结果。 我在网上查看,但找不到任何可以帮助我的示例。我可以从 C++ 调用 Lua 函数,但这需要您使用 Lua 函数创建一
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我最近一直在查找 Lua 中的链表,并有一个简单的问题,到目前为止我还没有找到答案 local head = nil head = {next = head, value = "d"} head =
是否可以在 Lua 中对多个值执行算术运算。 我在 Windows 5.1.4 上使用 Lua。 目前我必须将多个值放入一个表中,然后解压缩它们,我希望能够跳过这一步。 是否可以。 这是我目前拥有的:
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