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google-chrome-os - 您会提倡在 Google Chrome 操作系统中包含哪些研究操作系统功能

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 05:43:37 25 4
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  • 运行以 HTML5 呈现并使用 CSS3 样式的 JavaScript 编写(或编译为)现有应用程序
  • 对打印机、外部存储和光驱的即插即用支持
  • 与 Internet 断开连接时优雅降级
  • 足够的进程配额以支持安全地允许任务在后台运行,包括计时器

  • 您希望看到现有研究操作系统(例如 Plan 9 )的哪些具体功能通过此 channel 进入主流?请将您的建议限制在已实现的内容上,并提供实现的链接(或至少搜索字词)。

    来自 Plan 9 docs :

    Plan 9 began in the late 1980’s as an attempt to have it both ways: to build a system that was centrally administered and cost-effective using cheap modern microcomputers as its computing elements.

    上网本有资格作为廉价的现代微型计算机,而云有资格作为集中管理。除了扩展 1970 年代的分时操作系统之外,还有机会实现我们希望上网本拥有的功能(用 DDaviesBrackett 的话);研究操作系统可能已经通过示例证明了替代方案的值(value)。

    来自 the Plan 9 FAQ :

    Subject: What are its key ideas?

    Plan 9 exploits, as far as possible, three basic technical ideas: first, all the system objects present themselves as named files that are manipulated by read/write operations; second, all these files may exist either locally or remotely, and respond to a standard protocol; third, the file system name space - the set of objects visible to a program - is dynamically and individually adjustable for each of the programs running on a particular machine. The first two of these ideas were foreshadowed in Unix and to a lesser extent in other systems, while the third is new: it allows a new engineering solution to the problems of distributed computing and graphics. Plan 9's approach means that application programs don't need to know where they are running; where, and on what kind of machine, to run a Plan 9 program is an economic decision that doesn't affect the construction of the application itself.



    我会提倡 Chrome OS 的哪些操作系统功能?

    这是我作为 Plan 9/Inferno 粉丝的愿望 list :

  • 作为文件系统的资源(IP 堆栈、图形等)。
  • 网络透明文件系统(即 9P )。
  • 每个进程的私有(private)命名空间。
  • 类似 Factotum 的身份验证系统(即,没有 root 用户)。
  • 到处都是纯 UTF-8。
  • 极其轻量级的流程。
  • 自动快照和重复数据删除存储(ala venti+fossil)。

  • 我猜还有很多其他人,但这足以让我很高兴。

    这不是每次看到的“操作系统功能”,但我希望有一个带有鼠标和弦的 GUI。

    关于google-chrome-os - 您会提倡在 Google Chrome 操作系统中包含哪些研究操作系统功能,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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