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reactjs - Autosizer 制作高度和宽度为 0 的 div

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 05:29:11 26 4
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// Calling it
<div style={{ width: 1000, height: 800 }}>
<MyComponent />

// MyComponent.js
<InfiniteLoader { ...itsProps }>
{({ onRowsRendered }) => (

{({ width, height }) => (

width={ width }
width={ height }


<div style="overflow: visible; height: 0px; width: 0px;">
<div class="ReactVirtualized__Table" role="grid">


也许我误解了 Autosizer 的用法,所以我将其设置为根据父级的宽度/高度自行调整。



您共享的 HTML 片段中的 height: 0 样式实际上不是问题,因为 overflow: visible 样式。这就是 AutoSizer 的工作方式。

我建议你阅读 "Using AutoSizer" docs page .我怀疑您的问题与此处提到的常见问题之一相似:

AutoSizer expands to fill its parent but it will not stretch the parent. This is done to prevent problems with flexbox layouts. If AutoSizer is reporting a height (or width) of 0- then it's likely that the parent element (or one of its parents) has a height of 0. One easy way to test this is to add a style property (eg background-color: red;) to the parent to ensure that it is the correct size. (eg You may need to add height: 100% or flex: 1 to the parent.)

关于reactjs - Autosizer 制作高度和宽度为 0 的 div,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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