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installation - 是否可以强制 Tridion 2011 SP1 安装程序覆盖文件?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 05:26:45 25 4
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在 Tridion 2011 安装上应用 SP1 后,我们遇到了 Content Manager GUI 的一些问题:Internet 浏览器显示带有 JS 错误的空白页面。


[16:19:41,144] $dom is undefined @ http://localhost/WebUI/Editors/CME/Views/Dashboard/Dashboard_v6.1.0.55920.5_.aspx?mode=js:15

在 Windows 资源管理器中,我们可以看到文件 %TRIDION_HOME%\web\webUI\Core\Client\Base\Utils\Css.js 尚未被安装程序更新(修改日期)。


MSI (s) (C0:2C) [17:59:54:643]: File: F:\Tridion\web\WebUI\Core\Client\Base\Utils\Css.js;   Won't Overwrite;    Won't patch;    Existing file is unversioned but modified

在检查了之前安装在这台服务器上的补丁之后,我发现了一个包含 css.js 版本的补丁:CM_2011.0.1.76243。我想这就是安装程序不更新此文件的原因。

这是否意味着我们无法升级之前打过补丁的 Tridion 2011 环境?我们需要先卸载 Tridion 2011 还是有办法强制安装程序覆盖现有文件?



There is indeed a defect where the installer should copy files to a file system that have been modified, updated or replaced. For now (as you noticed), the only way to notify this is to look in the installer log and search for "Won't Overwrite; Won't patch; Existing file is un-versioned but modified" messages.

There should be no requirement for uninstalling SDL Tridion 2011 GA first, but rather looking at the installer log and then requesting us the problematic files.

关于installation - 是否可以强制 Tridion 2011 SP1 安装程序覆盖文件?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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