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asynchronous - 如何在 Erlang 中进行并行调用并等待所有结果?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 05:11:12 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在使用 Erlang 开发手机游戏后端。对于每个 HTTP 请求,它可能需要查询不同的数据源,例如 PostgreSQL、MongoDB 和 Redis。我想并行地对这些数据源进行独立调用,但找不到明确的 Erlang 方法。


handle_request(?POST, <<"login">>, UserId, Token) ->
% Verify token from PostgreSQL
AuthResult = auth_service:login(UserId, Token),

% Get user data such as outfits and level from MongoDB
UserDataResult = userdata_service:get(UserId),

% Get messages sent to the user from Redis
MessageResult = message_service:get(UserId),

% How to run the above 3 calls in parallel?
% Then wait for all their results here?

% Combine the result and send back to client
build_response(AuthResult, UserDataResult, MessageResult).

每个服务最终都会调用相应的数据驱动程序(epgsql、eredis、mongo_erlang),这些驱动程序最终会出现一些 pooboy:transaction 和 gen_server:call。如何设计这些服务模块也尚未确定。

我想确保上面的 3 个数据调用可以并行运行,然后 handle_request 函数等待所有这 3 个调用完成,然后调用 build_response。我怎么能正确地做到这一点?

作为引用,在 NodeJS 中,我可能会这样做

var authPromise = AuthService.login(user_id, token);
var userDataPromise = UserdataService.get(user_id);
var messagePromise = MessageService.get(user_id);
Promise.all(authPromise, userDataPromise, messagePromise).then( function(values) {

在 Scala 中,我可能会这样做

val authFuture = AuthService.login(userId, token)
val userDataFuture = UserdataService.get(userId)
val messageFuture = MessageService.get(userId)
for {
auth <- authFuture
userData <- userDataFuture
message <- messageFuture
} yield ( buildResponse(auth, userData, message )

显然,我认为这个问题是一个 promise / future / yield 问题。但是有人告诉我,如果我在 Erlang 中寻找 Promise,我可能会走错方向。 Erlang 实现这一目标的最佳实践是什么?


How to make parallel calls in Erlang and wait for all of the results?

您可以使用堆叠 receive条款。 Erlang 将在接收子句中永远等待,直到消息从进程到达(或者您可以使用 after 指定超时)——这类似于在 nodejs 中等待 promise :

all_results() ->
Pid1 = spawn(?MODULE, getdata1, [self(), {10, 20}]),
Pid2 = spawn(?MODULE, getdata2, [self(), 30]),
Pid3 = spawn(?MODULE, getdata3, [self()]),

[receive {Pid1, Result1} -> Result1 end,
receive {Pid2, Result2} -> Result2 end,
receive {Pid3, Result3} -> Result3 end].

getdata1(From, {X, Y}) ->
%% mimic the time it takes to retrieve the data:
SleepTime = rand:uniform(100),
io:format("Sleeping for ~w milliseconds~n", [SleepTime]),

From ! {self(), X+Y}. %% send the data back to the main process

getdata2(From, Z) ->
SleepTime = rand:uniform(100),
io:format("Sleeping for ~w milliseconds~n", [SleepTime]),

From ! {self(), Z+1}.

getdata3(From) ->
SleepTime = rand:uniform(100),
io:format("Sleeping for ~w milliseconds~n", [SleepTime]),

From ! {self(), 16}.

[receive {Pid1, Result1} -> Result1 end, 
receive {Pid2, Result2} -> Result2 end,
receive {Pid3, Result3} -> Result3 end].

R1 = receive {Pid1, Result1} -> 
R2 = receive {Pid2, Result2} ->
R3 = receive {Pid3, Result3} ->

[R1, R2, R3].

~/erlang_programs$ erl
Erlang/OTP 20 [erts-9.3] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [ds:4:4:10] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
Eshell V9.3 (abort with ^G)

1> c(my).
my.erl:2: Warning: export_all flag enabled - all functions will be exported

2> timer:tc(my, all_results, []).
Sleeping for 66 milliseconds
Sleeping for 16 milliseconds
Sleeping for 93 milliseconds

3> timer:tc(my, all_results, []).
Sleeping for 57 milliseconds
Sleeping for 30 milliseconds
Sleeping for 99 milliseconds

4> timer:tc(my, all_results, []).
Sleeping for 66 milliseconds
Sleeping for 31 milliseconds
Sleeping for 24 milliseconds

timer:tc()返回函数执行所需的时间(以微秒为单位)(1,000 微秒 = 1 毫秒)以及函数的返回值。例如,第一次 all_results()被称为完成需要 96.4 毫秒,而如果按顺序执行,单个进程将需要 66+16+93=175+ 毫秒才能完成。

关于asynchronous - 如何在 Erlang 中进行并行调用并等待所有结果?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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