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annotations - JAX-WS 实现注释与接口(interface)注释

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 04:59:02 27 4
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我使用注释配置我的 JAX-WS Web 服务。我使用了一个端点接口(interface),该接口(interface)带有一些值的注释,供服务器和客户端使用,因此它们共享接口(interface)。


@WebService(name = Constants.NAME, serviceName = Constants.SERVICE_NAME, targetNamespace = Constants.NAMESPACE)
public interface IManagementBean {
@WebMethod(operationName = "getStatistics")
IGetStatsResponse getStatistics(IGetStatsRequest request,
@WebParam(name = "gridName", header = true, partName = "gridName") String gridName)
throws WebServiceException;





You can safely start without any interfaces and introduce them later as the need arises. This approach is fundamentally different from that in Java EE 5. Compared to Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) from 2003, Java EE 6 code is simpler, in terms of the elimination of several layers, indirections, and abstractions. Unlike J2EE, Java EE 6 consists of annotated classes without any dependencies on the platform. This approach eliminates the need to separate business logic from the infrastructure and makes the majority of J2EE patterns and best practices superfluous. In Java EE 6, simple cases can be solved with two layers: presentation and business logic.

Java EE 6: Simplicity by Design - Adam Bien

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