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deployment - 为什么在调试时包中缺少项目的程序集?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 04:45:54 35 4
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今天,我在项目的唯一功能中添加了功能接收器。我还没有更改有关Visual Studio默认添加的空接收器类的任何内容。



Error occurred in deployment step 'Add Solution': Failed to load receiver assembly "ABC, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2377fad544a7c307" for feature "ABC_XYZ Feature" (ID: dca34989-a2f2-413b-b5c4-958e0bbb84ef).: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'ABC, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2377fad544a7c307' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. File name: 'ABC, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2377fad544a7c307' at System.Reflection.Assembly._nLoad(AssemblyName fileName, String codeBase, Evidence assemblySecurity, Assembly locationHint, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection) at System.Reflection.Assembly.InternalLoad(AssemblyName assemblyRef, Evidence assemblySecurity, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean forIntrospection) at System.Reflection.Assembly.InternalLoad(String assemblyString, Evidence assemblySecurity, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean forIntrospection) at System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(String assemblyString) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPFeatureDefinition.get_ReceiverObject()

WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF. To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1. Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging. To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog].



为什么当我使用“Package”命令时项目的程序集会包含在包中,而当我使用“Start Debugging”命令时却没有,并且添加功能接收器会导致这种情况发生?




...simply changing out the project’s strong key assembly worked in this particular case. If you haven’t had to change this before, it is under the properties of the project -> Signing. Under ‘Choose a strong name key file’, select New. The password is optional.

感谢这篇博客文章: Farm Solution Deployment Problems

关于deployment - 为什么在调试时包中缺少项目的程序集?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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