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haskell - 将具有类型类约束的函数转换为采用显式类型类字典的函数

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 04:25:39 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

众所周知,实现 Haskell 类型类的一种方法是通过“类型类字典”。 (这当然是 ghc 中的实现,尽管我强制说明其他实现是可能的。)为了修正想法,我将简要描述它是如何工作的。像这样的类声明

class (MyClass t) where
test1 :: t -> t -> t
test2 :: t -> String
test3 :: t

data MyClass_ t = MyClass_ {
test1_ :: t -> t -> t,
test2_ :: t -> String,
test3_ :: t,

instance (MyClass Int) where
test1 = (+)
test2 = show
test3 = 3

instance_MyClass_Int :: MyClass_ Int
instance_MyClass_Int = MyClass_ (+) show 3

my_function :: (MyClass t) => t -> String
my_function val = test2 . test1 test3

my_function_ :: MyClass_ t -> t -> String
my_function_ dict val = (test2_ dict) . (test1_ dict) (test3_ dict)


在这样的背景下,这是我的问题。我有一个模块 M它定义了一堆具有类约束的类和函数。 M是“不透明的”;我可以看到它导出的内容(相当于 .hi 文件),我可以从中导入,但我看不到它的源代码。我要构建一个新模块 N它基本上导出相同的东西,但应用了上述转换。例如,如果 M导出
class (Foo t) where
example1 :: t -> t -> t
example2 :: t -- note names and type signatures visible here
-- because they form part of the interface...

instance (Foo String) -- details of implementation invisible

instance (Foo Bool) -- details of implementation invisible

my_fn :: (Foo t) => t -> t -- exported polymorphic fn with class constraint
-- details of implementation invisible
module N where

import M

data Foo_ t = Foo_ {example1_ :: t-> t -> t, example2_ :: t}

instance_Foo_String :: Foo_ String
instance_Foo_String = Foo_ example1 example2
instance_Foo_Bool :: Foo_ Bool
instance_Foo_Bool = Foo_ example1 example2

my_fn_ :: Foo_ t -> t -> t
my_fn_ = ???

我的问题是 我到底能用什么代替??? .换句话说,我可以写什么来提取函数 my_fn 的“显式类型类”版本从原来的?这看起来相当棘手,而且令人愤怒,因为我们都知道模块 M 基本上已经在“底层”导出了类似 my_fn_ 的内容。我想创建的。 (或者至少,它在 GHC 上。)



{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

module Src where

import Data.List (intercalate)

class SimpleShow a where
sshow :: a -> String

class SimpleMonoid a where
mempty :: a
mappend :: a -> a -> a

class SimpleFunctor f where
sfmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

instance SimpleShow Int where
sshow = show

instance SimpleMonoid [a] where
mempty = []
mappend = (++)

instance SimpleMonoid ([a], [b]) where
mempty = ([], [])
mappend (a1, b1) (a2, b2) = (a1 ++ a2, b1 ++ b2)

instance SimpleFunctor [] where
sfmap = map

  • 'a' 在类(class)成员中的正位
  • 'a' 在类成员中的负位置
  • 需要灵活实例的实例
  • 更高种的类型

  • 我们将多参数类型族留作练习!请注意,我确实相信我所呈现的是一个完全通用的句法过程。我只是认为用例子来说明比正式描述转换更容易。无论如何,假设我们要处理以下函数:
    show_2lists :: (SimpleShow a) => [a] -> [a] -> String
    show_2lists as1 as2 = "[" ++ intercalate ", " (map sshow as1) ++ "]/["
    ++ intercalate ", " (map sshow as2) ++ "]"

    mconcat :: (SimpleMonoid a) => [a] -> a
    mconcat = foldr mappend mempty

    example :: (SimpleMonoid (x, y)) => [(x, y)] -> (x, y)
    example = foldr mappend mempty

    lift_all :: (SimpleFunctor f) => [a -> b] -> [f a -> f b]
    lift_all = map sfmap

    {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

    module Main where

    import Unsafe.Coerce
    import Src

    data Proxy k = Proxy

    class Reifies s a | s -> a where
    reflect :: proxy s -> a

    newtype Magic a r = Magic (forall (s :: *). Reifies s a => Proxy s -> r)

    reify :: forall a r. a -> (forall (s :: *). Reifies s a => Proxy s -> r) -> r
    reify a k = unsafeCoerce (Magic k :: Magic a r) (const a) Proxy
    {-# INLINE reify #-}

    data SimpleShow_ a = SimpleShow_ {sshow_ :: a -> String}
    data SimpleMonoid_ a = SimpleMonoid_ {mempty_ :: a,
    mappend_ :: a -> a -> a}
    data SimpleFunctor_ f = SimpleFunctor_ {
    sfmap_ :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b)

    instance_SimpleShow_Int :: SimpleShow_ Int
    instance_SimpleShow_Int = SimpleShow_ sshow

    instance_SimpleMonoid_lista :: SimpleMonoid_ [a]
    instance_SimpleMonoid_lista = SimpleMonoid_ mempty mappend

    instance_SimpleMonoid_listpair :: SimpleMonoid_ ([a], [b])
    instance_SimpleMonoid_listpair = SimpleMonoid_ mempty mappend

    instance_SimpleFunctor_list :: SimpleFunctor_ []
    instance_SimpleFunctor_list = SimpleFunctor_ sfmap

    --code to reify show_2lists :: (SimpleShow a) => [a] -> [a] -> String

    -- for each type variable that occurs in the constraints, we must
    -- create a newtype. Here there is only one tpye variable ('a') so we
    -- create one newtype.
    newtype Wrap_a a s = Wrap_a { extract_a :: a }

    -- for each constraint, we must create an instance of the
    -- corresponding typeclass where the instance variables have been
    -- replaced by the newtypes we just made, as follows.
    instance Reifies s (SimpleShow_ a) => SimpleShow (Wrap_a a s) where
    --sshow :: (Wrap_ a s) -> String
    sshow = unsafeCoerce sshow__
    where sshow__ :: a -> String
    sshow__ = sshow_ $ reflect (undefined :: [] s)

    -- now we can reify the main function
    show_2lists_ :: forall a. SimpleShow_ a -> [a] -> [a] -> String
    show_2lists_ dict = let
    magic :: forall s. ([Wrap_a a s] -> [Wrap_a a s] -> String)
    -> Proxy s -> ([a] -> [a] -> String)
    magic v _ arg1 arg2 = let
    w_arg1 :: [Wrap_a a s]
    w_arg1 = unsafeCoerce (arg1 :: [a])

    w_arg2 :: [Wrap_a a s]
    w_arg2 = unsafeCoerce (arg2 :: [a])

    w_ans :: String
    w_ans = v w_arg1 w_arg2

    ans :: String
    ans = unsafeCoerce w_ans
    in ans

    in (reify dict $ magic show_2lists)

    --code to reify mconcat :: (SimpleMonoid a) => [a] -> a

    -- Here the newtypes begin with Wrap1 to avoid name collisions with
    -- the ones above
    newtype Wrap1_a a s = Wrap1_a { extract1_a :: a }
    instance Reifies s (SimpleMonoid_ a) => SimpleMonoid (Wrap1_a a s) where
    --mappend :: (Wrap1_a a s) -> (Wrap1_a a s) -> (Wrap1_a a s)
    mappend = unsafeCoerce mappend__
    where mappend__ :: a -> a -> a
    mappend__ = (mappend_ $ reflect (undefined :: [] s))
    --mempty :: (Wrap1_a a s)
    mempty = unsafeCoerce mempty__
    where mempty__ :: a
    mempty__ = (mempty_ $ reflect (undefined :: [] s))

    mconcat_ :: forall a. SimpleMonoid_ a -> [a] -> a
    mconcat_ dict = let
    magic :: forall s. ([Wrap1_a a s] -> (Wrap1_a a s)) -> Proxy s -> ([a] -> a)
    magic v _ arg1 = let
    w_arg1 :: [Wrap1_a a s]
    w_arg1 = unsafeCoerce (arg1 :: [a])

    w_ans :: Wrap1_a a s
    w_ans = v w_arg1

    ans :: a
    ans = unsafeCoerce w_ans
    in ans

    in (reify dict $ magic mconcat)

    --code to reify example :: (SimpleMonoid (x, y)) => [(x, y)] -> (x, y)

    newtype Wrap2_x x s = Wrap2_x { extract2_x :: x }
    newtype Wrap2_y y s = Wrap2_y { extract2_y :: y }
    instance Reifies s (SimpleMonoid_ (x, y))
    => SimpleMonoid (Wrap2_x x s, Wrap2_y y s) where
    --mappend :: (Wrap2_x x s, Wrap2_y y s) -> (Wrap2_x x s, Wrap2_y y s)
    -- -> (Wrap2_x x s, Wrap2_y y s)
    mappend = unsafeCoerce mappend__
    where mappend__ :: (x, y) -> (x, y) -> (x, y)
    mappend__ = (mappend_ $ reflect (undefined :: [] s))
    --mempty :: (Wrap2_x x s, Wrap2_y y s)
    mempty = unsafeCoerce mempty__
    where mempty__ :: (x, y)
    mempty__ = (mempty_ $ reflect (undefined :: [] s))

    example_ :: forall x y. SimpleMonoid_ (x, y) -> [(x, y)] -> (x, y)
    example_ dict = let
    magic :: forall s. ([(Wrap2_x x s, Wrap2_y y s)] -> (Wrap2_x x s, Wrap2_y y s))
    -> Proxy s -> ([(x, y)] -> (x, y))
    magic v _ arg1 = let
    w_arg1 :: [(Wrap2_x x s, Wrap2_y y s)]
    w_arg1 = unsafeCoerce (arg1 :: [(x, y)])

    w_ans :: (Wrap2_x x s, Wrap2_y y s)
    w_ans = v w_arg1

    ans :: a
    ans = unsafeCoerce w_ans
    in ans

    in (reify dict $ magic mconcat)

    --code to reify lift_all :: (SimpleFunctor f) => [a -> b] -> [f a -> f b]

    newtype Wrap_f f s d = Wrap_f { extract_fd :: f d}
    instance Reifies s (SimpleFunctor_ f) => SimpleFunctor (Wrap_f f s) where
    --sfmap :: (a -> b) -> (Wrap_f f s a -> Wrap_f f s b)
    sfmap = unsafeCoerce sfmap__
    where sfmap__ :: (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b)
    sfmap__ = sfmap_ $ reflect (undefined :: [] s)

    lift_all_ :: forall a b f. SimpleFunctor_ f -> [a -> b] -> [f a -> f b]
    lift_all_ dict = let
    magic :: forall s. ([a -> b] -> [Wrap_f f s a -> Wrap_f f s b])
    -> Proxy s -> ([a -> b] -> [f a -> f b])
    magic v _ arg1 = let
    w_arg1 :: [a -> b]
    w_arg1 = unsafeCoerce (arg1 :: [a -> b])

    w_ans :: [Wrap_f f s a -> Wrap_f f s b]
    w_ans = v w_arg1

    ans :: [f a -> f b]
    ans = unsafeCoerce w_ans
    in ans

    in (reify dict $ magic lift_all)

    main :: IO ()
    main = do
    print (show_2lists_ instance_SimpleShow_Int [3, 4] [6, 9])
    print (mconcat_ instance_SimpleMonoid_lista [[1, 2], [3], [4, 5]])
    print (example_ instance_SimpleMonoid_listpair
    [([1, 2], ["a", "b"]), ([4], ["q"])])
    let fns' :: [[Int] -> [Int]]
    fns' = lift_all_ instance_SimpleFunctor_list [\ x -> x+1, \x -> x - 1]
    print (map ($ [5, 7]) fns')

    {- output:

    "[3, 4]/[6, 9]"


    请注意,我们使用了很多 unsafeCoerce , 但总是关联两种仅在新类型存在时不同的类型。由于运行时表示是相同的,这没关系。

    关于haskell - 将具有类型类约束的函数转换为采用显式类型类字典的函数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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