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swiftui - 如何在 SwiftUI 中的文本末尾添加按钮?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 04:21:01 24 4
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我想在 Game Center Settings 中创建一个类似于 Apple 的 UI,其中文本末尾有一个可点击的链接:

enter image description here

我正在使用 SwiftUI。我试图结合 TextButton在几个方面:
Form {
Text("A social gaming service that lets you interact with friends, track and compare scores and achievements, challenge other players, and compete in mulitplayer games.")
Button("See how your data is managed...", action: {})

Button(action: {}, label: {
Text("A social gaming service that lets you interact with friends, track and compare scores and achievements, challenge other players, and compete in mulitplayer games.").foregroundColor(.black)
Text("See how your data is managed...")

Group {
Text("A social gaming service that lets you interact with friends, track and compare scores and achievements, challenge other players, and compete in mulitplayer games.")
Button("See how your data is managed...", action: {})

HStack {
Text("A social gaming service that lets you interact with friends, track and compare scores and achievements, challenge other players, and compete in mulitplayer games.")
Button("See how your data is managed...", action: {})


enter image description here

理想情况下,我想避免 using an NSAttributedString ,因为我想使用 SwiftUI 组件,并且只希望蓝色部分是可点击的。

如何附加 ButtonText以便它的文本与文本的基线对齐?


这种类型的布局不太可能很快在 SwiftUI 中可用。主要的复杂性来自于 Button text 必须有一些关于(A)Text 框架的知识块(例如,知道在哪里放置溢出的内容,如原始示例中的“数据”一词),(B)对齐 Button Text 的第一个基线的最后一个基线,和 (C) 对齐 Button的前沿到 Text 的确切末端在最后一行(例如,它不能只是在框架的右侧,否则您将获得 HStack 行为)。

一种解决方法是遵循垂直放置组件的不同模式(即 Safari 设置中的模式):

enter image description here

这是在 SwiftUI 中更容易实现的布局:
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
Text("Allow websites to check if Apple Pay is enabled and if you have an Apple Card account.")
Button("About Safari & Privacy...", action: {})
}) {

关于swiftui - 如何在 SwiftUI 中的文本末尾添加按钮?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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