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我正在尝试使用索引的免费单子(monad)(Oleg Kiselyov 有 an intro )。我还希望免费的 monad 是从仿函数的副产品 la Data Types a la carte 中构建的。 .但是,我无法让副产品注入(inject)类型类工作。这是我到目前为止所拥有的:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Example where
import Control.Monad.Indexed
import Data.Kind
import Data.TASequence.FastCatQueue
import Prelude hiding ((>>), (>>=))
-- * Indexed free machinery
-- For use with `RebindableSyntax`
:: (IxMonad m)
=> m s1 s2 a -> (a -> m s2 s3 b) -> m s1 s3 b
(>>=) = (>>>=)
:: (IxApplicative m)
=> m s1 s2 a -> m s2 s3 b -> m s1 s3 b
f >> g = imap (const id) f `iap` g
type family Fst x where
Fst '(a, b) = a
type family Snd x where
Snd '(a, b) = b
newtype IKleisliTupled m ia ob = IKleisliTupled
{ runIKleisliTupled :: Snd ia -> m (Fst ia) (Fst ob) (Snd ob)
data Free f s1 s2 a where
Pure :: a -> Free f s s a
Impure ::
f s1 s2 a ->
FastTCQueue (IKleisliTupled (Free f)) '(s2, a) '(s3, b) ->
Free f s1 s3 b
instance IxFunctor (Free f) where
imap f (Pure a) = Pure $ f a
imap f (Impure a g) = Impure a (g |> IKleisliTupled (Pure . f))
instance IxPointed (Free f) where
ireturn = Pure
instance IxApplicative (Free f) where
iap (Pure f) (Pure a) = ireturn $ f a
iap (Pure f) (Impure a g) = Impure a (g |> IKleisliTupled (Pure . f))
iap (Impure a f) m = Impure a (f |> IKleisliTupled (`imap` m))
instance IxMonad (Free f) where
ibind f (Pure a) = f a
ibind f (Impure a g) = Impure a (g |> IKleisliTupled f)
-- * Example application
data FileStatus
= FileOpen
| FileClosed
data File i o a where
Open :: FilePath -> File 'FileClosed 'FileOpen ()
Close :: File 'FileOpen 'FileClosed ()
Read :: File 'FileOpen 'FileOpen String
Write :: String -> File 'FileOpen 'FileOpen ()
data MayFoo
= YesFoo
| NoFoo
data Foo i o a where
Foo :: Foo 'NoFoo 'YesFoo ()
data MayBar
= YesBar
| NoBar
data Bar i o a where
Bar :: Bar 'YesBar 'NoBar ()
-- * Coproduct of indexed functors
infixr 5 `SumP`
data SumP f1 f2 t1 t2 x where
LP :: f1 sl1 sl2 x -> SumP f1 f2 '(sl1, sr) '(sl2, sr) x
RP :: f2 sr1 sr2 x -> SumP f1 f2 '(sl, sr1) '(sl, sr2) x
-- * Attempt 1
class Inject l b where
inj :: forall a. l a -> b a
instance Inject (f i o) (f i o) where
inj = id
instance Inject (fl il ol) (SumP fl fr '(il, s) '(ol, s)) where
inj = LP
instance (Inject (f i' o') (fr is os)) =>
Inject (f i' o') (SumP fl fr '(s, is) '(s, os)) where
inj = RP . inj
:: Inject (t i o) (f is os)
=> t i o b -> Free f is os b
send t = Impure (inj t) (tsingleton (IKleisliTupled Pure))
-- Could not deduce `(Inject (Bar 'YesBar 'NoBar) f s30 s40)`
:: (Inject (File 'FileClosed 'FileOpen) (f s1 s2)
,Inject (Foo 'NoFoo 'YesFoo) (f s2 s3)
,Inject (Bar 'YesBar 'NoBar) (f s3 s4)
,Inject (File 'FileOpen 'FileClosed) (f s4 s5))
=> Free f s1 s5 ()
prog = do
send (Open "/tmp/foo.txt")
x <- send Read
send Foo
send (Write x)
send Bar
send Close
-- * Attempt 2
bsend :: (t i o b -> g is os b) -> t i o b -> Free g is os b
bsend f t = Impure (f t) (tsingleton (IKleisliTupled Pure))
-- Straightforward but not very usable
(File `SumP` Bar `SumP` Foo)
'( 'FileClosed, '( 'YesBar, 'NoFoo))
'( 'FileClosed, '( 'NoBar, 'YesFoo))
bprog = do
bsend LP (Open "/tmp/foo.txt")
x <- bsend LP Read
bsend (RP . RP) Foo
bsend (RP . LP) Bar
bsend LP (Write x)
bsend LP Close
-- * Attempt 3
class Inject' f i o (fs :: j -> j -> * -> *) where
type I f i o fs :: j
type O f i o fs :: j
inj' :: forall x. f i o x -> fs (I f i o fs) (O f i o fs) x
instance Inject' f i o f where
type I f i o f = i
type O f i o f = o
inj' = id
-- Illegal polymorphic type: forall (s :: k1). '(il, s)
instance Inject' fl il ol (SumP fl fr) where
type I fl il ol (SumP fl fr) = forall s. '(il, s)
type O fl il ol (SumP fl fr) = forall s. '(ol, s)
inj' = LP
instance (Inject' f i' o' fr) =>
Inject' f i' o' (SumP fl fr) where
type I f i' o' (SumP fl fr) = forall s. '(s, I f i' o' fr)
type O f i' o' (SumP fl fr) = forall s. '(s, O f i' o' fr)
inj' = RP . inj
我将首先介绍当前处理未结金额的标准方法。为了简单起见,我对普通的非索引仿函数执行此操作,因为索引的构造是相同的。然后我将介绍 GHC 8 启用的一些增强功能。
首先,我们将 n 元仿函数和定义为由仿函数列表索引的 GADT。这比使用二进制和更方便、更简洁。
{-# language
RebindableSyntax, TypeInType, TypeApplications,
AllowAmbiguousTypes, GADTs, TypeFamilies, ScopedTypeVariables,
UndecidableInstances, LambdaCase, EmptyCase, TypeOperators, ConstraintKinds,
FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}
import Data.Kind
data NS :: [* -> *] -> * -> * where
Here :: f x -> NS (f ': fs) x
There :: NS fs x -> NS (f ': fs) x
instance Functor (NS '[]) where
fmap _ = \case {}
instance (Functor f, Functor (NS fs)) => Functor (NS (f ': fs)) where
fmap f (Here fx) = Here (fmap f fx)
fmap f (There ns) = There (fmap f ns)
data Nat = Z | S Nat
type family Find (x :: a) (xs :: [a]) :: Nat where
Find x (x ': xs) = Z
Find x (y ': xs) = S (Find x xs)
class Elem' (n :: Nat) (f :: * -> *) (fs :: [* -> *]) where
inj' :: forall x. f x -> NS fs x
prj' :: forall x. NS fs x -> Maybe (f x)
instance (gs ~ (f ': gs')) => Elem' Z f gs where
inj' = Here
prj' (Here fx) = Just fx
prj' _ = Nothing
instance (Elem' n f gs', (gs ~ (g ': gs'))) => Elem' (S n) f gs where
inj' = There . inj' @n
prj' (Here _) = Nothing
prj' (There ns) = prj' @n ns
type Elem f fs = (Functor (NS fs), Elem' (Find f fs) f fs)
inj :: forall fs f x. Elem f fs => f x -> NS fs x
inj = inj' @(Find f fs)
prj :: forall f x fs. Elem f fs => NS fs x -> Maybe (f x)
prj = prj' @(Find f fs)
> :t inj @[Maybe, []] (Just True)
inj @[Maybe, []] (Just True) :: NS '[Maybe, []] Bool
类型族有些问题,因为它的归约经常被类型变量阻止。 GHC 不允许在类型变量的不等式上进行分支,因为统一可能会在以后将不同的变量实例化为相等的类型(并且基于不等式做出过早的决定会导致解决方案的丢失)。
> :kind! Find Maybe [Maybe, []]
Find Maybe [Maybe, []] :: Nat
= 'Z -- this works
> :kind! forall (a :: *)(b :: *). Find (Either b) [Either a, Either b]
forall (a :: *)(b :: *). Find (Either b) [Either a, Either b] :: Nat
= Find (Either b) '[Either a, Either b] -- this doesn't
State s
(x :: n) <- get
Num n
的情况下已知会导致类型推断失败,因为 GHC 无法计算
的索引当 state 参数是类型变量时生效。
State s
就可以安全地返回它的位置。参数,随后 GHC 将能够统一
import Data.Type.Bool
data Entry = App | forall a. Con a
type family (xs :: [a]) ++ (ys :: [a]) :: [a] where
'[] ++ ys = ys
(x ': xs) ++ ys = x ': (xs ++ ys)
type family Preord (x :: a) :: [Entry] where
Preord (f x) = App ': (Preord f ++ Preord x)
Preord x = '[ Con x]
> :kind! Preord (Maybe Int)
Preord (Maybe Int) :: [Entry]
= '['App, 'Con Maybe, 'Con Int]
> :kind! Preord [Either String, Maybe]
Preord [Either String, Maybe] :: [Entry]
= '['App, 'App, 'Con (':), 'App, 'Con Either, 'App, 'Con [],
'Con Char, 'App, 'App, 'Con (':), 'Con Maybe, 'Con '[]]
type family (x :: a) == (y :: b) :: Bool where
x == x = True
_ == _ = False
type family PreordList (xs :: [a]) (i :: Nat) :: [(Nat, [Entry])] where
PreordList '[] _ = '[]
PreordList (a ': as) i = '(i, Preord a) ': PreordList as (S i)
type family Narrow (e :: Entry) (xs :: [(Nat, [Entry])]) :: [(Nat, [Entry])] where
Narrow _ '[] = '[]
Narrow e ('(i, e' ': es) ': ess) = If (e == e') '[ '(i, es)] '[] ++ Narrow e ess
type family Find_ (es :: [Entry]) (ess :: [(Nat, [Entry])]) :: Nat where
Find_ _ '[ '(i, _)] = i
Find_ (e ': es) ess = Find_ es (Narrow e ess)
type Find x ys = Find_ (Preord x) (PreordList ys Z)
> :kind! forall (a :: *)(b :: *). Find (Either a) [Maybe, [], Either b]
forall (a :: *)(b :: *). Find (Either a) [Maybe, [], Either b] :: Nat
= 'S ('S 'Z)
关于haskell - 将索引仿函数注入(inject)仿函数协积,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40811452/
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我有以下代码,它容易受到 SQL 注入(inject)的攻击(我认为?): $IDquery = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT `ID` FROM users W
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我正在编写一个 ASP.NET MVC4 应用程序,它最终会动态构建一个 SQL SELECT 语句,以便稍后存储和执行。动态 SQL 的结构由用户配置以用户友好的方式确定,具有标准复选框、下拉列表和
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我不确定这是什么糖语法,但让我向您展示问题所在。 def factors num (1..num).select {|n| num % n == 0} end def mutual_factors
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在我的 Aurelia SPA 中,我有一些我想在不同模块中使用的功能。它依赖于调用时给出的参数和单例的参数。有没有办法创建一个导出函数,我可以将我的 Auth 单例注入(inject)其中,而不必在